When do you wear your Bodymedia Fit?

Hey y'all! I got my Bodymedia Fit Advantage a couple of days ago and i'm trying to figure out what's a good time to give it a "break" since it says we shouldn't wear more than 23hrs.

My thought is to take it off an hour before I go to bed. I put it back on when I get in the bed, go to sleep, wear it all day, workout, take it off briefly for a shower, then put it back on, have dinner, relax, take it off and start over again.

What do y'all suggest? What is working for you?



  • katevarner
    katevarner Posts: 884 Member
    I take mine off to shower and for about half an hour in the afternoon when I get home from work and vegetate.
  • I take it off to shower which by the time I shower and get dressed is 30 minutes. Then I take it off when I'm home for the day to let it sync and charge. So that's about an hour all told. Also I switch to my right arm every third day or so just to give my left arm a longer break. I have not noticed a difference in readings doing that.
  • runningindigo
    runningindigo Posts: 63 Member
    Thanks a bunch for your feedback! I'm gonna keep "playing around" with it to see what will work for me since I've only had it for a couple of days! :-)

    Thanks again and Happy New Year!!
  • How do you like your Bodymedia Fit? It would seem wearing an armband 23 hours a day would get annoying... thoughts?
  • SmartAlec03211988
    SmartAlec03211988 Posts: 1,896 Member
    It's off only when I'm driving or bathing. Otherwise it's ALWAYS on.
  • SmartAlec03211988
    SmartAlec03211988 Posts: 1,896 Member
    How do you like your Bodymedia Fit? It would seem wearing an armband 23 hours a day would get annoying... thoughts?
    Honestly, I don't even notice it's on anymore. I was wearing it too tight in the beginning which caused irritation, bu since loosening it up, I forget it. I've almost jumped in the shower with it on many times (it's not water proof... bad idea).
  • runningindigo
    runningindigo Posts: 63 Member
    Yeah I gotta agree with SmartAlec...you really don't know it's there. As a matter of fact, my friend brushed my arm to get my attention and then he was like "what's that?" lol! He didn't even see it (had on a long sleeved shirt)

    Thanks again for y'alls feedback!!
  • tgibbons1935
    tgibbons1935 Posts: 85 Member
    I just got mine a few days ago too and would welcome any tips on using it. I wore mine to bed last night for the first time and I can't even tell that I have it on. so far, it seems to be working really well. I took it off when I got home last night and downloaded it, then wore it to bed and charged it this morning before I left for work. I was really shocked as to how many calories you actually burn in a day just doing regular things. I can't wait to see what it does when I go to the gym.
  • I wear mine all the time, I only take it off to shower and to charge it. I have not had any problems with it at all. I hardly notice it at all. I have been wearing it for about 2 months now and love all the feedback it gives me. I have lost about 12 pounds since I got it.
  • tallieterp
    tallieterp Posts: 257 Member
    I take mine off during my shower around 6:30 and then I charge it around 8:30-9 every night for a little bit and that gives my arm a little break but really after the first few days I don't even really realize I'm wearing it :)
  • Hi runningindigo,

    It sounds like you have a great schedule to us! The more you wear your BodyMedia FIT, the more accurate it becomes as it adjusts to your unique burn. If your schedule fits your routine, then keep it up!

    Be sure to keep us updated on your progress!
