Do you get decent support at home?



  • FunnyBunnyHunny
    FunnyBunnyHunny Posts: 102 Member
    I just got a highly enthusiastic "high-five" yesterday from my other half...for losing .4 pounds. So I'd say yes!

    Whatever I do, she's supportive. If I need her to pre cook meals to bring to work, she'll do it for me. Lately, she's been trying new foods, asking to go to the park and "race". Whether or not she's on board herself, though, the encouragement and help is enough.
  • Becksga
    Becksga Posts: 70 Member
  • RedRita32
    RedRita32 Posts: 321 Member
    No I don' roommate buys pizza or Chinese take out every other day and daily buys fast it's always at the apartment..I tried to get her to adopt a healthier lifestyle because she weighs 300lbs....and my boyfriend gets frustrated with me cause I'm always counting calories or worried if it's ok to eat/buy...and he gets agitated when I want to use the tv to do my workouts..
  • Jerkface4
    Jerkface4 Posts: 36
    Sometimes but not really. My husband has always been able to motivate himself and workout if he wants but with me I need the push. I got him to actually motivate and support me for about a week but after that there was no more. I constantly complain to him that I'm getting fatter as the days go by but he just tells me to Shuddup cause I'm fine. Maybe I should take that as motivation but I only get even angrier because I feel he's lying. Ugh.
  • KodAkuraMacKyen
    KodAkuraMacKyen Posts: 737 Member
    My husand used to work out with me but that was when he was laid off. Now that he's working again, he's a welder, his day job is an 8 hour workout so he doesn't workout with me. I miss it but understand it too. I sit on my *kitten* all day in front of a computer for work so I need the workout, he doesn't necessarily. He is incredibly supportive though. We eat almost the same thing all the time and he just rolls with it, tells me not to worry when I do worry things are too boring food wise. He's supported me in spending a lot of money to get a workout set up at home and runs errands or does stuff around the house so I can get my workout in. He is truly amazing.
  • zahid222
    zahid222 Posts: 233 Member
    my husband is not supportive. He actually hinders my efforts. He is very slender but eat my food instead of his and not make me aware of it .So when I go to look for my food its gone. It can be very aggravating. He does say He wants me to loose weight but in reality does little to help!
    So why don't you just buy "your" food for the both of you?

    Ditto why not?

    Then he complains I don't get his food!!!! :sad: