apple cider vinegar...bad for you?



  • rustmary714
    rustmary714 Posts: 7 Member
    I started taking 2 teaspoons every morning in a large shot glass (actually, the glass English cheese in) I mix it with orange juice, I add honey sometimes too or tart cherry juice. I was always so tired I couldn't make it through the day without a nap, now I feel incredible! After about 3 days I started getting more energy, I need less sleep I have lost 4 pounds due to increased activity. Sometimes I take 2 teaspoons 30 minutes before lunch. I have never felt better, I knew a man who did this for 30 years and he was rarely sick and lived to be 86 year old and was still going trap shooting events twice a week and cutting hair in his barber shop! I have told everyone about it, some people just look at me like I am crazy, (most people)haha I am thinking of cutting out 1 or 2 days a week, because I sleep 5 to 6 hours a night and believe I need more sleep I will see if that makes a diff in how I feel and will put it back in my diet if it does. I LOVE THE WAY IT WORKS!!! With the juice I can't even taste the vinegar I just drink it in one drink!
  • fxgs
    fxgs Posts: 41 Member
    Do a search for Dr. Jarvis of Vermont. He was a huge proponent of an apple cider vinegar and honey formula for good overall health.

    I'm actually reading his book right now........................very interesting information.
  • Oriole15
    Oriole15 Posts: 58
    Since you sweeten it with honey, you might want to keep tracks of how many calories your current obsession is making you drink.
  • Oriole15
    Oriole15 Posts: 58
    The ACV is an acid outside your body but once inside your stomach it becomes alkaline. I drink the same recipe as you every night and no longer have acid reflux.

    You didn't do any chemistry at school did you? Mixing an acid with something even more acid does not make it turn into a base.
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    I use it in my hair... works well for itchy scalp :)
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    okay so a friend of mine introduced me to apple cider vinegar. She takes shots of it everyday and claims it has all these health benefits (better skin, weight loss etc).

    The shot was gross, so I found a recipe for it. Mixing a shot with a pint of water and some honey. Well I am OBSESSED with it now. I'm serious, I crave it, it's delicious.

    So I did some research and I guess these so called health claims are unreported, and some people have said that it makes your potassium levels low , and removes enamel from your teeth.

    So now I don't know what to believe, but like I said I am OBSESSED with drinking it. In fact I am going to make some now.


    It actually has nutritional benefits, but people take this kind of **** to epic proportions of stupidity. has health benefits...I'll take shots of it every day then. Like anything...too much of a good thing can be a bad thing. Also, it doesn't do jack **** for weight loss...maybe slightly suppresses appetite, but that's it. It is very acidic...anything acidic is going to wreak havoc on your enamel.

    I have cider vinegar with my BBQ sauce and I cook with a little here and there...but taking shots of the **** is just pretty ridiculous.
  • knot2thin
    knot2thin Posts: 30 Member
    I put that amount of vinegar on my salad everyday. And I also will drink a shot of vinegar. Apple cider or balsamic both are delish.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Vinegar is acidic, so it probably does mess with your enamel. I don't know about the rest, but too much of even the healthiest things can be harmful.
  • skinnydreams19
    skinnydreams19 Posts: 282 Member
    Doing it long term is bad for your teeth (fact) because the super acidic vinegar erodes your enamel. Depending on your sensitivity and how much of it you drink/how concentrated, it can also damage your esophagus and lead to acid reflux (heartburn).
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    The ACV is an acid outside your body but once inside your stomach it becomes alkaline. I drink the same recipe as you every night and no longer have acid reflux.

    You didn't do any chemistry at school did you? Mixing an acid with something even more acid does not make it turn into a base.
    Someone read Alkalize or Die.
  • Alwayssohungry
    Alwayssohungry Posts: 369 Member
    My dad drank it 1/2 hour before each meal and he is now off is Diabetes medicine. Does wonders to stabilize your sugars, somehow., it's magic.
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    I add vinegar (usually apple cider vinegar, sometimes red wine vinegar) to my food because I like the taste, I eat loads of it that way. I've never been convinced about the alleged health benefits, and I'm not aware of any dangers, and the tooth enamel thing is just because it's acidic, so that would be the same for any acidic food, e.g. citrus fruits. Clean your teeth after eating.... problem solved.

    Anyway, I've eaten like this all my life, I've been obese and I've lost weight, if it really prevented obesity then I wouldn't have ever become obese. And the only way it helped me to lose weight is because you can make some great tasting low calorie salad dressings with it, and use it in other foods to flavour them without adding calories.
  • gmms57
    gmms57 Posts: 23 Member
    Braggs apple cider vinegar, I used to take a spoonful in a glass with a little water, tasted awful, BUT it got rid of my acid reflux. Wish I had known about it before I took all those useless acid reflux meds....prescription and otc.
  • hharvey9
    hharvey9 Posts: 36 Member
    Interesting. I can't wait to hear what people say, because I'm completely addicted to diet pop, and really need to curb that. I think the only way I'll break that habit is to get hooked on something else.

    Water is a great thing to get hooked on :laugh:

    Also.. check out google search or pinterest.. there are TONS of awesome ideas on infused waters using natural ingredients (fruits, herbs, etc) that look amazing. I cut soda cold turkey and drink straight water (no soda, juice, etc) and am thinking these infused waters would be a perfect way to have some extra flavor without all the junk!
  • Vinegar contains potassium, so its strange it can lower a person's potas. Its funny whole books have been written about ACV. I discovered Braggs about 30 years ago and I use it for everything I can think of. But one thing I had to stop, was taking an ounce a day STRAIGHT. I was getting hooked on it, I craved that straight Braggs. Now I take an ACV tablet that contains kelp, vitamin B and lecithin. Slightly helps with appetite and energy, as the Braggs did.
  • bump
  • jennifershoo
    jennifershoo Posts: 3,198 Member
    Since you sweeten it with honey, you might want to keep tracks of how many calories your current obsession is making you drink.

    That's what I was gonna say. A couple Tbs of honey a day can add up quickly!
  • Seajolly
    Seajolly Posts: 1,435 Member
    I was drinking ACV every morning for a few months and felt great. Stopped for no reason, I guess I just fell out of habit, a few months back. This thread has inspired me to add it back to my daily diet!
  • zoeysasha37
    zoeysasha37 Posts: 7,088 Member
    My doctor actually turned me on to this , I had chronic uti infection and one day my doctor said try the apple cider vinegar , mixed with 5 ounce water , I did it three times a day and it worked ... So I do believe there are many health benefits from this , my doctor said she uses it herself (braggs brand)
  • zoeysasha37
    zoeysasha37 Posts: 7,088 Member
    Braggs apple cider vinegar, I used to take a spoonful in a glass with a little water, tasted awful, BUT it got rid of my acid reflux. Wish I had known about it before I took all those useless acid reflux meds....prescription and otc.

    This!!!! I had female issues , but it worked ....