Is it better to go to the gym to buy workout videos?

I want to get back into shape and I don't know where to start. I don't want to do what I did last time, which is walk and run. I want something that will keep me motivated.


  • davemunger
    davemunger Posts: 1,139 Member
    I think the best way to stay motivated is to do your workout with others. I run in a running group, and I've also joined fitness classes like pilates, spin class, and most recently joined a gym and work with a personal trainer. I'm not sure just signing up for a gym will be enough to keep you motivated -- it's better to sign up for a class or work out with a partner / group, something you schedule and feel bad if you miss.
  • kit_katty
    kit_katty Posts: 992 Member
    The best exercise is the one you'll stick to! Maybe try a trial at a gym to see if you like it/ will stick with it, and/or borrow some DVDs from a friend or the library to see how those go and see what works for you! Good luck, you can do this!
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    The correct answer is that it depends on your personality.

    If you are self-directed and disciplined workout videos may be suitable. If you find the accountability of belonging to a group works better for you then structured classes and activities would be better suited to you.

    It's whatever is going to keep you committed and consistent (the truth is the motivation comes 100% from within)
  • embobz
    embobz Posts: 1 Member
    Trainining in a group is definitely more motivating. However... I do keep some videos on stand-by, so that if I can't go out (I have 2 kids) there's still no excuse!
  • AZKristi
    AZKristi Posts: 1,801 Member
    I find that I enjoy working out with other people. Plus, its a lot easier to show up and have someone else bring new music every day. I also like having a wide variety of equipment available. I've done several different workouts that I've found in books, and my gym always has the equipment I need to complete the routines. So, I definitely consider my gym membership worth it at 350 bucks for 2 years. If my gym didn't offer all of the classes and equipment or cost a lot more, I might have a different opinion.
  • It depends on you.
    I now people who went to the gym and have lost loads of weight. However everytime I have joined a gym I find I get bored and don't loose any weight.
    I've started insanity and I much prefer that, although I'm not sure how the result will turn out. I also found I lost weight when I did classes, because I like having someone there infron tto keep me going and eep my attention. (if that makes sence)

    Try both, do a day at a gym. They usually have a day pass, then try a sample video of a workout routine that you like the look of on youtube or something :)
  • dawnna76
    dawnna76 Posts: 987 Member
    It's all up to you. I prefer working out at a gym on m own and taking classes. The variety keeps me going. My house is tiny and working out at home is impractible.
  • ECTexan
    ECTexan Posts: 195 Member
    For me it's the gym. I will not work out at home. It just doesn't happen. I try and then get distracted by the tv or internet. But if I'm spending money on a gym membership, taking part in their classes, working out with a partner or trainer, etc, I will show up every day. You can always get a trial membership and see how it goes. Also, if there's one type of class or exercise you're particularly interested in, check out Groupon. They always have tons of good deals for bootcamps and spin classes and stuff.
  • dym123
    dym123 Posts: 1,670 Member
    I prefer to workout from home, but it took a lot of discipline because it is easy to get distracted, now I'm totally focused, I get home, let the dog out, change into my workout gear and get my workout on. I don't answer the phone or the door while I'm working out. Though coming home and finding the fridge isn't working or the dog has the runs can totally throw you off your perfectly planned schedule.
  • Lindabummy1
    Lindabummy1 Posts: 73 Member
    I do both and they work fantastically. I have so many vhs that tells you how long I have had. Well I was able to repurchase most of them in dvd style. I have also been a member of a gym for two years. Can't let that one pass up because I got a special for $99 a year back then, no initiation fee, and guaranteed to keep at $99 as long as I re up every December which I do. It was a special from You Fit Gym and 4 blocks from my home! Its strictly machines and treads and ellipticals and bikes as well as free weights and machine weights and it works perfectly for me. don't need the classes cause I do that at home. So both work for me, you can't go wrong. That coupled with eating right, it works
  • sugaree1202
    sugaree1202 Posts: 184 Member
    Like most have said, it's whatever will work best for you & your personality.

    I like doing workout videos at home. It's convenient, I can workout when I want, in my underwear if I want, don't have to wait for a class time or machine to open, can take a shower in my own shower, don't waste time packing a gym bag, driving to gym etc and don't have to worry about being self-conscious. That being said, when I am motivated to do something, I do it and have always preferred individual sports like swimmimg and skiing over team sports. I find doing a program with a schedule & variety of classes works best for me - I'm on week 4 of TurboFire and love it so far. Beachbody has a variety of other 90 day programs - Insanity, P90X, ChaLean Extreme, etc. - for any fitness level that incorporate cardio and strength training with minimal extra equipment. I know for me, on the days I'm not particularly motivated to workout, it's much easier to get myself into workout clothes & start a dvd, than drive to the gym.

    What sports did you like growing up? If team sports were your thing, you may prefer a gym atmosphere or live workout class. Most gyms offer a free intro class, session with a trainer or an intro package to try them out before comitting to a full membership. If you enjoyed individual sports, buy some inexpensive workout dvds & equipment (Wal-Mart has a decent selection) and see if you keep up with it for a few weeks before purchasing a more expensive program.

    Whatever you do, start with something you find interesting!
  • shmatichka
    shmatichka Posts: 93
    For now I prefer working out at home. Tried the gym and classes both are great, but I find if you have very little time available it's easier to do a workout at home. I did some research on you tube, there are quite a lot f free videos there and found my perfect mix. I personally find Jillian Michaels is keeping me very focused and motivated. Also I like working out in the morning before breakfast.
    Hope you find what suits you :)
  • sdeloris37
    sdeloris37 Posts: 22 Member
    Thanks everyone for all of the replies. :) When I workout alone, I don't stay motivated long. When I tried losing weight before, I did it alone, even though, I walked and jogged almost every day. It just got boring after a while. I agree about joining a class, I really want to join this hip hop class this Fall that's near me. The gym and the dance class is convenient for me, but I want to lose some weight now, so I'll probably sign up at my local gym when I get paid. :)