This is it, my life change.

:happy: This is the beginning of my transformation. I am 62 with lots of good years ahead of me. I don't have any major health issues and it's time to live again. Today is my first day, the start date on my profile is when I signed up. Hope to make some new friends.


  • californiagirl1950
    californiagirl1950 Posts: 885 Member
    Hi, so glad you are going to do this. It is for you. You are so blessed not to have major health problems. I guess I actually too am blessed, I have spine trouble, arthritis, bone spurs. scoliosis etc, but, my actual health is good! Good luck on your journey.
  • Mivettevan
    Mivettevan Posts: 6 Member
    Welcome and best of luck! Transformations for everyone in this group, a little bit at a time. I am exploring different kinds of exercise I can do as I get older.
  • gramanana
    gramanana Posts: 762 Member
    Welcome! I have a wheat allergy, mild asthma, and chronic sinusitis and I've been doing MFP since April. I'm changing my eating habits slowly and losing weight slowly; but I feel better already.

    Glad you're joining us on our journey to be healthy and fit. Good luck.
  • mermaidmom48
    mermaidmom48 Posts: 17 Member
    Welcome, and it is true, we all are here for the same reason, to put life into the years we have left. I recently lost 25 lbs and have 20 more to go. I already feel like a new woman. This is a great site, keeps us honest logging in what we eat. I just used my iphone to scan the bar code on my Smart Ones lunch, that was totally fun. Except it showed up a different lunch that I was having. I was having Mexican and it showed up pasta with vodka sauce. ha ha But, they were about the same calories so I figured it was good enough. Still learning the ropes on this site. Need some pals to encourage and to encourage me. I currently live in Illinois, but have lived all over the country. Love to travel, read (especially mysteries) and I am very fortunate to be healthy (a bit of high cholestrol which I hope to lower) I am crazy about my gransons and I love to garden.....this has been challenging with the midwest drought this year. Good luck to everyone........we can do this.