Thoughts on kicking Fizzy drinks/Soda?



  • Shan790
    Shan790 Posts: 280 Member
    I switched to carbonated water in October and I don't miss pop at all, in fact I drank some at a party and couldn't even finish half a small glass, it tasted to me like drinking syrup. My husband and son have also switched and they aren't missing it either.
  • RandomMiranda
    RandomMiranda Posts: 298
    I've never liked regular pop, only diet even as a kid. But in an effort to drink more water I limit my pop intake to dinner. I don't drink it throughout the day or go to the machine at work. If I really want one I have it with my dinner and that's it. If you want to quit completely that's even better (like I said, I drink diet so it's not a calorie issue), but if you don't want to find ways to limit the amount and track it.
  • Ohnoes
    Ohnoes Posts: 98 Member
    carbonated water! we buy it in cans, and it is cheap and as fizzy and refreshing as soda. pellegrino in a bottle if im feelin fancy. i still have a coke now and then, but in place of dessert, because it is basically liquid candy. i like candy...