JANUARY 1st, 2013

I started a tradition. I weigh myself on January 1st and compare it with the next year.

On Jan 1st 2012, I was 192 lbs

On Jan 1st 2013, I want to be 172 lbs

How about you?


  • helloburger
    helloburger Posts: 243 Member
    Jan 1st 2012 I was - 118.2lbs
    Jan 1st 2013 I want to be - 114lbs
    (im currently 123lbs... so yeah haha)
  • animatorswearbras
    animatorswearbras Posts: 1,001 Member
    Jan 1st 2012 I was probably 149
    Jan 1st 2013 I want to be 126
    currently 136.5

    9 weeks to go with lots of partying and food so unlikely :) I only lose a pound a week if I'm very well behaved.

    more realistic goal = 130 (I'd be chuffed with this to be fair)
  • Ezwoldo
    Ezwoldo Posts: 369 Member
    Jan 1st 2012 92KG
    Jan 1st 2013 83 Kg

    Currently 86.5Kg

    If I am the same as I am not I would be happy TBH but nioce to have a goal
  • Jan 1st 2012: I was around 171.6 lbs, I think (78kg)
    Jan 1st 2013: I want to weigh 147.4 lbs (Dream goal: 145 lbs) (Goal: 67kg; Dream goal: 66kg)

    Currently 68.3kg

    I will have to really swim things off in December...Holiday feasting and all that would most likely hinder my progress BUT I'll just amp up the workouts. TBH I would weigh myself on 31st Dec 2012, reflect and then make another goal for 2013.

    P.S. I lose weight slowly.
  • Cathy7794
    Cathy7794 Posts: 223 Member
    January 1st 2012 - 215 pounds
    Currently - 174 pounds
    January 1st 2013 - hopefully 160-165

    My weight loss has slowed waaaay down in the past few months. Not sure what's going on, but hopeful that I'll keep losing between now and the new year to get me to that 165 at least.
  • marieautumn
    marieautumn Posts: 928 Member
    Jan 1st 2012 i was 142lbs
    i'm currently 126 lbs
    Jan 1st 2013 i want to be 120lbs
  • mwgner
    mwgner Posts: 115
    Jan 1st 2011 I weighed somewhere around 208 pounds.

    Currently I am at 196 pounds.

    Come Jan 1st 2013, I would like to be at 185