Female Issue and I totally overate today, like WAYYY over!

bambi5014 Posts: 79
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
I know its gotta be PMS, but after stepping on the scale this morning I discovered that I gained an entire pound back. :( I know its only a pound, but I have worked so hard since January to drop 25 lbs! I was down about it and decided I was going to try and kick up my exercising (I admit I have been slacking) and try to stay within my allotted calorie goal... WRONG! I ended up being 400 calories over and that is before I polished off half a can of bean dip and half a bag of nacho cheese doritos! Can you say FAT @$$?! Ugh. I am so disgusted. I did workout a little and made sure I drank 64oz. of water today, but I know I will likely gain another pound after my horrible actions today. I do also have a very busy week and am going out of town next week, so I know its going to be difficult to stay on track. Anyone have any advice for beating the cravings during TOM?!


  • HealthyChanges2010
    HealthyChanges2010 Posts: 5,831 Member
    Can you say FAT @$$?!
    No I wouldn't say that....I'd say PMS cravings AKA hormones we all deal with. carbs carbs our body actually needs more during our period than other times of the month. Perhaps try fruit or something similar carb wise, it takes planning and I hear ya, it's hard to overcome the cravings because they do get incredibly strong. If you can trust yourself to portion certain foods, and feel safe doing that you might try eating something you're craving but only a one serving container of it.

    Some ppl are ready for that others don't feel safe yet so it's best to wait, only you know what works for you.

    Drop the guilt as it will only make mattters worse. Perhaps consider not calling yourself names, you sure wouldn't call anyone of us a "FAT @$$", right? You're worth so much and keep telling yourself that no matter what, You MATTER!!!:heart::flowerforyou:

  • bambi5014
    bambi5014 Posts: 79
    Awww. Thanks Becca. So true. I know I am being a bit hard on myself, but TOM has always been my excuse to not lose weight in the past, and I feel like mother nature wins again. I wish someone would make a magic pill to help us fight our cravings during these hormonal times. I should and will use the portion control method next time and realize all I can do is keep trying and realize TOM is not forever. I guess its better than the alternative... being pregnant!! lol
  • I am with you .. Ihe best advice is give into the cravings don't go crazy but if u crave something have a little of it.. as a woman during pms I get way more hungrier the week before my tom gets here and then the week I have it I have no apetite so it balances out for me that way..
  • erincraig
    erincraig Posts: 10
    I ate about 250 over tonight for the same reason. I think this is how I got fat to begin with! I can do great all month until then...
  • tkcasta
    tkcasta Posts: 405 Member
    I'm having the exact same issues this week. I understand, and I know it sucks. Plus, you just keep putting yourself down and getting into that spiral. Just take a step back, take a breath and keep going. Our bodies do need the extra energy, just keep working out and counting, hold yourself accountable without killing yourself. Sometimes, like now, there's just nothing else you can do.
  • spritie
    spritie Posts: 167
    I know it sucks, and I understand how bad you feel about overeating.

    However, lets have a quick look at the numbers, lets assume your all aiming for 1lb weight loss a weight (3500cal)
    So your on a 500cal a day deficit ignoring exercise calories and the eating or not eating of them.

    You 'overate' by 250-400cal in the above mentioned cases.

    Your still bringing in a deficit for that day.

    Yes its less, yes it will slow your weight loss.

    BUT you are not going to gain weight from that.

    This is not the disaster your making it in your head (even tho when you add hormones into the mix, It can certainly feel like it).

    Its like everything else you just need to accept that it happened, realise that now is a new minute, tommorow is a new day and try and find a way to make different choices next time..
  • I can totally relate to you on this, as well as many females on here can too. We are all here for one goal to lose and maintin our weight and it seems like Tom tries to ease its way in the equation and mess things up. I know When Tom pays me a visit I crave the fattiest of the fattest foods ever on this earth! I am so guilty of using Tom as an excuse to not workout and eat right and everytime I give into the temptation I feel worse every time. What I learned is that its not worth beating yourself up over mistakes you may have made due to Tom. For a while now when im on my period I try to go the extra mile in my workouts, and make sure im eating super good during that time. Yes it may be difficult but It makes me believe If i can persevere through the horrid time of cramps, bloating, and fatigue then there is no stopping me any other normal day. And it is such a rewarding feeling knowing you didnt parade the fridge and totally blow up your calories. Its already rough enough that your on your period and feel crappy, Why add bad fatty foods in there to make you feel twice as crappy? Anyway, were human, and we all have cravings just try your best to make smart decisions each and every day. Just try and treat each day like the next day is your weigh in...It works for me:) Heres a quote for you... :)
    "Dont trade what you want the Most for the thing you want for the Moment"
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