So sore ... how to avoid next time



  • jennifershoo
    jennifershoo Posts: 3,198 Member
    Have a protein shake immediately after class. This has made a world of difference in my muscle soreness!

    Exactly this!!! I'm (almost) never sore after my workouts, but if I forget my pretein shake, I can't walk the next day. It makes a HUGE difference.
  • thecakelocker
    thecakelocker Posts: 407 Member
    It's because you're not used to the exercise, not because 5lbs is too heavy. Keep doing it bodyweight until the soreness stops and then resume with weights.
  • freebirdjones
    freebirdjones Posts: 237
    I was sore from a workout and worried about the next. I posted about it and got water and protein etc and that's good but the best of the comments was go to your workout once you warm up you'll be fine.. TOTALLY! I went on the treadmill and warmed up went to do weights with no pain AWESOME! it worked :) next day I was sore again, but muscles really once you warm them up they work! and all the baths and Epsom's and protein and water that's good too! but really best advice I got was push through it, so glad I didn't walk out half way or decrease weights :)
  • craigmandu
    craigmandu Posts: 976 Member
    I always do a 5-10 minute warm up before I do a circuit or any sort of lifting activity. That warm up is usually cardio, like a elliptical (can't really do many impact exercises right now) on a mid-high resistance level...really gets my entire body warmed up and ready for my circuits.

    After the workout, I will do a small cooldown...again a cardio cooldown for about again 5-10 minutes.

    If the exercise was particularly strenuous, I may also throw some light stretching right after the exercise.

    I always have a protein shake after workouts...been a habit for a long time. Sometimes at night and prior to soreness setting in, I'll take a nice hot bath and soak for 30 or so minutes.

    If I do find I'm really sore the next morning, I have a tennis ball that I roll over the effected areas in a circular motion with a little force (This is similar to using a roller)....

    Other than those....I never skip another workout because of being sore...or at least I never have.
  • sara1077
    sara1077 Posts: 89 Member
    Thanks do much for all the suggestions!!! I will try a couple of these because I do like the class a lot and lots of strength training classes is what has worked for me in the past to lose / maintain.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,902 Member
    I am trying to get more strength training into my routine. I have 30 Day Shred and a couple other videos I like at home to do, but there is a really nice, 45 minute class at my work gym on Tuesdays (free!!). I have not done it very often, and here is why. I am in serious pain for 3-5 days. Not just a bit sore for a days or two, but in moan / yelp out loud pain where I struggled with getting up and down stairs, getting my kids out of the car, getting dressed, etc. . lots of advil.

    I know .. I know ... just keep going and it will get eaiser. But how can I ease into it so that I am not a complete mess for 3-5 days after. When I do the class, I try to take it really easy ; selecting 5lbs weights when the other women are doing 8-15lbs. I even put the weights down after a bit t and just use my body weight o try to avoid over doing it. Should I do only 3lbs next time? Maybe only body weight (not weights) for the legs and just 3lbs for upper body.

    This a class with lots of lunges. He is a lunge addict or something.
    You aren't fit. That's why the major soreness. For the body to start adapting to workload, it has to be exposed to it quite frequently.
    So do some of the exercises you learned there, at home to help compensate.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • skip the weights. drink a ton of water before and after. drink a protein shake within 30 mins of class ending, the sooner the better. take an epsom salt bath that night. go for a walk the next morning to loosen your muscles and joints, no matter how sore you are. maybe leave halfway thru the class?

    i used to be the same way. one day of exercise would prevent me from exercising for 3 or 4 days. it gets better. but "pushing thru it" is easier said than done, when you have a life that gets in the way too. go slow, do what you can, not what everyone else can, stretch before and after. perhaps try a foam roller.

    good luck!

    This is sooo meeee
  • helpfit101
    helpfit101 Posts: 347 Member
    Against the soreness.. go jogging lightly for 15 minutes maybe on the same day or the next day. Your body will warm up. Then do some stretching. You may feel better.
  • Excessive soreness can be an issue and overtraining could be a possibility. If you're consistently taking 3-5 days to recover, you might need to dial down the intensity. I know that sounds counter-intuitive but it will keep you motivated in the long run. If I stayed sore 5 days at a time, limiting my functional movements throughout my day as a habit, I'd have a tough time reconciling exercise at all. Not saying to take a break, just dial it down.