
Hi all,

Recently been put on Elmiron to try and help control my IC - are any of you on it and how strictly do you regiment your mealtimes around the 'empty stomach, 1 hr before, 2 hrs after' rule with taking it? Also, how much water do you tend to take it with?

Any hints and advice much appreciated.




  • fabalaloon
    fabalaloon Posts: 2
    Hey! I've been on Elmiron for about 5 months now and I have noticed a big improvement. It's a pain in the butt, but I definitely follow the eating regiments strictly. It sucks because you basically HAVE to eat at certain times in order to make it work, but it's worth it for me. I only take it with about half a glass of water. Basically, until it feels like it's washed down my throat. Hope that helps!