July Chat



  • Joe_Atlanta
    Joe_Atlanta Posts: 66 Member
    russlynne - Ok...June was weird for me. dont know what I'm doing wrong. ....I I still didn't lose OR gain. I just don't know what else to do .
    Patience, if you've made it this far in life you know that most things have a learning curve and take time. I don't know the particulars of your life and I'm no expert, but here's what I've learned about this (MFP) system:

    1. Measure your portions. Get a food scale (they are cheap and available everywhere). I was "guess-ti-mating" and consistently under estimating what I was eating. What I thought was a cup was actually a cup and 1/4 or even a half. The more you log in everything, the more accurate your count will be.

    2. Strive for a balanced diet of carbs, proteins and fat. The MFP diet protocols are set using the latest nutritional hard science (not the latest diet fad) and gives you what your body needs to function. Once you get a balnced diet going it's amazing how much less you crave snack foods. If you have a nutritional question check the mayo clinic website, they've got a lot of info backed by real research.

    3.Get up and walk out your door. Now, walk around the block. Bingo, you are on your way to getting more active. Start slow, then slowly increase your exercise. The goal is to raise your metabolism, which makes your body actually burn your caloric input instead of storing it for later. Once you increase your exercise time, split it into two events, take two 15 minute walks instead of one 30 minute. This spreads the effect of raised metabolism and again makes it more likely you will burn calories instead of storing them. For myself, I believe in eating your exercise calories, the MFP system is set up to work this way and it works for me. Before I joined MFP I wasn't doing this and actually sent my body into "starvation" mode where it was retaining fat and burning (wasting) muscle.

    Good luck!
  • walkswithart
    walkswithart Posts: 145 Member
    My Hubby& I had the nicest 4th. We walked the 1/2 mile to the bus stop, hopped on the bus and ended up in Seattle Center. We watched the Naturalization Ceremony for 487 new citizens from 86 countries. The largest contingent was from the Philipines, some where around 57. They had great music, a group from the Lumi Tribe did a skit about how the Hawk got his curved beak, and how
    Raven distributed "Spirit" to the river, the mountains, and all the people. I was surrounded by families watching relatives take the oath. One toddler spotted her Mom and made a beeline for her. Dad was carring a smaller sibling and could not keep up though the crowd. The little one was crying as a long white arm of a official scooped her up and gave her to Dad. Another little 2 to 3 year old was pearched on Dad's shoulders saying: "There's my Mommy!" It was wonderful. We went initially to honor our own ancestors who came to the US. We ended up sharing that and much more. Proud excited new citizens and family, photographing the certificate and E-mailing it to other family, giving each other flowers. The best thing we've done for many years.
    I hope you all had a good 4th. And for those of you not from the USA, I hope you celebrate your national holiday.
  • californiagirl1950
    californiagirl1950 Posts: 885 Member
    @ walkswithart...............you gave me goose bumps and a tear in my eye. What an amazing way to spend the 4th of July. Very well written also I might add. So glad you and your hubby had a good day.
  • gramanana
    gramanana Posts: 762 Member
    Joe--excellent advice to russlynne. I measure 90% of what I eat, snacks included. I have also found, that weighing things instead of using a measuring cup, gives me a more accurate accounting; sometimes food just doesn't fit in the measuring cup correctly. I have a scale where I set my dish on the scale, turn it on, set it to grams or ounces, put my food in it and go! I love it.

    walkswithart--it sounds like a beautiful ceremony to have witnessed.
  • HeidiCooksSupper
    HeidiCooksSupper Posts: 3,839 Member
    Thought I'd join the chat. I'm backsliding a little the last few days but it is remarkable how much better I feel in general when I'm eating right and exercising. So, gotta get back on the horse -- so to speak. Not a horse, you understand but exercising in general and eating right.

    I have every expectation that those of us over 60 can do this -- whatever "this" is for you. For me, it's shedding half my bulk and getting strong. We got to retire early and I want to string out the enjoyment of this blissfully unemployed state for as long as possible!! I intend to celebrate my 65th birthday as a slender, athletic person and the only way to do that is one step at a time.

    So, we together can do this!

    Today's plan? To make some tasty, veggie-loaded butternut squash/roasted red pepper sauce for the freezer to whip out and throw on pasta & veggies for some meatless supper nights. AND to spend at least some time doing aerobic exercise. Life is good. Let's work to extend it!
  • Healthydiner65
    Healthydiner65 Posts: 1,579 Member
    I only have 25 days until I see my vascular surgeon again and he will determine if I need bypass surgery.I honestly could be doing better so I am going to make a commitment to exercise every day and to work on my diet. I hope to lose 9 pounds this month.
  • gramanana
    gramanana Posts: 762 Member
    I only have 25 days until I see my vascular surgeon again and he will determine if I need bypass surgery.I honestly could be doing better so I am going to make a commitment to exercise every day and to work on my diet. I hope to lose 9 pounds this month.

    You can reach your goal if you stay focused. We will help you to stay focused with lots of support and encouragement as long as you sign in every day. I sincerely hope that you will not need bypass surgery, but if you do, be sure to come back to MFP for support and encouragement during your recovery. Good luck!
  • Wooken3
    Wooken3 Posts: 634 Member

    I so agree with your comment "Life is Good." And now with the the luxury of time (I love being retired) you'll be able to focus on a healthier lifestyle. Just remember it is a two-steps forward one step back type of process.

