USA celebration challenge

HELLO ALL!!!! so I'm sitting here thinking about a mini goal and looked at the calendar. I realized that we are 74 days away from the fourth of july (7-4 get it......never mind) and thought it would be a great mini goal to go for 20lbs lost by fourth of july. we will call it the USA celebrates challenge. So,if you'd like to do so, please feel free to leave a comment below, and I'll add you to the challenge. Please make sure that you put your first post w/ your SW, and give a brief introduction so that I don't have to remove you for inactivity.

With that said, the challenge is simple: Do your best, work hard, be conscientious of your workouts and what you eat, and see how close to 20lbs you can get. Post daily, advising if you worked out & what you did. At the end of each week you'll simply let us know your scale showing your loss,and post how much you lost that week, or feel free to advise if there was no loss that week, and at the end, whomever lost the most, wins, but hey, we're all winners if we lose even just ONE POUND! The only requirement is that you post to the group daily, even if it is your rest day, just pop your head in and say hey, I'm on a rest day today. If nothing else, you may make some new friends, and enjoy the success of whatever you lose during that time. Anyone want to take this challenge with me?


  • Starting weight 297
    Goal weight 220
    Mini goal USA challenge weight 275
  • Checking in. My workout routine is P90X so today was stretch x. Only burned 200 calories, but boy did I need that stretch.
  • Shoot Forgot to check in yesterday. Yoga was on the agenda since I am starting recovery week on the P 90 X routine. Unfortunately the phone for business would not let me complete all 90 minutes yesterday. I did complete 70 minutes and burned over 450 calories.

    Today was first time doing core synergistic. Wow gotta love that plank to chatarunga run. Burned over 500 calories according to the heart rate monitor.

    Did get on the scale Sunday and was quite disappointed to not see it move it all. Probably lost inches more than weight. I'm feeling a little stronger. I guess you just keep pushing play do your best and forget the rest
  • auteurfille22
    auteurfille22 Posts: 251 Member
    I'd like to join! I hope others do too :)
    Starting Weight - 159
    Current Weight - 148
    4th of July Goal Weight - 132
    Ultimate Goal Weight - 125

    I don't know how doable this will be for me since I know that weight loss slows down a lot once you get closer to your goal, so I'm aiming for a goal loss of 16 pounds by July 4th. If I exceed that, awesome. But I'd really like to meet that. It's about 7 weeks, and so my goal is a little more than 2 pounds a week. I'm on Week 8 of the C25K and I'm doing the 30 DS. This past month or so I've been sort of falling off track but I'm really trying to get back on path.
  • I'd like to join! I hope others do too :)
    Starting Weight - 159
    Current Weight - 148
    4th of July Goal Weight - 132
    Ultimate Goal Weight - 125

    I don't know how doable this will be for me since I know that weight loss slows down a lot once you get closer to your goal, so I'm aiming for a goal loss of 16 pounds by July 4th. If I exceed that, awesome. But I'd really like to meet that. It's about 7 weeks, and so my goal is a little more than 2 pounds a week. I'm on Week 8 of the C25K and I'm doing the 30 DS. This past month or so I've been sort of falling off track but I'm really trying to get back on path.

    Welcome welcome. What is the 30ds? I know the couch to 5 k but don't know the other. I find that daily check ins help me stay on track.
  • Core synergistic done for second time this week. Really didn't realize my back was that weak as it has been sore since I did that workout Tuesday. Yoga tomorrow and then phase I of the program complete:)