Weigh Ins

loves86 Posts: 88 Member
What day is everyone weighing in on? Are you guys going to post them on here when you do weigh in so we can all help keep each other accountable?


  • jheads
    jheads Posts: 145 Member
    I think posting weekly weights on here is a great idea!
  • thisisiamj
    thisisiamj Posts: 145 Member
    I'm in :) Hopefully, that will keep me consistent throughout the week. I usually weigh every other weds or so.
  • jheads
    jheads Posts: 145 Member
    I weighed today so Wednesday's work for me.
  • Gracie430
    Gracie430 Posts: 77 Member
    Wednesdays sound good to me. I think it will be a great motivator. And we can all brag on the same day!
  • rushikareddy
    rushikareddy Posts: 604 Member
    As of today I weigh 131.8 lbs! Lost one pound in two weeks! Finally off the plateauing :) so I guess I'll shed more the next two weeks! :) how is everyone here doing?
  • zoomerrs
    zoomerrs Posts: 21
    I'll defintely post my weekly weigh-ins on our forum. I've been weighing in at WW on Saturdays and MFP on Sundays just because that's when I started each program. So far I've lost a whole .4 lbs.
  • Weigh ins are fine with me I guess this is my plateau week so hopefully next week I will be back to losing. So I will post on Wednesday happy clean eating for the rest of the week guys
  • Amyy1982
    Amyy1982 Posts: 369 Member
    I like this idea :) What day did we start this group? Oops ... I have lost 3lbs since March 6
  • aablacknell
    aablacknell Posts: 856 Member
    Wednesday is fine I will post my weight from Monday because that is when I weigh in for another challenge. And I can't handle the truth twice in one week:wink:!!!
  • monnyq
    monnyq Posts: 40 Member
    Ladies, I'm stuck and haven't lost a pound. I incorporated a new workout plan and I've been sick with the cold for the last 3 days so hopefully I'm just holding on to water weight. I will stick to my plan for about another week and make changes as needed.
  • zoomerrs
    zoomerrs Posts: 21
    Join the club, I've been eating well (1200 cal) every day and have lost less than 1/2 lb in two weeks. Not sure why my body is fightiing soooo hard to keep these pounds? I would say your new workout plan may be to blame, but hopefully it will all balance out in the end, that's what I keep telling myself.
  • loves86
    loves86 Posts: 88 Member
    ok wednesdays it is then!!! you dont really have to if you don't want to, but I know I am going to because you guys on here are the only ones that I have to keep me accountable (my finance tries, but it's just not the same since he has no weight to lose :S )
  • Gracie430
    Gracie430 Posts: 77 Member
    Ok group. Today is Tuesday, which means tomorrow is weigh-in day. How many are committed to weighing in tomorrow and posting your loss, gain, or remained the same? Let's get the energy back in this group!!!!! Is anyone out there???:ohwell:
  • jheads
    jheads Posts: 145 Member
    I will be posting tomorrow am!!!!
  • Gracie430
    Gracie430 Posts: 77 Member
    I will post in the morning, also. Hope some of the others show up. Good luck!
  • Gracie430
    Gracie430 Posts: 77 Member
    Good morning!! Just weighed and lost 1/2 pound. Not the pound I hoped for, but hey! Have to lose that 1/2 before I can lose the rest of the pound right? Hope to see a lot of people posting in this group today. I'll check in later to see if anyone has set up a special post for the weigh-ins.
  • jheads
    jheads Posts: 145 Member
    1st week weight loss

    SW 180
    CW 176.4

    Total weight loss 4.4lbs
  • zoomerrs
    zoomerrs Posts: 21
    1st Weigh-in for week ending March 27/13

    SW 163.5
    CW 162.1

    Interestingly, I had expressed my frustration at actually gaining a small amount of weight while sticking to 1200 cal per day for the past 2 weeks, so I increased my calories per day by a couple of hundred and actually lost weight. I'll try it again this week and hope it wasn't just a fluke.
  • Amyy1982
    Amyy1982 Posts: 369 Member
    Good morning lovely ladies :)

    03/06: 214lbs
    Today: 208lbs

    Total loss: 6lbs

    Hope you are all having a fabulous day!!
  • aablacknell
    aablacknell Posts: 856 Member
    Ready to get those 20lbs off:happy: and find a HAPPIER me!!!

    3/27 188.5 (SW)