Gastric Sleeve Patients?????



  • DoingItDarby
    DoingItDarby Posts: 9 Member
    I started in 2012 but my insurance did cover the sleeve at the time. Now it does. went to a meeting last night so my cousin & I are going to do this together. Im excited about it. I will be reeding over post to gain more knowledge.
  • Hi there
    I had the gastric sleeve surgery on April 4th 2014 and my starting weight was 298lbs. Today I weighed in at 280 lbs. super excited although I would have liked to see a better result. Anybody have any must do's on how to maximize my weight loss numbers?
  • traceej66
    traceej66 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi, I am going to have the Gastric Sleeve done this fall, and I am really nervous about it. I would love some feedback on everyone's opinion. Thank you well in advance.. :flowerforyou:
  • Acbrien
    Acbrien Posts: 3
    Hi there! I am 6 weeks post-op and my surgeon said no seeds or nuts for 3 months. I am assuming because they are harder to digest and I also worry that one might settle in the incision sight and cause infection. Just a thought. I myself was actually over doing the protein. Shakes, Greek yogurt, egg whites, chicken, tuna, baked fish....u name it. I am supposed to get 60 grams a day. 1 protein shake has 20g, so I definitely over did it. Get yourself a good blender for smoothies. I experiment with all types, and they really are filling. Most importantly, force the water!! I was not drinking enough and I believe that hindered my weight loss. Good luck to you!!!
  • Acbrien
    Acbrien Posts: 3
    I was not seeing the scale move quick enough until I started forcing myself to drink more water!! That had been the best thing because it fills our tiny tummy do there is not much room for food. Also sugar free Popsicles have been my best friend through this process! I finally had to throw away my scale because I could not stay off it. I even moved it to the dining room and would get on it every time I walked through. I was completely obsessed. Now I only use the scale at work and I work 3 days a week so I can't weigh everyday. I must say even seeing the numbers go down dust give me the amount of success as putting on a pair of pre-surgery pants did. Wow!! Good luck to you!
  • Acbrien
    Acbrien Posts: 3
    Hi Toni. Sorry to hear if your struggles. Sounds like a jump start might help. Maybe try the pre-op diet for a week and see if that helps. I know pre-surgery if I was dieting and had a bad eating day, those turned into days them weeks. We need to remind ourselves that it's ok to have a day of cheats, we just need to stop at the day before it goes further. Good luck to you!
  • This happen to me as well but im. Sure within next 10 days your desire for food will be control, I got my surgery done in jan 2014 n since then lost abt 31 kgs....and im doing good.....
  • 2BeHappy2
    2BeHappy2 Posts: 811 Member
    So I happened to be reading on some posts and came across this 1...Im so glad!
    I just signed up a few days ago knowing that Im on the road to getting the sleeve done.
    I signed up because I have to do a calorie intake spread sheet for the dietician.
    I was so worried about being judged for going this route & was so surprised that I'm not the 1st nor will I be the last to go down this path!
    I have done everything thus far (& boy has it been time consuming going to ALL the required appts) but I'm so close to having my surgery.
    I'm scared, nervous and very anxious!
    This definitely has Not been a fleeting moment decision, it's been many years coming & Im so glad I'm finally taking a leap of faith.
  • Hi... I'm 3 weeks out and still on liquid/mushie food stage. I need some idea please!! Getting tired of what I'm eating. Tired if the protein shakes. Occasionally I try and get one in. Any suggestions please! TIA
  • candace71
    candace71 Posts: 13 Member
    I don't have the sleeve but since people are so NOT WLS friendly here... Well..I had Gastric Bypass RNY 5 yrs ago thank you and am NO longer on 4insulin shots for diabetes . I am no longer on 2 different blood pressure meds and I NO longer take cholesterol meds. And that was my reason for surgery. Not the weight loss! I look at it as a bonus! I was so sick of pumping myself of meds! Since the second day after my surgery I NO longer have had to take medication!!!!

    Pre Surgery W-215
    Day of surgery W-195
    Lowest surgery W-113 " I looked sick"
    5yrs later 148
    My best looking and feeling weight 125-130. That's my goal‼️
  • mandayt
    mandayt Posts: 3
    Hi Everyone

    I am a 29yr old mother of a 4yo boy from Australia.

    I have just received the phone call from the hospital to say you can now have your sleeve on the 28th of may.
    Lets just say I am soooooo scared :sad:

    I want to set a good example for my son in life and yes after trying lots of weight loss tools (which nothing worked) I have decided to get the sleeve.

    Please I need some advice??? :smile:

    how long after op were you able to move around and be 'normal' again?
    how long till you can return to work?

    I have pre-op app on Wednesday and will obviously ask a lot of questions
    Mandy from OZ
  • 2BeHappy2
    2BeHappy2 Posts: 811 Member
    Hey guys .. My operation is on May 5th and I'm a scare.. I decide to go with the sleeve.. 4 years ago I was in the same situation because I decide to go with the lad-band... Bad choice.. Since the first day of operation I new something was wrong !! Had 4 years of complication.. And the band slip twice.. So that ment having surgery to get it fits .. Finally my doctor and I decided it was time to remove the band .. So he did.. 2 years ago.. Since then I have gain a lot of weight. So now I'm waiting for approval for the sleeve .. I'm scared so many things going through my head .. Like what about if insurance don't approve, what about if something goes wrong.. I'm trying to keep a positive mind .. So please help me out ..

    Just curious...if your surgery has already been set then aren't you in essence already "approved?"
    I'm just now reading this but good luck today :flowerforyou:
    Please let us all know how it went for you!
  • I am 65 and had my sleeve done on May 1, 2014. My starting weight was 440 lbs. I lost down to 396.2 during the liver shrink diet time. I made it mostly due to finding Quest Bars. The only ones I found that I could eat and not gag. I have now had the surgery and so far all seems well. Today is May 5. I am already having problems. The protein shakes actually make me gag and don't know what I am going to do. It has discouraged me, but cannot help the reflex that my body interacts with. I am open to suggestions. I really haven't seen where anyone really likes the shakes. I saw a powder talked about that might help and some posts that say don't overlook natural proteins,
  • roobz74
    roobz74 Posts: 1
    Hi I have recently had the sleeve surgery done on 16/4/2014. First week was great felt no pain and was drinking a lot of fluids. But then the 2nd and 3rd week killed me. I dn't feel myself at all. I cant keep anything down (fluids) at all without wanting to vomite. I am very emotional and it feels like a golf ball is sitting on my chest. I contacted my surgeon and he recommended I drink a soft drink and that didn't work. So I went to my GP and she had nothing to say to me except "oh really, oh you poor thing". Is this a normal?. I couldn't believe that's all the help I got from both surgeon and GP. I'm too scared to drink cause I know whats going to happen. Please help me...
  • IcyStormFL
    IcyStormFL Posts: 1
    Hi everyone. I just had my sleeve done april 25th. I was driving within 4 days and actively walking about same day. Just started the puree portion today. The protein shakes I love are isopure cookies and creme or the iso1000 (think thats name) also cookies and creme. Mix it with skim milk and I love it. Glad to have found this link :)
  • ksurai09
    ksurai09 Posts: 1
    Hello...... im sch for Wednesday coming. Im so happy and scared at the same time. Someone please give me words of encouragement!!!
  • I had my sleve done april 21 this year i notice some weight loss but not much my problem is finding things that i can stomach i never liked alot a food i find alot more grose me out this sugry was to help with my posd and other health im trying glucerna and beniprotine its just i dont like any broth i drink watter somtime i forget to also having issues whith what to eat at meal time right now ill have protine in youger and thats a meal 2 time a day i dont realy care for a snack but 3 times a day is hard im used to only 1 or twice i take my vitamins and im full any sujestions also when can i start to excersise i miss that i got in trouble for walking 4 k the other day but i find walking around the block not fun i love the pond and the ducks
  • youll do great try and walk as soon and ur feeling up two it i had it 21 and started my walks the very nexted day slow going dont sip to fast watter just take it slow
  • have someone one pat ur back it dose help remeber two breath exesise and go to slow sips one every 5 min after a few days the same thing with meal time i find that when i have the youger and protine mis beniprotin has no flaver take a small sponfull ever 6 min takes longer to eat but the nausia will not be there
  • lizzyxxxx
    lizzyxxxx Posts: 1
    Hey I'm sked for my surgery June 23 of next month I am really nervous moslty about some
    Horror stories I've heard along with loose skin and hair loss I know if I just kick butt in the gym my chances
    Of loose skin will be very slim does anyone have any tips? Will I be in pain ?