I'm looking for some info here. I just calculated my TDEE on scooby. My TDEE is 2,305. If I deduct 20% that brings me to 1,844. If I put those numbers into MFP it tells me I will loose only .1 lbs a week. Do you think that number is acurate? Scooby tells me I will lose 49.7 lbs in a year. Thanks for any input you have.


  • Shadowcub
    Shadowcub Posts: 154 Member
    I'm looking for some info here. I just calculated my TDEE on scooby. My TDEE is 2,305. If I deduct 20% that brings me to 1,844. If I put those numbers into MFP it tells me I will loose only .1 lbs a week. Do you think that number is acurate? Scooby tells me I will lose 49.7 lbs in a year. Thanks for any input you have.

    Uhm, with 52 weeks in a year, Scooby is telling you that you'll lose just under 1 pound/week, basically the same as MFP.

    I'm not seeing the problem. Can you explain your question better?
  • Daniele1213
    Daniele1213 Posts: 37 Member
    .5 would be 1/2 lb....MFP is telling me .1lb each one month that would still be less then .5lbs.
  • Shadowcub
    Shadowcub Posts: 154 Member
    Oh! 0.1 pounds! I thought you were saying 1.0 pounds. My mistake. That is a significant difference.... Not sure how to explain it though.

    My only suggestion is to try it for a couple weeks to a month and see if you're getting the results you wanted and if not, adjust your calories accordingly.
  • judtod
    judtod Posts: 85
    When you did the calculations on Scooby they asked you how active you are, did you enter the same level of activity on MFP?
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,314 Member
    Scooby figures your exercise expenditure into your daily goal. MFP wants you to enter your exercise calories separately.

    All things being entered the same, you will get the same numbers. If you use Scooby numbers, you do NOT add in and eat more on exercise days.
  • Daniele1213
    Daniele1213 Posts: 37 Member
    pretty much yes. I put in the number of work outs, calories per week burned
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    I do the TDEE method and ignore what MFP's estimate on how much I will lose per week, as well as how much I'd weight in 5 weeks when I close out my diary each day. They are just that - estimates.

    Best success I've had has been since switching to TDEE (minus 20% for about a year, now at about 10-15%) - lost the last 10lbs, lots o' fat, and keeping the muscle.