Trying to make it work!

Hello! I've been on MFP since the beginning of the year. I did pretty well the first month or two, and lost about 10 lbs, but I've only lost two since then. Shooting for another 40lbs most likely. April was particularly a rough month for me, but at least I can say I maintained (which I haven't been able to do pretty much since I graduated high school 10 years ago). I am working on getting back on track, but find its a struggle. Currently, I am commuting to work (about 45 min drive each way), so my work day ends up being about 11 hours. I am also in the process of becoming a licensed architect, studying for my licensing exams every night. So that sucks up a lot of my time. My husband works different days and different times of the week from week to week, so its hard for us to sit down and have a nice meal together. I do best when I plan out our meals for a week at a time. I love a good glass of wine, and am working on only having one glass at a time (not a half bottle, lush). And since I know I need to cut calories where I can, I've given up pop (almost a month now!)

I'm not making excuses, just trying to tell you a little about myself, and my personal obstacles. For me, I'm glad I am still here, and still trying. Eventually I will get there! What hurdles are you going through? And how do find yourself getting past them?

If anyone wants a new friend, add me!


  • Beckboo0912
    Beckboo0912 Posts: 447 Member
    We became friends but I'll respond anyway, I'm a single mother of a 2 year old boy, I work full time in the school system, I go to school although I took the summer off. It's hard for me to find the time to go to the gym, I have the time but I feel bad dropping my son at the gym's daycare when he's been at daycare all day. It's a mother's guilt thing, I think. And since it's nicer out it's easier to go for a walk or something like that but that doesn't give me time to lift. So I've started taking early days (outta work at 12ish) and go to the gym while my mom has him. But one day won't give me the results I want in definition. These are a few of my obstacles. I have found I enjoy walking/jogging with Bran in his stroller. However it's still hard to balance it all.
  • Jokenmit
    Jokenmit Posts: 80 Member
    It has taken me almost 10 years to lose 120 pounds...and I still have another 80 to go. I work backshift 5 nights a week from 10 pm to 8 am. Its really hard on my days off to eat "normal". LOL. I eat a bit different than most, when I get up at 7 pm, I have supper with the family, have lunch at 3 am and eat breakfast around 8:30 am. I find in my house, no one cares about their weight...or has a reason to. So if I don't cook the ends up being some carb heavy, buttery pre-made thing, and I just make something for myself. I use this site for the support I need. Always welcoming new friends.
  • JessiBelleW
    JessiBelleW Posts: 831 Member
    I work a 12 hour day too and the best thing I find is to be prepared. Ensure you have 11 hours worth of snacks and meals with you when you leave the house in the morning. If you don't you will just end up eating junk and struggling to stick with your weightloss goals.

    You could try to fit in a quick workout between driving home and studying - you may find this helps you focus better when you study anyway.

    I work a 12 hour day and then sometimes I babysit in the evenings too. When I have time to workout I find my evening goes much more smoothly (eating wise). When I babysit I tend to eat a ton of junk/ not stick to my calorie goal -> I haven't figured out how to fix this but last week I sat 5 evenings, so I can imagine that last week was a write off weight-loss wise