


  • doronajay
    doronajay Posts: 222 Member
    ...the 1 thing which helped me overcome it all was, I believe, not the medication at all but just learning to understand that I wasnt the only one and that I didnt have to suffer. After all it is only yourself keeping yourself ill, no one else. You have the right to change how you feel , no one can tell you different, its your body after all :) getyourself a routine going.. exercise is the best release for depression, also tell yourself every night in a mirror how amazing you are :) because you are! We all are!! :) also dont suffer alone. Telling people your story and advising them how you deal with it. you will be amazed how much better you feel when you understand your depression can serve a purpose by educating others :)

    I agree wholeheartedly with the post above--you have to be really purposeful about finding a way out of depression. Saying you want help is one thing, but committing to change your life is something infinitely more difficult. Before you try to do it all on your own, find someone, somehow, that you can be accountable to, whether it's a counselor, psychiatrist, friend, or family member. If you're not ready for that, try something like group therapy or an art class--anything that has an established schedule--so you can begin a routine of getting out of the house, getting some fresh air, and socializing with others.

    Whatever happens, please don't continue to isolate yourself--it is all too easy to get lost in your own thoughts and feelings of negativity, hopelessness and exhaustion.

    It does take time to get healthy (I have battled depression for 25 years), so please be patient with yourself and know that you are worth whatever hard work you put in.
  • katelynal
    katelynal Posts: 114
    I have been where you are...I would come home from work (desk job) and sit in front of the tv all night. Changing my weight seemed hopeless and life just seemed so blah. I decided to do just one thing first to break the cycle - I joined TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensibly) in early April. The sense of relief from emerging from my isolation and getting support was overwhelming. That is where I found out about MFP. Keeping track of my food on MFP and journalling my thoughts/feelings have given me the belief that my life will be better everyday.
  • MyOwnSunshine
    MyOwnSunshine Posts: 1,312 Member
    Wow! I wish I had that much time to exercise. :smile:

    I would be over-the-moon happy if I could get a great workout in every single day. Exercise is the best antidote to depression. Exercising outside in the sunshine is a bonus. Turn off the TV and go outside, or go to the gym.

    I understand depression, but I also know that it's not an excuse to avoid doing things that will make your life and health better. Sometimes you just have to rise above your adversities and do the things that will improve your circumstances. No one else can do it for you.
  • gampsm824
    gampsm824 Posts: 37 Member
    I also suffer from depression & I do have a dog. They really do help. If you live in a place where you can't have pets, try volunteering to walk the dogs at an animal shelter. You will feel better through the exercise and the fact that you helped an animal feel loved. they will love you back.
  • khall86790
    khall86790 Posts: 1,100 Member
    Go outside, take up an exercise regime, get a hobby... definitely stop sitting around watching TV or on the computer.
    Depression does not NEED medication, it's an option but it's not the only one and you will just end up depending on that instead of fixing the root of your problems.
  • christy7322
    christy7322 Posts: 31
    Vitamin D with K2 (only take them together) and also add B12. You can get a great quality spray at You NEED to get up and move the #1 way to fight Depression is through exercise no excuses just do it! Help others out instead of watching TV go help out at a food bank or some other charitable organization (church or anything)... it’s hard to be depressed if you do all of these things. You can start by telling yourself you can only watch TV when you exercise. You will decrease your viewing time and increase your exercise. Best wishes and you can pull through this. : )


    Great suggestions
  • mattschwartz01
    mattschwartz01 Posts: 566 Member
    Depression is very treatable!! However, only a doctor can really diagnose it. If you can afford it and have benefits, go and see a psychiatrist. A combination of therapy and medicine can work wonders. I suffer from depression as well but I'm loath to give specific advice on fighting it because I'm not a medical doctor and no two people's depressions are similar. I see a doctor and I'm on medication. Please do seek professional help because depression can have deleterious effects on the brain and body. MFP is not really the right forum for this kind of thing.
  • JB5349
    JB5349 Posts: 135 Member
    Go see a doctor, depression can not be beat by food and exercise alone, medication is an important part of treatment.

