

    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,474 Member
    hmmm, well i say, work extra hard during the week,,, and stay on track, then ,,,come weekend time,,, PARTY ON>
    Eat and drink what you want!< ENJOY.
  • Exercising a little extra sounds like it would work.. maybe put me in a healthy mindset for the day.. I'll try that.
    I love cheesecake factory! I did hear about the skinnylicious menu, but have not tried it. Now if I can just stay away from the cheesecake:tongue:
  • danibu98
    danibu98 Posts: 281 Member
    I'm the exact same way. So far on the weekends I make sure to work out to get more calories to eat back. I have to be honest though, I bet if you go back through my diary a few weeks that I never log food between 6 pm Saturday and 9 am Sunday.... I try to go into dinner with at least 900 calories left but I don't really log. I'm very much a work in progress on this one. It is a weakness
  • marinegirl92
    marinegirl92 Posts: 184 Member
    My go to restaurant selection (which is usually avail on any menu) is the chicken ceasar salad

    * I ask for the dressing on the side so I can control.
    * If it comes with a side of breadsticks/focaccia bread or anything I ask that they bring a smaller portion

    I don't feel like I'm missing out. Plus I take a few sips off my husband's beer (I LOVE MICROBREWS)

    Shazam I'm still on my plan and happy about it!
  • Ramberta
    Ramberta Posts: 1,312 Member
    Honestly? It doesn't really matter too much which restaurant you're at, because many are starting to serve "lighter" or "leaner" fare, i.e. options that aren't deep-fried and are served with veggies or fruit as sides rather than carbs. Last night at Chili's I got the Mango Chile Tilapia (Looks like this except with fish instead of chicken http://nrn.com/site-files/nrn.com/files/uploads/2012/12/MangoChileChicken copy.jpg ) and it was very satisfying, and I even took some leftovers home.

    The key to eating out without blowing your daily calorie allowance is to STOP EATING WHEN YOU ARE FULL. Don't feel pressured to clear your plate, don't feel pressured to "just try a bite" of everyone else's entrees (unless you want to), and listen to your body. When you start feeling not-hungry, slow down, and when you think "I couldn't possibly eat another bite" then DON'T! It's hard to do, especially when the food is tasty, but restaurant portions are horrible, even in the "healthier" side of the menu, for being at least twice the size they should be. Enjoy your food, but don't stuff yourself! Then you won't feel guilty afterwards. :)