Caloric Shock?



  • poisonapple
    poisonapple Posts: 30 Member
    I am very sorry, didn't mean to mislead, I have about 40 - 50 lbs to lose as I gained quite a bit of weight with my surgery. I USED to be in good shape now I'm flabby =) I do need to lose weight but that is secondary to the pain relief. I am a very secure happy person no matter what size my jeans are (I wouldn't complain if I was a size 2!!!) so I'm not KILLING myself daily because of how I look. I'm killing myself daily to relieve my pain. I started gaining weight because I wasn't keeping up enough calories so I figured I better start tracking them to make sure I eat enough that i can enjoy the weight loss benefit too AND keep my body happy at the same time. I definitely wanna lose but the rate doesn't matter to me as long as I feel good (just don't want to stuff my face with unneeded calories that will have the opposite effect.
  • bluiz13
    bluiz13 Posts: 3,550 Member
    i agree with scotty_81if you are not eating all the calories earned from your workout days, then you can "use" them on the rest all washes out at the end of the week if you stay in balance....if you have 3500 calories burned in a week over what you put in your face you will have a 1lb loss, if you have 7000 calories left over you will have a 2 lb long as you are not "binging" before your weighin...

    good for you that you have time for all those workouts..i'm definitely jealous and say take advantage of this opportunity now, cause unless you are a "kept" woman and dont need to work or take care of kids this "luxury" will end eventually :)
  • poisonapple
    poisonapple Posts: 30 Member
    Yes, my day will come when I can no longer keep this schedule as I will have to go back to work but for now I have nothing better to do so I am taking advantage of it!
    I just wanted to thank everyone for your input. I feel much better about my rest days now!! I got some really good advice and I will use it!
    Thanks All :wink:
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