My Goals! Back fat, tummy, arms, ect. [Pictures]

Everyone has a part of the body they wish would disappear, some have 3,4,5... or a lot...
I'm about to reveal my self conscious body image issues to the MFP world in hopes that someone else will feel like they are not the only ones out there with some weird things in some weird places. Here we gooooo!
A- The "flab abs" the things that look like abs, but there's just a bunch of fat on it..
C- Arm puffs! God forbid your shirt be too tight or the sleeves be to small.
D- I'm so much of a woman, that I have 2 pair of BOOBS!
E- That pouch... only attractive on a kangaroo.
G- When you try to wave at someone, but it just looks like you're trying to fly..
H- Oh that back fat! The reason I can't wear "backless" or "lacy back" shirts.
I- AND THERE ARE THOSE DARN THUNDER THIGHS AGAIN... just go away okay? Just leave.


There you have it guys. My most embarrassing body parts.
What are yours?


  • Sarahmay03
    Sarahmay03 Posts: 11 Member
    It must have taken a lot of bravery for you post that! There is no way I'm brave enough to post photos, but for me, I hate my butt and thighs. I am 90% sure that I am growing a second butt under my current one, and no amount of squatting seems to be removing it. It's gross! And my thighs, don't even get me started.
  • kindasortachewy
    kindasortachewy Posts: 1,084 Member
    My thighs and saddlebag area are ridiculous compared to the rest of my body, like seriously, shrink already!
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    if I didn't know better I would say those pics are mine...same issues for me too..

    the one I hate the most is the back fat...and on my belly....
  • helz21
    helz21 Posts: 11
    I have the exact same issues! well done for being so brave and posting your pics, good luck with your weight loss and look forward to seeing the new improved photos :)
  • alyngard
    alyngard Posts: 103
    I agree with the previous poster...You are SUPER brave. I can't even get up the courage to post a fully clothed "fat" pic of myself on here yet.

    As far as my body B shape stomach; bat wings; fat calves and thighs, saggy boobs, oh the list could go on an on and on
  • cubsgirlinny
    cubsgirlinny Posts: 282 Member
    bold! good luck and happy health
  • MyJourney1960
    MyJourney1960 Posts: 1,133 Member
    wow you are brave!

    I would really really really like my stomach to ... move. it's

    I also would like my muffins/love handles on my back to disintegrate. although that seems to be moving. a little.

    also the extra love handle on my hips (where the heck did that dome from?)

    and the double chins.

    OH, and my calves are ginormous! drives me crazy - i hate wearing skirts because of this.
  • HIITMe
    HIITMe Posts: 921 Member
    IMO, part "D" isnt a second set of boobs....looks more like the beginning of a 2-pack... on your way to a 6 pack
  • This is gonna sound weird, but you're really not that big. I think getting rid of those things will be easier than you think once you find what works. I myself hate my arms because they are very skinny and not strong. And my stretch marks. Tummy, butt, boobs, they are everywhere and very noticeable lol
  • You're such a brace human. You will definitely go far with that kind of bravery. Best wishes to you!
  • SmallMimi
    SmallMimi Posts: 541 Member
    You could have been posting pics of me, circa November 2011. Stick with it, those things do start to disappear. I am finally down to the body part that collects the fat first and loses it the last. Kangaroo Pouch is much smaller but it is still with me.
  • Silvara_11
    Silvara_11 Posts: 133 Member
    Very bold of you! I can totally relate to flab abs great term for it.

    Other things bother me but my most annoying is Flab Abs!!

    On the 2 boobs - surely a good bar would solve that problem?
  • morpheousneo
    morpheousneo Posts: 62 Member
    IMO, part "D" isnt a second set of boobs....looks more like the beginning of a 2-pack... on your way to a 6 pack

    I know, right? You have an excellent starting body - if that makes sense. Good shape. Keep working at it and you'll be smoking. Maybe heavy lifting to get definition?
  • Michelleh118
    Michelleh118 Posts: 42 Member
    Very brave of you, I can't even bring myself to put a profile picture of me up so I used a photo is my dog. Good luck with yor journey.
  • buttshrink
    buttshrink Posts: 32 Member
    My belly. If I could lose 15 to 20 lbs just from there I would be s happy camper! Alas, it doesn't work that way and I will take where ever it comes off from!
  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    My belly and upper thighs, oh and upper arms. I don't have any photos that emphasise these horrible areas lol.
  • aquamarinex
    aquamarinex Posts: 42 Member
    Very brave posting and wishing you the very best in trimming all the areas you wish to. Love the term arm puffs I have those too plus a spare tyre that hides the top of my underwear and which needs to be deflated asap. Cant wait to get the hollows in my collar bones back too :-)
  • traceyfunk
    traceyfunk Posts: 86
    I don't want to invalidate your bold step here - I know what you're trying to achieve by putting your "flaws" out there. But you know what I see when I look at your thighs? Smooth skin!! No cellulite!

    Have you ever stepped back and looked at those pics with a more friendly eye? Find something, anything, that you like right now, as it is. Because if you can't love yourself now, losing 50 pounds won't change a thing. I firmly believe that's a major factor in yo-yo-ing (from personal experience) We lose all this weight - but continue to see ourselves as the old fat self we were, and eventually we're right back to where we were, or worse!

    And don't forget to take measurements as well as pics! When I look in the mirror, it seems my torso is the same shape as it was 20 pounds ago - but the 3" I've lost off my waist tells something different!

    Good luck! :flowerforyou:
  • Beardimino
    Beardimino Posts: 14
    it's like looking in a mirror!:indifferent:
  • MimiLovesHorror
    MimiLovesHorror Posts: 47 Member
    OP, is that a picture of me? Because all of those are my trouble zones as well, add J - THUNDER TIGHTS AGAIN and that could be me on the pic! Add a K for knee fat as well ><