what to do about eating too much



  • Joehenny
    Joehenny Posts: 1,222 Member
    I eat high volume foods.

    Huge salads
    Bowls of sugar free Jello
    Diet drinks
    Protein cakes

    Volumetrics foo
  • Cocozest
    Cocozest Posts: 28 Member
    Over eating has been a challenge for me. What helps me though is eating high fibrous foods like raspberries, beans (ohh especially beans!) and nuts. It makes me feel fuller longer.

    Portion control important too. If your eating at home, just mentally prep yourself by putting your food into a smaller dish/bowl. It gave me some perspective. Then slowly start reducing your portions. Another question to ask, is stress or boredom making you overeat?
  • LissaK1981
    LissaK1981 Posts: 219 Member
    I didn't know how to recognize the different feeling of thirst and hunger. Sometimes when I felt like I was a bottomless pit and had to keep eating was because I was actually thirsty. I know it sounds weird, but now I will drink water and see if thats what I am really craving. Also if I take a lot of vitamins, B vitamins make my stomach go nuts like I am starving. Sometimes an appetite suppressant can help you start getting used to portion control. I used one last year when I first began my lifestyle change and they helped me re-wire my eating habits and portion sizes. Now I get along fine without them. Try and figure out why you are eating.
  • Jennifer128
    Jennifer128 Posts: 2 Member
    These are all such great answers! I too struggle with this and I love the idea of pre-logging. I think I am going to try that. I love the thought of doing it first thing before starting my day. It will help me for that particular day and I can pick some foods that I am in the mood for that day instead of pre-planning for the week where you don't really know what you will feel like eating all week. One thing that I have been doing for a while now is replacing at least one meal with a meal replacement supplement that gives me all the nutrients and protein I need. That really helps keep me satisfied and keeps it simple.
  • Armyantzzz
    Armyantzzz Posts: 214 Member
    Try adding more fiber to your diet.... and more veggies!:wink: I would switch the bread to whole grain. Add a little more cardio ... and end eating late at night (if that's what you're doing). Be careful of your sugar and sodium intake... I hope you turn your :sad: into a:bigsmile: Good luck.:wink:
  • meaningful99
    meaningful99 Posts: 174
    Take a look back at your log and analyze the data. Do you overeat the day after you work out? Do you make better choices when you eat a good breakfast or are you better off saving your calories for later? Are there life events that trigger overeating? Is your workplace full of tempting treats that throw you off course?

    The beauty of MFP iis that if you log honestly you can discover your own patterns and pitfalls. Good luck!
  • melmonroe
    melmonroe Posts: 111
    If possible --- stop and take a nap before you start binging. Then, after you wake up, look carefully at the foods you ate... check for trigger foods. And, once you determine what the trigger food is, throw it out permanently, IE flush it down the toilet, mix it in with coffee grounds or dirt etc.
  • challenger9509
    challenger9509 Posts: 286 Member
    You must journal everyday. If you bite it, must write it.

    I agree with this...well said!!! :)
  • Eating a good breakfast is absolutely essential to my day. It has to be healthy oatmeal (maybe a little peanut butter to make it interesting) and water with two boiled egg whites. Keeping yourself busy throughout the day is extremly important too, because when you are bored you will want to sit in front of the TV and eat....count out what your snack portion and calories are and then sit down....dont take the bag to the couch!