When do you count it as exercise?



  • jennifershoo
    jennifershoo Posts: 3,198 Member
    I do sometimes find myself hungry enough to eat my cat and I did have one scary incident when I thought I was going to pass out after biking ten miles (I had only had 112 calories that day, I was aware I was pushing it...I was not prepared to find the world spinning and everything too sore to move. It scared me and I did start making sure I had at least a granola bar with me when going more then 2 miles out.) I guess I am just thought losing weight=super hungry. I am new to this and really nervous about messing up.

    Ok, now then, that's an eating disorder behavior. Get some help. Seriously.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    Why wouldn't walking and biking be exercise? It certainly takes longer to get a good burn with walking, but generally speaking, 1 mile walking or running is about 100 calories. My primary cardio is walking and I always logged it and always ate back most of my exercise calories. You do need to eat more...you should be netting very close to your goal. Remember, a goal is something to be achieved...

    Cycling/biking is also great exercise. Your friend is probably just one of those people that thinks you actually have to pretty much kill yourself at the gym to have a productive workout...I guess I do that in the weight room to an extent, but it's only 3x weekly for about 45 minutes...most of my cardio is recovery zone, save for my tabata and a 3 mile jog once or twice per week...otherwise, lots and lots of walking.
  • Roughpatch7
    Roughpatch7 Posts: 4 Member
    When this site asks for your activity level it is establishing your base metabolic rate based off your age, gender, weight, and activity level.

    Your base metabolic rate is the amount of calories you will burn by just existing for a day i.e breathing, balancing, supporting your weight, digesting, circulating blood.

    People with higher degrees of activity have higher metabolisms so they will theoretically burn more calories a day by just existing.

    If they became more sedentary for an extended period of time then their metabolism would slow down, decreasing the amount of calories they burn by simply being alive.

    Long story short, if you go on any extended walk or bike ride i.e over ~3 mins I would log it.

    For instance if I was a waiter I would log my work since I would be on my feet and on the move the entire time.

    People who live active lifestyles enjoy the dual benefits of burning calories through activity, and burning them through their own bodies increased metabolism,

    In conclusion please eat more you're starving yourself.