Newbie at University


Just thought I'd introduce myself on here 'cause to be honest, on my last attempt at doing myfitnesspal, on my old account, I was a little loner on here and didn't socialise with the community, I didn't last long haha! So here's to a new more social attempt at it :) It's gonna be a struggle, but alas... anything worthwhile usually involves a bitta struggle.

I'm 19 and from Birmingham in the UK, go to Aston Uni... it's like... HARDEST THING EVER TOO DIET AROUND THE STUDENT LIFE, so it's possibly a fool hardy attempt... but mares well give it a bash :D anyone got any mad University coping skills??

Ciao :)


  • jessikarmay
    jessikarmay Posts: 5 Member
    well you know im always here to help :). I find it helps to plan my meals in advance and buy lots of healthy snacks and get them ready to eat. like I I'll eat pepper and carrot sticks if they're already there ready to eat otherwise I end up just buying crisps from the shop. Also try and get your flatmates to cook healthy meals too.

    It's really easy to be bingey at uni especially with alcohol and then drunk food :/
  • cheethamd
    cheethamd Posts: 8 Member
    I agree staying healthy at Uni is one of the hardest things but definitely sort of meal planning helps as you can get prepared in advanced with what your due to eat that day etc :)
  • jst1986
    jst1986 Posts: 204 Member
    At uni alcohol was always my downfall! Try to watch how much you drink and avoid sugary alcopops!
  • Hellobubs
    Hellobubs Posts: 16 Member
    I have been at uni for 2 and half years now, on my first day moving into halls I had spring greens on my shelf in the fridge. Needless to say I got ripped for that ;) but I didn't care. Ive never been a huge take away fan but when I do eat it I just feel so sluggish compared to eating healthy meals.
    I agree the best thing Is to make sure you have healthy snacks in, so then you dont have a choice but to eat that. But from experience ALWAYS give yourself a treat every now and again. Have a pizza with your friends just dont make it every night like some students do.
    It seems like there will be plenty of students on mfp at hand to help you out!
    I too have decided to get social this time round so feel free to add me! :)
  • fitlaughl0ve
    fitlaughl0ve Posts: 21 Member
    Fellow uni student here and feel your pain! I seem to be surrounded by people who can eat/drink as much as they like and look fine, although it seems to be catching up on them as the term goes on which is good motivation! I pretty much point blank avoid alcohol at the moment, as it makes the post night takeaway seem so much more appealing, which throws me off the wagon completely :(

    I find as long as I plan my meals at the beginning of the week, and spend enough so that I can't justify spending more on unhealthy snacks whenever I pass a shop I tend to stick to it! Feel free to add me :)
  • Thanks to all of ya :D there's been some sound advice from you all!!

    I think meal planning and dodging the unhealthy snacks is definitely a good start point!