Ladies? Are you 46ish and need some motivators!

I need to lose 36 pounds! Any other gals out there who are in the same boat? I'm sick and tired of being sick and tired of this feeling. What feeling? You know...the one where you can feel the lump of lard between your bra and the top of your jeans. :sad: Ugh. Message me if you're interested in a motivation friend. Ladies only please.


  • VitaBailey
    VitaBailey Posts: 271 Member
    I am exactly 46 and love adding new friends! I will send you a FR and anyone else who would like to send me a FR can feel free to do so!
  • tfitz12
    tfitz12 Posts: 54 Member
    Feel free to add me.....sounds like we have alot in common
  • amandaj1966
    amandaj1966 Posts: 342 Member
    I am 46 too, have sent you a friends request. Support needed as I am struggling to lose. Got 10 lbs to lose, together we can do it. :wink:
  • lizbell6
    lizbell6 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi I am 47 and have 10 to 15 to lose. Would love to give you some encouragement and get some too! Good Luck on your fitness goals. Remember 46 is the new 36! You can do it.
  • sara42066
    sara42066 Posts: 28 Member
    Add me!!! I need to lose before my son wedding in June!
  • yourenotmine
    yourenotmine Posts: 645 Member
    I'm 37. Do I count? :)
  • lilmisfit
    lilmisfit Posts: 860 Member
    I'm only 44, but feel free to add me!
  • Hello, I am going to turn 43 this year and I would love some new motivational friends.
    Been at this for over a year and I am always learning new things here on MFP.
    We can do this!
  • Stacy121
    Stacy121 Posts: 35 Member
    I'm 41 and needs LOTS of support. Please all of you, add me!
  • merzback
    merzback Posts: 453 Member
    just turned 44 the day after Christmas! Always looking for new motivators/pals.
    I could write a book on weight loss :) and have a lot of great information. :)
  • gtscorekeeper
    gtscorekeeper Posts: 5 Member
    will be 45 this year and have about 45 to go (maybe 50). Always need new friends :) feel free to friend!
  • dym123
    dym123 Posts: 1,670 Member
    I'll be 46 in 21 days, feel free to add me
  • NiSan12
    NiSan12 Posts: 374 Member
    Love giving and receiving support. Add me :smile:
  • I am 46-ish (47 to be exact)

    I feel way older then my years. I am making a positive health change! My goal- no more yo yo.
  • Christine26
    Christine26 Posts: 25 Member
    Add me! I turn 45 next month -- and need support, motivation and tricks to help me stay on track!
  • shopewell70
    shopewell70 Posts: 125 Member
    I will be 43 this year..... Feel free to add me :)
  • MoonGypsyQ67
    MoonGypsyQ67 Posts: 121 Member
    Anyone here can feel free to add me! I am always looking for others to help motivate and like to be motivated. It is win-win for all!
  • hendersonrusti
    hendersonrusti Posts: 4 Member
    I am 46! Please feel free to add me, I could use all the support I can get. The holidays were very unforgiving this year! Good luck!
  • Kougra
    Kougra Posts: 358 Member
    I'm 45. Feel free to add me! =^_^=
  • HypersonicFitNess
    HypersonicFitNess Posts: 1,219 Member
    43....but add me if you like! I'm a great motivator; do you eat your veggies every day? :smile: