Worst Wedding You've Ever Attended



  • Lobster1987
    Lobster1987 Posts: 492 Member
    The groom not showing up is just sad...
  • brentbarrie
    brentbarrie Posts: 532 Member
    Never been to one....other than my own and there was nothing bad about it.
  • iggyboo93
    iggyboo93 Posts: 524 Member
    My (our) wedding was really nice. We paid less than $8000 for a 150 guest wedding at the cathedral and a nice sit down dinner at a Victorian mansion which doubled as an event center. We had a horticulture student / friend do up our flowers, another friend took the pictures, my MIL helped me bake all the cakes (we had a German dessert table instead of a tiered cake) and we worked to keep the costs down for the invites, programs, center pieces and dresses. We did pay for 2 kegs of beer, the wine and the champagne toast. We got married in September - it was a good decision considering the Iowa summers - who would get married during an Iowa summer?!?

    My sister got married in Vegas and it was awesome!! It was at the Rio Hotel. The chapel was beautiful, the ceremony was lovely, and they saved enough money on the wedding that they flew out all their immediate family and paid for the hotel rooms to boot.

    My cousin had his reception at the county fair ground - best wedding reception ever! Great food, big dance floor, good band and 17 kegs. It was epic.
  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member
    I went to one where some of my boyfriend's friends was getting married.
    The wedding was ok, but the reception was awful.

    They had it in a big concrete civic center. There was no food, nothing to drink (not even if you were willing to pay), the tables and chairs were hard wood and they were going around asking people to donate money into a cup to help pay for the wedding. Oh and you could dance with the bride for 1.00$.
  • vice350z
    vice350z Posts: 1,066 Member
    So, I am planning my wedding and have been researching proper wedding etiquette like a hawk.

    Tell me the worst wedding you've ever attended and why.

    I'll start...

    I went to my "friend's" wedding last summer, in which she had several etiquette breaches, starting with the invitations. I, fortunately, was invited to the entire wedding- ceremony, reception, and dance....my cousin, a mutual friend, was invited to just the dance part...(rolls eyes)

    I also had a long term boyfriend and he was not listed on the invitation, which I thought must have been a mistake, so I called and asked if I could bring him- which she said was fine....but 2 weeks before the wedding, she told me not to.

    Well, I showed up at the wedding...the ceremony was nice...but afterwards we had to wait almost THREE HOURS to eat! and it was a CASH BAR! I didn't bring any money to the wedding, so I couldn't drink anything...huge bummer...

    And then the food was horrendous...the chicken was so dry that I didn't even finish it- which is a big deal for me because I am a pig and will eat anything set in front of me...

    And then the dance started and all they played was theme songs to Star Wars, Ghost Busters, and Star Trek....

    I left at that point...I had enough of that. I had such a bad time and it was really boring with having very few people there that I knew.

    And then she deleted me on FB a week later, I am assuming due to me not bringing her a big fancy gift. I tried talking to her to see what was up but she ignored phone calls and texts.

    What's your worst wedding story?

    wow, what a c-unit your "friend" is. Too bad you can't get your gift back from that betch.
  • knittnponder
    knittnponder Posts: 1,953 Member
    I don't think I have a horror story to rival any here but since I do wedding cakes from time to time I have learned a few things I'm mentally storing away for when my kids get married. I always encourage my brides to do all the ceremonial stuff at the reception as soon as possible. Fling your bouquet, toss the garter, make some toasts and cut the cake pretty early on. Then the cake can be plated up and the guests can get it as soon as they're done eating. Older people and those with young children often have to leave before all those ceremonial things are done and if you don't cut your cake until long after dinner you may be taking most of it home!

    Also, for your bridal party and anyone helping beforehand, have some food! I've helped with weddings where people get there to set up very early in the day and work all day long to get things all ready and situated but have NOTHING to eat! Then I have helped with weddings where the bride and groom provided trays of sandwiches or those roll up wrap things from Costco, bags of chips or trays of cookies and fruit or veggie trays along with some bottled water that people could help themselves to. I still think loving and happy thoughts toward those people!

    My own wedding would be considered a boring one as the ceremony and reception were both at a church. We did this on purpose because they wouldn't allow alcohol. My dad was an alcoholic and I wanted ONE occasion in my whole life to not be ruined by his drinking. Maybe everybody else was bored but I didn't leave my own wedding in tears and I hope most of them understood why we did it that way. We got married in 1991 and my pictures have big hair and big, poofy sleeved bridesmaid dresses! I still wonder what I was thinking on some of the choices I made. :P
  • crenner07
    crenner07 Posts: 36
    No alcohol for the guests but the wedding party got to drink. A reception with a huge dance floor but no music. The bride just handed the flowers to her sister instead of doing the traditional toss because she wanted her sister to get married and "didn't want to chance someone else getting it".
  • theedge56
    theedge56 Posts: 64 Member
    My first one
  • Lobster1987
    Lobster1987 Posts: 492 Member
    I went to one where some of my boyfriend's friends was getting married.
    The wedding was ok, but the reception was awful.

    They had it in a big concrete civic center. There was no food, nothing to drink (not even if you were willing to pay), the tables and chairs were hard wood and they were going around asking people to donate money into a cup to help pay for the wedding. Oh and you could dance with the bride for 1.00$.


    Yea, that dollar dance is tacky in my opinion. It's popular in my neck of the woods, but we aren't doing it at my wedding. My fiancé thinks it's tacky as well. My guests can dance with me for FREE!
  • rotill
    rotill Posts: 244 Member
    Apparently, with every party she throws she volunteers everyone to do ****, from what I hear. She appoints tasks to people. I get it if you're on a budget and all, but some people shouldn't have parties. If you can't be a gracious or generous host, then maybe just tone it down and not have a party.

    Well, different people, different traditions, obviously. Around here, you volunteer your help if the party isn't at a professional venue (hotell, restaurant, etc) - and even then there may be tasks that need looking after. It's quite all right to be asked to help, and it's a sign of being a person they trust, someone close enough that they can turn to you for assistance.

    It's considered better to have as many people as possible come together, meet and enjoy, than to insist on paying for everything.

    Actually, my worst wedding was when my boyfriend was the best man. It was all very correct, in a huge, lovely hotel, lots of everything, and good food. I didn't know anybody but the bride, groom and my boyfriend, and they made sure to make him dance attendance to them without me (the bride disliked me severely, enough that she refused to come to our wedding a couple of years later.)

    Reading the comments here, I realise that the money spent, the formalities in advance, the ceremonies and the efforts made, would have made that wedding a perfect wedding according to the descriptions here. For me, it was the worst one ever.
  • Lobster1987
    Lobster1987 Posts: 492 Member
    People helping out with weddings is fine, as long as they volunteer....The bride telling someone to do something, though is rude...
  • Hate to say it, but my brother's wedding was hastily put together. I was cooking throughout the ceremony, there wasn't that many beverages, and alcohol as pretty much nonexistent. (I know that's horrible.) My family wasn't included in planning anything either. I didn't understand that, but I think lack of communication on both sides--groom's family and bride's family, made it a pretty bad wedding.
  • Beckboo0912
    Beckboo0912 Posts: 447 Member
    Worst one I went to was 7 years ago...maybe more, it was an outside wedding in Oct on a Mountain in NH...so cold as hell, it also rain but nope it was still an outside wedding with no tent or anything. The reception was ok, no drinking, but huge delays and we didn't know many people. It was interesting.
    The best was my brothers, they did first look photos which I think are such a good idea, there was no delay and they got to enjoy their whole wedding and reception. They had an open bar for beer, wine, and their signature drink...which is what most people drank. It was just a fun time, they had a beachbonfire after. I can't tell you how fun it was.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    It was mine lol. I cut my guest from 200 to 35. I pissed everybody off. No music, no booze, but very good food. I didn't even want a wedding. I wanted a marriage. 15 years strong.

    My cousin wins though. She got married in July in a fire hall that had NO A/C!!! Her caterers were of the drop and go variety and her MOTHER served everyone. WE were told no booze but the bridal party brought their own and wouldn't share. She had music, but the hall was so small there was no where to dance. Sure everyone was there, but nobody enjoyed it.

    I've been to a number of kick-*kitten* weddings! They have two things in common: Phenomenal food and amazing DJs that get the people up and moving. (Open Bar helps but I don't personally think it necessary)
  • skcardiog
    skcardiog Posts: 316 Member
    The wedding where my girlfriend at the time got really wasted and decided she wanted to go home with some guy from the dance floor. Yup, relationship ended that night, handed her my key to her place while she was on the dance floor and told her to have a nice life. Life goes on . . .
  • LonLB
    LonLB Posts: 1,126 Member
    My own first wedding.

    It was actually a killer party, but I would have had as much or MORE fun without my new wife there. I was young and stupid.
    After wedding sex was pretty epic though.
  • chantelp89
    chantelp89 Posts: 590 Member
    The wedding where my girlfriend at the time got really wasted and decided she wanted to go home with some guy from the dance floor. Yup, relationship ended that night, handed her my key to her place while she was on the dance floor and told her to have a nice life. Life goes on . . .
    Oh wow. Sorry to hear that
  • chantelp89
    chantelp89 Posts: 590 Member
    I was invited to a "beach wedding" at night. Turned out they weren't technically allowed to be there and it got ran off lol they had glow sticks for lighting!!!
  • smaem
    smaem Posts: 12
    When my husband and I were first dating, he was a groomsman in a wedding. I didn't know many of his friends yet, but I went along. A girl tore up our wedding gift to the couple "on accident," I got thrown up on in the limo by the best man, girls I didn't know had to help me wring the vomit out of my dress at the reception bathroom, and all night I was referred to as "ooh, that's the girl that was puked on!!" To boot, the couple didn't even last a year!
  • Beckboo0912
    Beckboo0912 Posts: 447 Member
    My own first wedding.

    It was actually a killer party, but I would have had as much or MORE fun without my new wife there. I was young and stupid.
    After wedding sex was pretty epic though.

    Oh my, that's fantastic