4 Week weight Loss Challenge- I Need Some Buddies



  • casmithis
    casmithis Posts: 216 Member
    Perfect. I'm down to those stubborn last 10 pounds and I have a wedding in May in Cuba (where the average age of those going to 22 and a half!!) so this is good.

    Thanks for doing this. Looking forward to Weigh in Wednesdays!!

  • This is wonderful to see so many people willing to motivate each other to our goal! Are there any individuals on a strict idet plan? I've seen some people post like myself state they are doing Zumba, cardio 3 times a week, elipitcal etc. I have only seen one person post about 300 calorie meals that they eat throughout the day.
  • jlg6599
    jlg6599 Posts: 162 Member
    I would like to join the challenge and lose at least 10 lbs over the next 4 weeks.
  • Ok. someone has brought it to my attention that I have the incorrect date for the last weigh in. So the dates are as follows: March 20, March 27, April 3, and April 10. Okay can anyone tell I am working and loggin in on MFP at the same time. :laugh:
  • daneiel
    daneiel Posts: 42 Member
    Hey feel free to add me I'm in

  • I'm in! I'm starting at 175lbs and my goal is to get back down to 130lbs. Second day for me of exercise and proper eating so now is a good time to make friends and stay motivated. :smile:
  • redphoenix64
    redphoenix64 Posts: 47 Member
    I would like to join the challenge please add me as a friend Starting weight 155.5 and now am 148.5 my goal weight is 125 and I would like to lose 5 lbs in 4 wks
  • Do we start a group?
  • yowla
    yowla Posts: 127 Member
    I am totally in. Anyone can add me. Just let me know what I need to do. I would like to lose 10lbs. I have a Mexico trip I need to get ready for in June.
  • please add me ! would love to do a challenge
  • one15ts
    one15ts Posts: 91
    i would love to join, too!
  • I would love to join in as well!! I just started last week - again. :) Started at 220 and goal is 175...for now. Once I get there I'll reevaluate.

    Not new to the weight loss journey - about ten years ago lost over 30 pounds on another famous (Jennifer Hudson) program...gained 10 back and maintained for quite a few years but recently started gaining and am the highest I've ever been. Age and basic overeating will do that to ya!!

    So far my goal is tracking my food and staying within calories, eating healthy choices versus wasting those calories. I feel successful for this past week so I think it's working. I am down 4 pounds ... so it must be doing something!!

    For the 4 week challenge I would like to lose 5 pounds. I know this big drop is not going to happen every week so have to stick with realistic goals! LOL

    Looking forward to "meeting" you all and hearing where you are at with the journey.
  • Hi, i have the same goal , i'm currently 187 lbs , and i wanna be 154 , cuz i gained a lot of weight since i moved from my hometown to canada , lot of depression pressure , work , living alone in a new country...
    I was 197 lbs on the 21st January , now i lost 10 lbs since then , but i'm willing to lose more in 4 weeks i am so motivated and need someone that is interested in fitness , with whom i can share my toughts and talk ... Are you in ?
  • Fehnchrissy
    Fehnchrissy Posts: 3 Member
    Hi, I would like to start my fitness goals with your four week challenge. I would like to see 8lbs off at the end of four weeks. I have for the last three weeks triped my diet, lower calorie intake and lots of water. Now that my diet is in check its time for me to start my work outs. PS I love Zumba don't know why I stopped going last year. So here I am again, round two for the better and I am stronger.
  • I'd like to join! I am 170 and my goal weight is 140. I think 8 lbs is a good goal to start with for the 4 weeks.
  • Hey Ebony that's a great idea I am definitely in.:smile: I will send you a friend request right away it's Chloe Chanelle.
  • chuck191
    chuck191 Posts: 3
    Im in... Ive been doing an 82day challnge thus far and there are 19 days left. Ive lost 20lbs since Jan 7th and expect to lose at least 5 - 10 lbs these next few weeks... :smooched:
  • Valerie_Malone
    Valerie_Malone Posts: 59 Member
    I would like to join! I weighed in yesterday at 200 lbs.
  • Just restarted today! Would like to join your challenge. I am also starting at 200lb.
  • slenderyear
    slenderyear Posts: 10 Member
    I would love to join this challenge! My goal would be to lose 8 lbs in four weeks! I hope I'm not too late!~