Like Minded Lushes -Octoberr 2012



  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 9,964 Member
    Monday, 0
    Tuesday, 4 red wines...then, it was water, water, water
    Wednesday, 2 beers Octoberfest
    Thursday, 9 Winter Lager beers
    Friday, 3 Bud light

    Total: 18

    I peeked into the 12 pack and 8 were missing and so was the one in the fridge. That makes for 9 yesterday. :sad: Drank some bud light 'cause I was thirsty after jumping. :tongue:

    I picked up work on Sunday morning so I should behave tomorrow - or - drink earlier :ohwell:
  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    Monday-Thursday- 0
    Friday- 2 glasses of red, 2 vodka tonics and a michelob ultra

    Tried out a new restaurant that opened up right by our house and it was really good. I love having new places to go that are close. We sat at the bar and the bartender was great too. I had a southwest chicken salad that was delicious! Going to a funeral now (yuck) and then on to the Oktoberfest party which should be a great time. Happy weekend fellow lushes :flowerforyou:
  • crazycat59
    crazycat59 Posts: 165 Member
    I believe it was about 9 last night.......

    Another 1/2 lb down. Can't believe that cause after 9 beers, I kinda remember eating what I thought was a lot. Checked the fridge this morning and I had put half of my dinner away...I guess for later. LOL!

    Have a good day Lushes!!! Have fun at any Halloween parties going on!

    Boo! :devil:
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,029 Member
    Kim, I am sure it was the beer gremlin who drank a few and not all you!

    I over indulged last night and I liked it!

    to all my lushes, Have a great weekedn!!!!!!:drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • extraordinary_machine
    extraordinary_machine Posts: 3,028 Member
    Oy, a kid-free Friday led to a 4 hour happy hour! A lemon drop, 3blue moons, a vodka red bull, and I passed out from 7-9. Lol!
  • rjacob1214
    rjacob1214 Posts: 19 Member
    I think I'm going to have to start tallying on the back of my hand! I always lose count! :) Halloween celebrating...

    Saturday- undeterminable amount of vodka sodas
    Sunday- 0

    Happy to find some like minded, weight-concious lushes!

    Ad me, if you can be bothered with it, I'm new 'round these parts. :)
  • SoCalWoman
    SoCalWoman Posts: 2,384 Member
    Glad you found us rj..welcome!

    One skinny margarita and one glass of wine yesterday.
    Probably something similar tonight.

    Still doing well moderating the alcohol but my eating choices were horrible this weekend. Back on track tomorrow.
  • mallory71
    mallory71 Posts: 7 Member
    I'm new too, happy I found this group. I joined a different website and they were a bit judgmental about my drinking. They didn't seem to think you can lose weight and continue to drink. I love my vodka too much to give it up!

    Saturday-2 glasses of red wine
    Sunday-nothing yet but the night's still young :)

    Add me if you want, I don't have any friends yet and could use some advice.
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 9,964 Member
    Monday, 0
    Tuesday, 4 red wines...then, it was water, water, water
    Wednesday, 2 beers Octoberfest
    Thursday, 9 Winter Lager beers
    Friday, 3 Bud light
    Saturday, 9'ish - 1/2 bottle of wine, 1 marg, 1 bottle of wine & 1 beer
    Sunday, 0

    Total: 27 is a horrible week - or - a great week depending on how you look at it :huh:


    Yes, I thought it was daylight savings week and decided to drink my extra hour and stay up later. I ended up being late for work and very sluggish. Good thing my assignment was decent. I will punish myself with some form of exercise tonight.

    :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: Welcome new lushes!!:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • Miche11e5
    Miche11e5 Posts: 114 Member
    Another newbie here! My best girlfriends have nicknamed me Lush, so I think I'll feel right at home in this group! (Their nicknames are B!tch & $lut - I like mine best! :laugh: )

    Any who... I was having a pretty alcohol free week until I had some friends over for a jewelry party on Thursday and drank 3/4 of a bottle of red wine. I had the rest on Friday and then finished the bottle of white that was left-over on Saturday followed by a beer with my pizza. Lets just say that yesterday was really bad for calories!

