bought a scale a month ago results and story

Well about a month ago I got a nice digital bathroom scale. I also stopped taking a certain medication and am not wishing to elaborate further on that. I am now med-free however. Alright, so when I bought it I weighed in at 196.8. From there I have gone up to 200.0 and as low as 186.8(last week). This morning weighed in at 192.2. I am male at 5'11" btw. As many I gained MAD weight in college but for me it was a combination of no exercise, drinking, and medication. Now I have cut out the meds(likely misdiagnosis -_-) but there is still drinking and no exercise. Still, as you can see, by simply starting to watch what I eat I have already lost quite a bit of weight in this short amount of time. Also I admit there was a period a couple years back where I lost 40 lbs by running the treadmill daily and quitting meds, but I stopped going, got back on meds, and continued unhealthy habits).


Though I try not to drink when I have to wake up early, or with work or school the next day, I realized that I'm packing in too many calories with alcohol. I would like to drink the recommended 2 drinks per day but often go over. I realize this also packs in calories. Good thing however that I have school to keep me from drinking too much. Ok there are nights where I go up to 12 oz of 80 proof vodka but when there's school I I stay a good bit below just in case. Still though on many of those nights it's 804 calories of alcohol apparently. Actually at 11 ozs but today there was also a bit of partying with friends(one who graduated and leaving for a nice job).

About two weeks ago it hit me that my pound of pork, rice with margarine, and a can of beans 4 nights a week was packing a good 1400-1500 calories a pop. Normally I would not eat much and then gorge all at once. Well now I've cut the pork in half and even decided to sometimes do a no carb meal with just a pork chop with some beans and a slice of cheese. Anyways, the important part is, I just created this account today, and realized to lose 1.5 pounds a week i can eat 1610 calories a day. good to know because when I got the scale I still thought 2500 was ok.

Mostly just shocked at how much the scale fluctuates from day to day. But apparently, just buying and having the scale, has made me conscious enough to lose all this weight. And now that I am actually counting, I hope to lose some more in the next couple weeks.

Anyways, I will try to cut down on the drinking, but hey at least I never get sick...But this is the 100% honest truth. Look forward to talking on the forums.


  • goofy72153
    goofy72153 Posts: 1
    well atleast you know now..I just started this and it is amazing how you think about what you eat and how much u eat of it! lol I thought it was crazy to do but my mom finally talked me into it and I have been watching what I eat and have even quit drinking tea with sugar I haven't had any for 3 days. been drinking alot of water!