    One year ago I couldn't bike 2 miles without stopping for a major rest break. By forcing myself to get out and just DO something everyday I discovered biking was my exercise of choice. I started using my bike as a second car for all those quick trips we do daily. And like yourself, being newly retired I had the luxury of time to bike instead of drive. So my advice is get an exercise routine set and try your best to stick to it.

    And remember we are all here on MFP for support and encouragement you. :flowerforyou:
  • gramanana
    gramanana Posts: 762 Member
    I had a really great day today--on the treadmill this morning and this afternoon got a ride on the back of the motorcycle with hubby. The weather was beautiful and the back roads are great! I did have trouble getting on today because my right leg did't want to stretch and kick over the seat, but I did accomplish it. I need to get back on track with the stretching and staying limber.

    Hope everyone had a wonderful weekend.
  • Joe_Atlanta
    Joe_Atlanta Posts: 66 Member
    Well, like Wooken, by sticking with it I've seen some major changes. Last week I hit a milestone 60 lbs lost and I celebrated by taking on a walk/hike that I never would have been able to do a year ago. The one mile walk up trail on Stone Mountain is not really that steep or extreme (except for the 100 foot "wall" near the summit) and hundreds of people do it every weekend day. It IS equivalent to climbing a 76 story building. The view from the top on another rainy day (normally you can see the Atlanta skyline):
  • gramanana
    gramanana Posts: 762 Member
    Joe, that's wonderful and what a beautiful sight! Congratulations on the loss and the ability to do more.:flowerforyou:
  • Healthydiner65
    Healthydiner65 Posts: 1,579 Member
    I only have 25 days until I see my vascular surgeon again and he will determine if I need bypass surgery.I honestly could be doing better so I am going to make a commitment to exercise every day and to work on my diet. I hope to lose 9 pounds this month.

    You can reach your goal if you stay focused. We will help you to stay focused with lots of support and encouragement as long as you sign in every day. I sincerely hope that you will not need bypass surgery, but if you do, be sure to come back to MFP for support and encouragement during your recovery. Good luck!
    Thank you very much!
  • Healthydiner65
    Healthydiner65 Posts: 1,579 Member
    Well, like Wooken, by sticking with it I've seen some major changes. Last week I hit a milestone 60 lbs lost and I celebrated by taking on a walk/hike that I never would have been able to do a year ago. The one mile walk up trail on Stone Mountain is not really that steep or extreme (except for the 100 foot "wall" near the summit) and hundreds of people do it every weekend day. It IS equivalent to climbing a 76 story building. The view from the top on another rainy day (normally you can see the Atlanta skyline):
    This reminds me of when I hit my goal to climb Shadow Mountain.Congrats!
  • Wooken3
    Wooken3 Posts: 634 Member
    The service for the 19 Granite Mountain Hotshots is this morning in Prescott Valley, AZ. May God bless them and their families.
  • walkswithart
    walkswithart Posts: 145 Member
    Congratulations Joe - that is an admirable achievement.
    Wooken3 - I agree.
    Bright sunny day here in Seattle area. I hope to walk the neighborhood and take pics of summer flowers.
  • angiewf
    angiewf Posts: 175 Member
    It's really hot in London at the moment. I'm not a heat lover, but it's good 'cos all I want to eat is salad and fruit! I'm a bit of a fruit bat anyway and that's why I wasn't doing too well on Weight Watchers.It's great for some but I was overdoing it with the zero PP fruit.I was shocked when I calorie-checked it and found how many calories I'd been consuming. I have a local market which is very reasonable for fruit and veg, have just been there this morning to stock up the fridge with healthy stuff.
  • Joe_Atlanta
    Joe_Atlanta Posts: 66 Member
    Rain, rain rain here in GA. Hard to plan even a half day trip. : (
    On the positive side all the local fruit is cheap and good and like other folks I'm eating a bunch!. Neen made a non dairy smoothie for us last night where each glass had a half cup of blueberries, 4 strawberries and half a peach, YUM!
  • gramanana
    gramanana Posts: 762 Member
    I love non dairy smoothies! My hubby makes the best fruit smoothies with a berry mix and fruit juice. Yum!!!

    We've got 3 grandchildren for the next week or so and that will keep us hopping. They are 11, 9, and 6. We have bikes for them and a neighbor loaned us 2 scooters. The kids are having a blast. Tomorrow the other grandchild (8 almost) will be here, too. We're going to have a birthday celebration for the almost 8 yr old, with water gun fights along with bike riding, and scooter riding. Then carrot cake and ice cream! I can't have the cake :grumble: (gluten free), but I can have the ice cream.:bigsmile: Fun will be had by all!!!!!!
  • Wooken3
    Wooken3 Posts: 634 Member
    This video is just a hoot and so true for us over 60 :bigsmile: Peace Man :wink:

  • walkswithart
    walkswithart Posts: 145 Member
    Wooken3 - you made my day! Thanks for the Video!!