    I agree with everyone else that diet and exercise are really important but please see a doctor.
  • pwnderosa
    pwnderosa Posts: 280 Member
    Wow there are some great suggestions in this thread! I go through periods of depression, it runs in my family, but have not wanted to do medication. It got really bad last year when my mom died. What helped the most was forcing myself to take a daily walk outside, I viewed this as my "medicine" - sunlight and movement and it helped a lot. I also made myself get back into some hobbies that I enjoy (writing and painting) and that was a great comfort. Now I get so much happiness and a sense of accomplishment from being in better shape, and improving my creative skills. Plus it was all free and something I could easily do myself and fit into my schedule.

    Hope you get to feeling better soon!
  • TabbyOne
    TabbyOne Posts: 6
    The 2nd post by StacieHof is a good one. Vitamin D, at least 5000 IU's per day, vitamin K2 and you can add DIM (Diindolymethane). Vitamin D is a precursor to a hormone. I notice improvement in my mood within 6 hours of taking it. DIM regulates hormones. Losing weight will mess up the hormone balance and release toxins stored in the fat. There are other mood improving supplements to try but I'd start there as most people are vitamin D defiant unless they are from a primarily fish eating society.
  • TabbyOne
    TabbyOne Posts: 6
    Also if you are watching tv, march in place. Look up some moves from Walking Away the Pounds (WAP) so at least you are helping your body some while you are watching tv.

    Best wishes to you.
  • bettyann55
    bettyann55 Posts: 87 Member
    Any hints on what to do about depression? I don't work during the week and I just sit and watch tv...hate it..have not motivation at all and life sucks...unless im with someone. I should be able to be happy and go lucky by myself as well.
    Have you ever tried volunteering at your local hospital, church, rec centre, Big Sister's, and too many others to mention. Even in a smaller town or hamlet there is always some place that needs a volunteer.
    I personally volunteer here in my home town at many places including the Pallaitive Care unit at our hospital. It not only gives me the chance to good for others but also makes me apperciate the amazing life I have even though at times I may not feel it from time to time.
    A par time job may help even if it is only a day a week.
    Your are in control of your own life and only you can change it. There are many was to fill your fill withut sitting in front of a tv if you put yur mind to it. I know as I was in your shoes many years ago and since volunteering, going to church and even getting a part time jb this past Feb/13 at the age of 58 I not only feel so much better about myself but also feel better for the people I have in my life. I have been a volunteer since the age of 15 but left myself get in a slump over the years aside from my volunteer work.
    Hope this helps and will be thinking of you. Please add me as a friend it you would like to.
  • Crochetluvr
    Crochetluvr Posts: 3,174 Member
    I suffer from depression as well. and nothing makes me feel better than to just to get out. I usually go shopping.I am not working and I don't have a lot of money to spend but I can usually find some little thing that isn't expensive that I can get....and I get in some walking too.

    I also love to ride my street bike. Getting out on that not only gets me out, the exercise itself is great for depression.
  • bettyann55
    bettyann55 Posts: 87 Member
    Vitamin D with K2 (only take them together) and also add B12. You can get a great quality spray at You NEED to get up and move the #1 way to fight Depression is through exercise no excuses just do it! Help others out instead of watching TV go help out at a food bank or some other charitable organization (church or anything)... it’s hard to be depressed if you do all of these things. You can start by telling yourself you can only watch TV when you exercise. You will decrease your viewing time and increase your exercise. Best wishes and you can pull through this. : )
    Good idea, therever be extremely careful with K2 and ask your doctor if it is right for you. K2 can be exremely bad for certain health conditions and blood disorders.
  • bettyann55
    bettyann55 Posts: 87 Member
    i also suffer from depression so i know how you feel, it is difficult to get motivated but you have to push yourself a little at a time and you will feel better for it.
    use your time wisely if your just sat at home by chatting to people on here, they can offer great advice and tips and you might even make a few online friends.
    ive managed to loose 22lb since the 1st jan 13 so dont give up, i dont excercise, ive just been eating 1200 calories a day and watching what i eat.
    good luck :-)
    Good work. Such a postive response. Add me as a friend if you would like to.
  • dmpizza
    dmpizza Posts: 3,321 Member
    Waaaaaay too big a question for these boards.

