Blue Footed Boobies



  • NotRailMeat
    NotRailMeat Posts: 509 Member
    Me, I prefer a pair of Tits...

  • ctpeace
    ctpeace Posts: 327 Member
    Me, I prefer a pair of Tits...


    NICE! I've also seen the boobies in real life when I lived in Ecuador. They sell t-shirts to the tourists that say "I love boobies" with a pair of blue birdie feet under them. The boobie jokes are endless. Quotes from a trip to La Isla de la Plata with my parents to see the boobies include:

    "Never thought I'd take my parents out to see boobies"
    "The boobies are much bigger than I expected"
    "Those boobies are just out in the open" (one built a nesting circle in the middle of the trail)
    "What beautiful boobies"
    "The last time I saw this many boobies was when I was working mammography" (My dad's a radiologist and finds himself hilarious)