Slim fast-should i try it?



  • funkyspunky871
    funkyspunky871 Posts: 1,675 Member
    I say there's no problem in replacing a few meals with the slim fast drinks and bars. Also, if you were really overweight (EDIT: And you're totally not! What a pretty picture of you), maybe slim fast would be a good idea for a couple of weeks... Just to speed up the process a bit before you start a true lifestyle change.

    However! I definitely don't suggest going on the 'slim fast diet'. It's a trend diet, and 9 out of 10 times, all the weight comes right back.

    Yeah, but if you want, replace a breakfast or two. I mean, it's essentially like eating a bowl of special k cereal for breakfast or a lean cuisine for dinner. Just treat the shake/bar/whatever as a "normal" food, you know? Enter it into your daily log like anything else.
  • MinnieVan
    MinnieVan Posts: 2
    When I was a freshman in high school I did Slim Fast with my mom. And it worked, but like everyone says I gained everything right back when I went off.

    I think it's important to note that losing weight shouldn't be a "diet" but a LIFESTYLE CHANGE -- something that you can continue for the rest of your life, so not something that you just stop doing because you get to your goal weight.

    So really, is the Slim Fast program a lifestyle change? I don't think so.

    I do however drink their shakes when I need a fast breakfast, but I drink that and eat some Fiber One or some fruit so it's filling and not so restrictive. But it's not like something I do every morning; only when I'm short on time.
  • sandara
    sandara Posts: 830 Member
    Like some of the others said, I use them occasionally for a meal or as a snack. They are good to have on hand for an easy fix. The shakes are also good to make a higher protein smoothie for those days your low on calories. Add some low fat yogurt, a banana & some ice and throw it in the blender.

    I enjoy real food too much to use them very often. :tongue:
  • jkohan
    jkohan Posts: 184 Member
    I'm glad you decided not to do it.
  • LoveMy4Kids
    LoveMy4Kids Posts: 231
    I agree with a lot of the other members, I have done it before too and yes it worked, but as soon as I started eating I put the weight back on,but I think its ok to have one here and there if your in a hurry or just don't feel like eating that meal, rather than skipping a meal!
  • charcharbec
    charcharbec Posts: 253 Member
    I am glad that you decided not to. I started on here doing it. I exercised 5 days a week, and even ate food also, and didnt lose a pound. Its got milk in it so its got more fat than I care to take in most days and it never got me above 1200 calories. And I was so scared to go over 1000 calories that I kept doing the system. You will see better results if you stay away from slim fast. My roommate and another girl I know did it with good results. But now my roommate is back to eating out EVERY night and this girl stopped doing it and gained back a little bit of the weight.

    Its true easy/quick fixes dont work. My fiances cousin was addicted to weight loss pills and was SO skinny... the moment she got off em, she gained like 100 lbs.
  • kaokun
    kaokun Posts: 4
    ooops accidentally posted on my fiances account! logging into mine to re-post now :P
  • lilmissy2
    lilmissy2 Posts: 595 Member
    Interestingly, research has shown that you are likely to end up with a lower net weight doing a program like slimfast. By this I mean - something like 90% of people who lose weight gain some back... now the research shows that those who do something like slimfast (ok Optifast but it's roughly the same thing) lose say 70kg and regain say 40kg, those who lose weight with a low calorie diet lose say 30kg and regain 20. So I guess what they concluded was that because you lose more weight in the first place you were more likely to keep SOME of it off. Obviously, as with all research... that's the average/majority result of the group so there will always be individual variations.

    It can be a great option for people that have tried other methods of weight loss and failed. Why? because you get super fast weight loss which motivates you to stick to it and it's super convenient... no cooking involved!

    That said, I think it's something that should be done under medical supervision, preferably initiated in hospital so I wouldn't recommend it to someone just wanting to pick it up off the shelf.

    On a personal level, I've tasted optifast for work (oh you would not believe some of the things us dietitians have to try hahaha) and I couldn't drink a single shake of it let alone replace all my food with it!!
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