    Best of luck to you.
  • ness8484
    ness8484 Posts: 42 Member
    As many suggestions are here, from my own experience (I realize everyone is different) I was open with my doctor about how I was feeling. My suggestion is don't be afraid of medication to get you back on track and then use diet and exercise to help you to get off your medication. That's my goal. I went through a divorce and had to increase/change my medication for a year. I'm now back to the medication doses I was pre-divorce and by adding exercise I'm hoping to completely go off this medication by the end of 2013.

    Good luck in your journey and I hope you are able to find something that works for you.
  • Ebirtles123
    Ebirtles123 Posts: 25
    I have a lovely boyfriend and a pretty decent life and i always feel like this , i get down all the time but tbh i think it's my weight more than anything , i try and focus on the good things in life and try and sort out the bad bits like my weight . Hope you find peace and happiness feel free to add me :)
  • Shaliquinn
    Shaliquinn Posts: 1
    Let me start with I have been dealing with depression and anxiety since I was a child. I don't like takign medications and or doctors that push them because I have found they do more harm than good in most case. I firmly believe they call it practice for a reason.

    I am not a huge fan of more chores like a dog.. Yay dog poop! Just what i need another stress right? Wrong.. this may help some but is not for everyone. Cats are another alternative but again relying on an animal for your happiness isn't healthy, and will not FIX it jsut help sate SOME of it, but may also incur more if your not up for the task of keeping up with them as well. There are other methods.

    Some times when dealing with depression with the lack of another in your life its hard! I have been there I don't do well on my own. Sadly short of going through the motions of what you should be doing, its hard.

    Try to incorporate things that you would like to do on a daily basis. Make a schedule (this sounds lame) but stick to it.. after about 2-3 weeks of keeping busy and not just sitting you will feel different. One of the dumbest things I have ever had told to me was smile when your down, even if you dont mean it- They said it would improve my mood. Oddly it doesn't always help but sometimes it does.. SO once in a while just remember to smile think of something nice that you do enjoy and block the rest out. Outside of that keep busy get off the couch being sedentary actually makes depression worse. That is fact. It wont be easy to get the motivation to get things done right away so try adding in one new thing every other day.. and force yourself to go through the motions each and every day. These things need to occupy your mind, should help promote physical activity etc etc.. after about 3 weeks youll feel different, smiling more feeling better. Honestly there is not a 100% way to ever shrug it off- That is just life, well maybe if you win the lottery but even then things will bum you out the key is to keep trudging along and with just going through the motions you will start feeling different due to the chemical your natural body releases. If this ISN'T helping at that point may hap go see a quack(i hate quacks but occasionally they are necessary) But this should improve your moods enough to make you feel like your life is on track and allow you to be happy more often than not. Also a Good sleep pattern will make the difference force yourself to sleep Z- Quill helps me out keeps me on a set schedule(haven't seen anything bad for side effects either). An alarm in the morning (despite wanting to get up do so) Start with a cup of coffee and a small breakfast like eggs and or something then a little clean up and on to exercise to bump you for the day! Make a routine that works for your lifestyle and then stick to it! (Sticking to it is the hard part) If you miss a day dont give up just pick up where you an for that day and get thorough the next!

    So now that your done reading this, dont wait till tomorrow to get started get a pen and write down one thing your going to get done today (unless it is late)
  • bettyann55
    bettyann55 Posts: 87 Member
    Go outside, take up an exercise regime, get a hobby... definitely stop sitting around watching TV or on the computer.
    Depression does not NEED medication, it's an option but it's not the only one and you will just end up depending on that instead of fixing the root of your problems.
    I agree 100% about depression Not needing medication. I was on medications from the age of 26 to 56 and have been medication free since changing my habits, attitude and the ways I feel and think about myself. My family doctor suggested it as he has always told me I know what I want, feel, the love I have for others and talking about issues as they arise. Some people do need medication but it does not have to be a life long requirement.