Becoming Obsessed, encouragement needed.

I've lost 22 pouds so far from cutting out soda, exercising and generally watching what I eat. However, recently, I've become OBSESSED with the number on the scale. I used to weigh myself once every few weeks or so. Lately, I can't keep myself off of the scale. It's not healthy and I'm really hard on myself. There are even days when I weigh myself more than once. I'm making myself crazy with it. I know that this isn't good for me and I am getting discouraged. Any advice? Please, don't be negative, I'm looking for help :smile:


  • leslisa
    leslisa Posts: 1,350 Member
    I walked away from the scale cold turkey last week. It was freakin' me out too much. I have promised myself I will only weigh every other week on Friday. It's gonna kill me but I'm doing it.

    On a more practical note, I moved it into the boys' bathroom so it's not looking at me (calling to me I should say!).
  • Qskim
    Qskim Posts: 1,145 Member
    I think it is such a personal choice whether or not u weigh yourself once a week or ev day. When I started I weighed ev day and still do but the best thing I did was measure my waist. The scales occasionally bounce up but I usually know what it is...I had a heavy dinner (like pasta or rice) n I know that a couple days later the scales b back on track provided I return to normal eating. It may b that I hadn't walked for week. Fluctuations are normal if you weigh yourself daily. But my waist measurement will still show I'm on track and only when that goes up do I start to worry and do some serious reflection on my food choices. If I don't hav a carb heavy meal at night I'm pretty may only b a gram a day but I let the smallest loss motivate me. It all adds up. My trainer told me I had to b obsessed...not so much with scales but food n it gave me permission to do strangely freed me up to do wat needed to b done.

    Find what works for u....something that doesn't interrupt your motivation. I am constantly tweaking I call it. Weighing ev day works for me and most people shake their head but there was a time where I was too scared to get on scales and face the truth but now evday I make myself b accountable. In other it if it works, change it if it's counter-productive. Sometimes I can stay same for weeks n all sudden I drop big. Sometimes it's grams per week.
  • Will_Thrust_For_Candy
    Will_Thrust_For_Candy Posts: 6,109 Member
    I totally know what you mean and I was like that for a long time! Until I started to plateau and increased my calories.....then I really realized how much your weight fluctuates from day to day but it's not true "weight gain" (if you are counting calories, making healthy choices, and exercising). Just always remember that it takes 3500 calories over your TDEE to actually gain a true pound.

    Keep doing the right things and making good choices and you will be good to go! Oh.....and put away that damn scale :)
  • suzannnicole
    suzannnicole Posts: 10 Member
    Hi! You know, water weighs 8 lbs a gallon. So, a cup of water weighs a pound. The reason I am telling you this is because a person can weigh 1-2 lbs less after a slightly aerobic workout and maybe going to the bathroom. Once you think about how that can affect the number on the scale, suddenly, that number means less. I think maybe stepping on the scale has just become a habit. Put the scale in the closet, high up on a shelf where you have to go through some trouble to get to it. Pull it down 1x week, same time of day. You could "scale" back (haha) slower than that if you like, maybe every 3 days, then eventually, 1x/week. Instead of weighing yourself, try on an outfit that you haven't been able to fit into in a while!
  • bulbadoof
    bulbadoof Posts: 1,058 Member
    Throw out your scale, get yourself a measuring tape or take a picture of your body on the same day every month and put 'em next to each other.

    Seriously, **** the scale. Numbers are just numbers, and they're subject to so many variables; water retention, building muscle, etc. What matters is how you feel. I don't even own a scale; I feel great and I know I am making progress.
  • autihill
    autihill Posts: 23 Member
    Thank you all so much for the response, sorry it took so long for me to get back...I was without a computer. Very helpful insight, thanks again :)
  • Jessi804
    Jessi804 Posts: 7 Member
    I like weighing myself everyday as well, but I know that it bounces up and down if I eat crazy. My advice is to start paying attention to how your clothes fit and feel - that does it for me every time! :smile:
  • Mad4282
    Mad4282 Posts: 171 Member
    I dont weigh myself at all, what I do is measure. I also have a pair of goal pants I once fit into before I gained weight, so at the end of the month I try them on and check my progress that way. I can notice changes in my body and focus on the joy of working out without being a slave to the scale. Congrats on all you have done so far and I wish you continued success!
  • TeachTheGirl
    TeachTheGirl Posts: 2,091 Member

    My scale used to be in my bathroom. Every time I would go into the bathroom, I'd weigh. I got depressed even looking at the damn thing. My husband hid it from me. I focused more on how I was feeling, not how the scale was telling me to feel. I started noticing the definition in my body parts. I started to realize I'm more than just a number.

    You can do it too. =)
  • Wenchilada
    Wenchilada Posts: 472 Member
    I have been there. I got really obsessed with numbers in my first attempt, and was seriously upset if I didn't lose a particular amount or (*shock and horror!*) gained, even if it was due to salt or TOM. I only weighed in once a week at WW, but I would prepare for weigh-in day a couple days in advance and began to develop some really unhealthy habits, which more or less amounted to fasting for about 18 hours before weigh-in and then going bonkers with food for the next day or so. Eventually I just gave up, half-assed it until I stopped caring, then slowly gained it all back. Biweekly or monthly progress photographs from front/back/side angles, as well as a tape measure, may be more useful for you. Just make sure you are consistent with the times of day that you do your measurements.
  • DelilahCat0212
    DelilahCat0212 Posts: 282 Member
    Can you give your scale to someone to hold for you? Or keep it in the trunk of your car?
  • Wenchilada
    Wenchilada Posts: 472 Member
    Can you give your scale to someone to hold for you? Or keep it in the trunk of your car?

    Love this. I wish I'd done that the first time around. Or figured out how to do some sort of lockout on it unless it was during a certain time period on a particular day. I'm sure the newer, fancier scales could probably be hacked to do that if they don't already. ;)
  • autihill
    autihill Posts: 23 Member
    Putting it in the trunk of the car is a great idea. I've actually dont a lot better with this issue as of late. I am a pretty good judge of my weight with how my clothes feel. I'm learning how to read my body more than I have ever before. I can't eat nearly as much as I used to and exercise makes me feel amazing. Thanks for the comments and support! :smile: