Ripped in 30 Level 2



  • eviegreen
    eviegreen Posts: 123 Member
    I just finished Week 2 a couple days ago, and the mountain climbers were what I found to be the most difficult. I'm fine with plank jacks, but I'm really slow with the climbers.

    What to expect from week 3: I find the exercises to be simpler in form than in week 2, but they are definitely more difficult to maintain. My muscles are screaming more from the exercises, but I feel stronger.
  • mystikalbeanz
    mystikalbeanz Posts: 192 Member
    I just finished Week 2 a couple days ago, and the mountain climbers were what I found to be the most difficult. I'm fine with plank jacks, but I'm really slow with the climbers.

    What to expect from week 3: I find the exercises to be simpler in form than in week 2, but they are definitely more difficult to maintain. My muscles are screaming more from the exercises, but I feel stronger.

    I just finished day 1 week 3 and it was brutal!! I agree with you that the exercises form are simpler and easier to do but boy to do they hurt!!! My legs and arms were burning and screaming!! Definately getting stronger though!
  • OTchic
    OTchic Posts: 205 Member
    did everyone take before pics?!
  • paulaviki
    paulaviki Posts: 678 Member
    did everyone take before pics?!

    I did 30ds before this so my 'before' picture is from before I started that. But I'm hoping the difference is noticeable although I don't expect to look ripped when I started weighing 196lbs! I'm 13lbs down though and have lost 4 inches from my waist since 3rd June.

    Day 6 of week 2 done. One more day and onto week 3. I'll be so glad when I've seen the back of those crow push ups! This level seems to hurt my knees and wrists more than anything else I've done!
  • OTchic
    OTchic Posts: 205 Member
    tell me about it! i have carpal tunnel on both hands. almost had surgery last year for it. and yet im on my damn hands all this level. glad today is level 3 hope less planks!
  • mystikalbeanz
    mystikalbeanz Posts: 192 Member
    On level 3 you still have some planks and have to do the ab hold and the table tops so its pretty much just as bad as level 2! My arms and legs were screaming from level 3!
  • FitFabFlirty92
    FitFabFlirty92 Posts: 384 Member
    I loved Week 2, but I never fully mastered it. I'm still working on my upper body strength, so the plank moves were really hard for me. I did get better with the strength moves, though. By the end I was doing some of them with 5 pound dumbbells when I had started with three. Wherever you've started on Day 1 is going to be very different from where you end up, so be patient with yourself and you'll gradually improve. :)
  • xLauraBethx
    xLauraBethx Posts: 10 Member
    I start week 3 today, I'm scared!! :)
  • I'm in the same boat. This is day 2 for me of level 2 and it really kicked my [blank]. I did love the fact that I was sweating something serious at the end of circuit 2. I had a harder time yesterday then I had today with the pushup and then add the knee coming in. Ouch. I just hope it gets better. I do admit that the whole time I'm doing it I keep saying to myself oh god please hurry up and let this be over haha. Jillian really knows how to make someone hate and love her at the same time. Hang in there.
  • petiteLady89
    petiteLady89 Posts: 198 Member
    No, I am getting ready to start level 4. I had been working out regularly for two months before I started it (six days a week), so I guess that's why it wasn't hard for me.
  • Are all the video's online? I could only find week 1
  • RoadsterGirlie
    RoadsterGirlie Posts: 1,195 Member
    I too think Week 2 is the hardest. The cardio portion in the first circuit (mountain climbers followed by the squat jacks) kill me. My shoulders want to fall off by the time it's over.

    That said, this goes to show that exercise, for me at least, isn't just about looking good.

    While this particular move is hard, after several months, I can finally do it all the way through without stopping (even though I'm really straining at the end). I didn't think it would have been possible when I first started exercising.

    Does anybody else think that level 4 is actually the easiest one?
  • lisacifolelli24
    lisacifolelli24 Posts: 3 Member
    I found level 2 so hard! I am trying it again today in hopes that I do better than the first day! I too was really frustrated with level 2. Just trying to find comfort in knowing I am not alone with this! ????