excercise..is it really necessary to do EVERY DAY?



  • if you are following TDEE -20% -15% or whatever, excercise is already included in the calculation, you eat a FLAT amount of calories a day acording to your activity level and dont track your excercise.

    While very true, I and others I know who use this method still track time. I like to make sure I really have gotten that 3-5 hours I used as my activity setting.

    what i ment to say is dont track calories burned through excercise :D
  • wibbley74
    wibbley74 Posts: 80 Member
    i wish i had the time to exercise every day

    i try to exercise 3 - 4 times a week for up to 7 hours in total
    at the moment i am doing it to kill the calories
    but once i hit my first big, fireworks goal in 14 lbs time then i will concentrate on toning, weights and less on calorie killing
  • beckyinma
    beckyinma Posts: 1,433 Member
    It depends on who you are. When I first started, all I needed was a change in eating habits. Now that I'm down to the last 15lb, I have had to ramp up my workouts considerably. If I don't have a 300-500 cal. burn 5-6 days a week, and keep extremely close track of my intake, things stand still.

    On a different note about dreading exercise because it hurts, or it's stupid, you have to enjoy what you're doing. I have to be in a particular mood, or be really crunched for time to put on a video, I hate them too, so I don't do them. Winter is really bad for me because I prefer to be outside and don't have easy access to an indoor pool. My preferred cardio is road cycling that can't be done in the winter. I'll take that above everything else, so when winter comes along it's really a drag for me.

    I exercise (cycle) because I love it. I love the wind through my helmet, going fast, flying by joggers, and the fact that it's easy on my knees, and it's a great lower body long muscle builder and that's what my concentration is right now....

    Find something you can love, don't do it if you dread it.
  • trentwiggly
    trentwiggly Posts: 74 Member
    ...my hip and knees killing me ...

    I have to share with you. I'm in my mid 40's and a couple months ago I was in a great deal of pain in my knees and sometimes hip. Standing up from a chair was a problem at times. I hobbled up the stairs when I put my kids to bed. Ouch. Anyway. I started taking three supplements that were recommended to me at my local health food store.

    "Baxyl", which is hyaluronic acid which is good for lubing up your joints

    "Healthy Knees and Joints" by a company called Terry Naturally. It has a lot of different herbs in it as well as curcumin which has anti-inflammatory properties.

    I also take Silica, which is also good for your joints.

    I am completely free of the knee and joint pain. You can find them on Amazon if not your local health food store.
  • lkcuts
    lkcuts Posts: 224
    ...my hip and knees killing me ...

    I have to share with you. I'm in my mid 40's and a couple months ago I was in a great deal of pain in my knees and sometimes hip. Standing up from a chair was a problem at times. I hobbled up the stairs when I put my kids to bed. Ouch. Anyway. I started taking three supplements that were recommended to me at my local health food store.

    "Baxyl", which is hyaluronic acid which is good for lubing up your joints

    "Healthy Knees and Joints" by a company called Terry Naturally. It has a lot of different herbs in it as well as curcumin which has anti-inflammatory properties.

    I also take Silica, which is also good for your joints.

    I am completely free of the knee and joint pain. You can find them on Amazon if not your local health food store.

