help me understand.....

Wk 1-217
This week I've increased my cardio, still eating 1200 cals a day burning 600-700 cals a day

Sunday 211
Monday 210
Tuesday 211
Just now I'm 213??????

I don't get goal is 2 lbs a week. I was doing good untill this week. By next week I should be at 211. I'm eating right but gaining. I am not lifting weights just a hour on the elliptical.

Can someone explain?


  • My guess is that its just water weight fluctuations. My weight always fluctuates between 3-5 lbs depending on my sodium or water intake.
    I wouldn't worry, the weight should come back down soon.
  • mamacita721
    mamacita721 Posts: 194 Member
    Stop weighing yourself every day. The scale should not be how you meause your success. It will only discourage you.

    Take your measurements, judge your success on how your clothes feel.
    Eat more. You wouldnt go on a road trip with no gas in the tank would you?
    Add some strenggth training to your routine.
    Cut back on the processed sugar.

    Be patient. Rome wasnt built in a day.

    You are doing great, Keep going!
  • Lmezz11
    Lmezz11 Posts: 619 Member

    Stop weighing yourself every day.

    Be patient. Rome wasnt built in a day.

    Words of wisdom.
  • angleu
    angleu Posts: 140 Member
    You did not eat enough to gain fat but what you did do was increase your exercise so you probably retained water. It will go away in a a few days.

    BUT...MFP is designed to work with you eating your exercise calories back or at least most unless you have a HRM to know exactly what you are burning..You are creating too large of a deficit by eating too little and burning that much. And pay no mind to losing 2lbs a week, some weeks it won't be any, some will be more. Weight loss is not linear n butlease eat more...
  • koko12
    koko12 Posts: 81 Member
    eat more
  • cindylmanly
    cindylmanly Posts: 25 Member
    Definitely STOP weighing every day!! Once a week at most....and weigh in the am. Your weight can fluctuate a lot daily just over a bowel movement or lack thereof! So stop!

    Also. You are not eating enough! I was eating at 1000 cals and exercising daly and not losing a pound! I brought my cals up to 1200 AND eat back all my exercise cals and am fairly consistent in my weight loss.

    Figure your tdee and EAT! And look at what you eat. I won't waste a single cal on junk...fuel that body! Trust me it works!
  • Barbellerella
    Barbellerella Posts: 1,838 Member
    1200 is way too low for you. Especially if you're doing that much cardio for goodness sakes. read these posts please
  • MireyGal76
    MireyGal76 Posts: 7,334 Member
    You can't expect to keep the car moving if you don't put gas in the tank.

    Feed your body.

    If you are running on vapors, you'll mess up the engine, and as hard as you jam on the pedal, you WILL NOT GO ANYWHERE.

    Please... Just try
    - taking a deep breath.
    - feeding your body
    - get enough rest
    - remember that quick losses often result in quick gains
    - slow losses are a result of a lifestyle adjustment and are more likely to stick around.

    And read those links!

    You can do this... we just want you to enjoy the trip too. :)
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    Why am I the first person in here to mention TOM????
  • MireyGal76
    MireyGal76 Posts: 7,334 Member
    Why am I the first person in here to mention TOM????

    I thought it... but figured I'd worry more about the fuel. ;)
  • MariaHammer750
    MariaHammer750 Posts: 86 Member
    Weighing yourself everyday isn't a good idea for all of the reasons others mentioned, but I was just wondering are you weighing at the same time every day. It looks like you posted this in the evening and you said you just weighed. Weighing in the evening can add several pounds to your weight. Early morning is the best time to weigh.
  • leighann881
    leighann881 Posts: 371
    Wk 1-217
    This week I've increased my cardio, still eating 1200 cals a day burning 600-700 cals a day

    Sunday 211
    Monday 210
    Tuesday 211
    Just now I'm 213??????

    I don't get goal is 2 lbs a week. I was doing good untill this week. By next week I should be at 211. I'm eating right but gaining. I am not lifting weights just a hour on the elliptical.

    Can someone explain?

    When you change your workout you stress your body. Your body responds to stress by swelling. Swelling causes higher numbers on the scale. NOT WEIGHT GAIN :-) Try try try not to weigh everyday (I do... can't help it). Keep on keeping on!
  • JennieKillough
    JennieKillough Posts: 10 Member
    Time. Let it happen.
  • JennieKillough
    JennieKillough Posts: 10 Member
  • JennieKillough
    JennieKillough Posts: 10 Member
    Why am I the first person in here to mention TOM????

    Because you are disgusting.
  • volume77
    volume77 Posts: 670 Member
    weight loss is not linear. my weights flectutes +/- 7 lbs daily
  • brit_ks_89
    brit_ks_89 Posts: 433 Member
    eat more

    THIS !!!! EATING 1200 AND BURNING OVER 500 CALORIES A DAY.. lord have mercy!!!!!
  • determinedbutlazy
    determinedbutlazy Posts: 1,941 Member
    Why am I the first person in here to mention TOM????

    Because you are disgusting.

    I, like many women of child-bearing age, bleed every month, it is a perfectly natural occurance that has an effect on the amount of water you retain. It is not "disgusting" and neither is the gentleman who brought it up.

    I would agree with the other posters and say you should probably be eating more. Fuel yourself. If you're liking working out, that's great, but you don't need such huge burns every day to see results.
  • JennieKillough
    JennieKillough Posts: 10 Member
    Maybe not, unless you know the gentleman ;)
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    I'm being dead serious. My quickmath, almost no woman I know voluntarily begins a new workout routine during TOM. I don't know the OP, but I'd give it a 90% chance that Week 1 was immediately post-TOM. Sheds a lot of weight that week, a steady amount during weeks 2 and 3, and then lo and behold, it's Week 4, where nothing has changed but magically weight is starting to return. If my guess was that Week 1 was immediately post-TOM, then week 4 would be the beginning of TOM.

    *note: I do agree with the other posters stating that the 1200 cals with a possible 600 cal net (it's unclear if exercise cals are being eaten) is much too low for a woman with her body stats. It's just that all my math points to this other culprit.

    **But I don't know much about much, so always, I could be way the hell off.