Hey all :D

Megume Posts: 74
edited September 21 in Introduce Yourself
Hey everyone, I just joined and am hoping that this place will help me out. Losing weight is so hard!! Especially when you have the urge to eat everytime something bad goes wrong during the day.

Any encouragment, support or tips will be welcome. I've got to lose about 60 pounds or so, so we'll see how it goes.

Good luck to you all!!


  • lutzsher
    lutzsher Posts: 1,153 Member
    Welcome Megume. I've already sent a friend request as it really helps on those bad days to have someone cheering in your corner!
  • SparkleShine
    SparkleShine Posts: 2,001 Member

    I sent you a friend request as well.:flowerforyou:
  • You bite it - you write it! It is amazing how fast the calories count up, but it gives you a really good idea of what you are comsuming and where it is easiest to cut back. So far I am down 22# but have a lot further to go...Welcome to the journey and Good Luck!
  • I friended you! I hope you really enjoy this site, there are very motivational people around here, and I'm hoping that the start of your journey is a great one. :D
  • ashlee954
    ashlee954 Posts: 1,112 Member
    I agree with Corrine926. Bite it-write it. I had absolutely no freakin' idea I was eating so many calories. And I eat way healthy too! My problem? Eating too much of something. Once I started entering in what I ate I realized where I could have more and where to cut back. It's a great feeling at the end of the day to realize after a long day of being good and entering in my meals that I still have 600 calories available to eat! Good luck!!
  • Nibble it, scribble it! Yes this site can be a great resource but most of all you need to convince yourself that you are in it for whatever to accomplish this challenge. YOU ARE WORTH IT! And you can do it. Look forward to the new healthy you and it will be there in no time. Take it 1 day at a time and 1 change at a time. Don't overwelm yourself, keep it simple even with foods. No processed junk and you feel like a million bucks in as little as 2 - 3 days.

    I'm on Day #31 and have purchased this book from Jackie Warner, the book title is "This is Why Your Fat"! I felt a little awkward asking for this book in the bookstore but am grateful that I did because in 30 days I have lost 6", and 8lbs and don't have to eat Tums or Prevacid anymore for all my stomach aches that I was having on a regular basis. I can now do sit ups and actually get off of the ground and my back no longer hurts when I lay down on the floor. I also brought my sugar levels from 135 - 98, I am pre-diabetic probably like the rest of the world is but this book definately helps you a lot and keeps it very simple. I just look at a 30 day meal plan and follow what it tells me for food and it makes it pretty simple. Trust me! Get the Book!

    I will friend you as well to help you on your way. You can always look at my food diary in case your wondering what type of food that I eat too.
  • Megume
    Megume Posts: 74
    Thanks guys!! It's nice to see that everyone here is so friendly and supportive, this is exactly what I was looking for :D
  • Ashl3yS
    Ashl3yS Posts: 64
    Welcome and good luck! I just started my weight loss journey as well, I sent you a friend request so we can maybe do it together. :) I have about 100 lbs to lose though.
  • aproc
    aproc Posts: 1,033 Member
    Hi! Welcome to MFP. Goodluck with your goals! :)
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