    Thankyou for this info! I am always looking for relief so I started by taking trace minerals, eat honey and cinnamon, and fish oil. I will certainly try these! maybe if excersise didn't hurt so much i would be more willing to do more . Thanks again!
  • Timshel_
    Timshel_ Posts: 22,834 Member
    No. You don't need to exercise every day. But really it will depedn on your goals, calorie intake, level of normal activity, and goals you are trying to reach or maintain.
  • lkcuts
    lkcuts Posts: 224
    I lost all my extra weight, around 4olbs, without doing any exercise at all. I did this on purpose, after reading over and over again how exercise is not related to weight loss, and sometimes can even cause weight loss to stall. After transitioning into maintenance a couple months ago I started walking a couple times a week. Now I walk ten miles a week and have also started Mark Lauren's strength training program. But, I did this after being in maintenance and not actively trying to lose weight anymore. Losing weight really is all about what/how you eat.
    This is awesome to know and good for you! I will still at least try to implemnet at least once a week for now and see how it goes .. Thanks for your info!
  • lkcuts
    lkcuts Posts: 224
    I don't exercise everyday... Im lazy honestly, I walk when I feel like it (or when my child is restless and needs a change of scenery). Im on about 1535 calories and I've lost 27lbs so far :) Loss will probably happen faster if you walk or something daily but as long as there is a deficit in your calories you will be ok. At least thats what everyone says lol
    Thaks for your reply it helps to hear others comments...
  • lkcuts
    lkcuts Posts: 224
    I find it helps to find some form of exercise that is enjoyable, pain free and remembering the reason for doing it! I run and walk most days, cycle and dance about 1-2 times a week. I enjoy it most of the time and when I get bored, mix up the routine a bit. Doing stuff with others helps,particularly if it's done at a pace when you can chat. A bit of interesting gossip can help you forget just how hard you're working. I have 3 bulging discs, so I know what discomfort when exercising means, so I just change it around and do something different. It's also key to know when to take a day or 2 off and give the body a chance to recover. My osteopath tells me that 'mobility is your friend' so just do something that raises the heart rate, help keeps you supple and enjoy. I'm 52 and am well aware of the saying 'use it or lose it'!

    I can relate and know I need to for that reason...a school chum of mine is my age, is so over weight, has arthritus, a bad back etc, and is starting to fall occasionally. her kids bought her an electric scooter so she could get around more. I DO NOT WANT TO BE THERE.. she knows she has gained alot af weight but being in pain stops her from doing any kind of excersise..it brought me to a little reality thats why I got on this site but an hour a day of excersise every day just seems so much. thanks for your reply and I surely will find something that will work for me!
  • jennifershoo
    jennifershoo Posts: 3,198 Member
    Exercise shouldn't "hurt". Yes, you might be sore when you start a new program but if you're in real pain like you're actually injured, it's because you're not using proper form. I find it unbelievable that there is no activity at all that you like except walking your dog. Don't force yourself to do something you don't like especially not every day. If that's how you view "exercise", then no wonder why you give up. You like walking? Then walk! Just put your diet in order and stop eating crap.
  • helpfit101
    helpfit101 Posts: 347 Member
    You don't have to do exercise every day. You can rest on Sunday ;-) haha

    Seriously if you're already fit and in shape don't worry about it you can exercise for 30 minutes 3-4 times per week and stay fairly healthy assuming you don't overeat. But I guess you're on here because you're not as fit as you should be.

    Ideally exercise is not exercise aswell. Ideally exercise is biking to your relatives or hiking up a mountain or playing badminton with your niece. I mean it should be fun, ideally. Or you won't stick with it. Maybe now but not 6 months from now.

    Basically what I would like to say find something you can "live with" at least. If you enjoy it great, if you can live with it that's good enough. Something you hate to do you won't be doing for the rest of your life. Find kindred spirits where you live and go for walks or go to a community swimming pool anything you can think of to make your life more active that you don't HATE to do.
  • mazdauk
    mazdauk Posts: 1,380 Member
    I can't remember if I said this earlier, but I was having a lot of knee and hip pain which has GONE (most of the time- there's a little monthly residue with water retention) as the weight came off. By your ticker you have a substantial amount to lose. As others have saiid, don't exercise just move around more. As the weight comes down further you should find movement easier and less painful - if not see a Dr. I take magnesium as well, which helped a lot in the early days.
  • Everyday exercise is necessary because if you want fast result and that for long time then you have to consistent with that.
    Do regular exercise like jogging, dancing, cycling etc. It ca save your time and simultaneously your work can be done...
  • Liz_Mfp
    Liz_Mfp Posts: 172 Member
    I take two days off each week, before and after a "Long" walk or ride.
    And all my exercise is done "easy", not of that force-myself or suffering-thru anything :-)
    I think it's definitely more fun when it isn't grueling
    Kind of makes it quit-proof, which is my goal
    Just to do it again tomorrow, next week, next month, next year.