    Not drinking today or in the near future, but before I know it Friday will arrive and I'll be looking to see what my wine fridge holds! :wink:

  • extraordinary_machine
    extraordinary_machine Posts: 3,028 Member
    I've been cooking all day...2 pumpkin shock tops, one with vanilla vodka and a red bull and vodka.
  • Kat120285
    Kat120285 Posts: 1,599 Member
    Welcome newbies!

    Our Thanks-o-weenie party last night was a huge success ... Though most of our parties are =} I and everyone else was very lushy. Woke up and kept it going so no hangover just super tired.

    We're supposed to get hit with hurricane/blizzard Sandy here about tomorrow so I'll probably be offline for a bit with no power :indifferent:

    So if I don't check in tomorrow morning I'll see my lovely lushes in a few days! :smile:

    Oh! My engagement ring reset should be done in a few weeks and then I can finally post a picture of it with my wedding band :heart: I miss wearing it so I can't wait for it to be done so I can wear it all the time with my band :smile:
  • wolf23
    wolf23 Posts: 4,240 Member
    Stay safe Kat and all of the lushes in the Northeast! :heart:

    Edited because I forgot to post my drinks which weren't much.

    Saturday - Opened a hard cider, but didn't feel like it after opening it...weird :huh:
    Sunday - 0

    Going to be a moderate week for me, still trying to deflate from last weekend.
  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    Kat- Stay Safe!!

    Welcome new lushes!

    Friday- 2 glasses of red, 2 vodka tonics and 1 michelob ultra
    Saturday- ridiculous amounts of wine, 2 vodka tonics, a half of a pumpkin beer and many apple pie shots...this was all over the course of an eight hour party

    I think I may still be hungover! This week zeros until Friday for sure. No big plans for next weekend. So I should be able to make it a pretty good week with zeros.
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 9,964 Member
    Chole, zeros sound fabulous for this week. Moderation week didn't go so well for me.

    I think I am going to hit barre yoga today and pole dancing tonight. It's my day off so I'll like to hit both classes.
  • Kat120285
    Kat120285 Posts: 1,599 Member
    Thanks ladies :smile: As of right now we still have power. Wind is picking up though. We have plenty of candles, flashlights and booze though so we'll be fine haha. Husband is coming home before they close down the highways at 11 this morning. Even if the hype is being overdone I'm glad he'll be home and safe with us :heart:
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    I did not moderate well over the weekend at all. Well OK, maybe on Friday. I think I had about 5 glasses of wine. That is GOOD for me. At the party I was doing pretty well untill I hit my magic number of 4, and then it was back to the bar for wine wine wine. I probably had 7 "glasses" (4 oz. plastic cups), but over a bottle. Yesterday was worse. We had family over to eat party leftovers and I just kept filling up my not 4 oz cup. I have no idea how much I drank. I'm guessing close to 2 bottles. Oops. I crashed at 7:30 and still am in a fog today. I'm looking for 0's most of the week. Maybe moderately drink one week night. The weekend I need to moderate also.
  • zippo32
    zippo32 Posts: 1,407 Member
    Fri - some beers
    Sat - 4 beers and 2 shots
    Sun - 6 beers
    Giants win.................
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,029 Member
    welcome to all the newbies. We love lushes. I am Mama Lush.

    I did okay this weekend Saturday was 2.5 bottles of wine and then I finished off the last bottle yesterday. The Broncos won so I celebrated with a nice glass of sipping rum.

    Stay safe Kat and any other East Coast lushes.

    Happy Monday all.
  • rlalig
    rlalig Posts: 8 Member
    Love that I found this page...and others who like to incorporate drinks into their weight loss journey!