Feeling STARVED on workout days

sassiebritches Posts: 1,861 Member
I feel so hungry on the days that I workout, I have gone over my TDEE both days this week that I worked out. Any suggestions or is it cool to do what I did and eat. I usually have a PB sandwhich with Milk and it helps, but seriously hungry....is it because I have been eating steady every 2-3 hours????? I don't know, but I am comfortable with my choice (no jelly - either PB and berries/banana or Honey). All input welcome!!!! Oh and is it weird that I feel like doing a few pushups before bed???? LOL


  • thisgirlsonfire
    thisgirlsonfire Posts: 34 Member
    You being hungry after your workouts or more hungry on the days you do workout is not uncommon. I currently personal train 6 clients, out of the 6 (4) of them feel the way you do on workout days. I only work with women as I have a better understanding of their hormones. I take CEC courses to keep up with my certifications. I've had the opportunity to study how Ghrelin (hormone that increase appetites) responds to a female who works out, this is what I've study... For some women, exercise really elevates Ghrelin.

    My doctor has explained to me that our bodies are wired to hold onto energy for reproduction purposes. When your body senses that you're burning fuel from exercise, it wants to be sure you replace it fast. She further explained women have an increase in hunger right around the time their "TOM" comes because studies have shown theres an increase in Ghrelin..

    Some women have high elevations others have mild Ghrelin levels. Each woman is uniquely designed no two are the same. When it comes to that PB sandwich trying eating 1/2 before your workout and the other 1/2 post workout and see if that helps. I always have my clients consume a protein before workout and then post. If your weight training eat a protein after your workout this helps my clients tremendously. Hope some if any of this information helps. Best wishes
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    It may be because you eat steadily, and too many carbs, insulin over-reaction, resulting low-blood sugar - hunger. Even though you really aren't.

    Test by eating the fat and protein in a snack or meal first before the carbs, see if same effect. Try to keep your daily macro % present actually in that meal to see if a difference.

    But indeed, doing lifting, your body wants to make some great improvements, and you are in a deficit in general.

    Now, for that day, you probably have not literally eaten over TDEE. Remember, you figured your daily TDEE by taking weekly routine and averaging out over daily level, so your real TDEE on exercise days is really above that estimate, and below on non-exercise days.

    So either you could shove most of the daily calories post workout 24 hrs, or take 100 calories from rest do to lifting day.

    But if you were realistic and honest in TDEE level (and those are based on 40 hr sedentary desk job workweek with sitting on rear time rest of the time, so if you have kids, you are up a level automatically), then you just have to decide do you want bigger improvement from exercise, or better fat loss?

    Eventually you'll reach state you can't do both. Right now you are just training body to use fat better, so if TDEE level is correct, just fight the hunger and force body to use fat for daily fuel needs, food for muscle repair needs.
  • sassiebritches
    sassiebritches Posts: 1,861 Member
    It may be because you eat steadily, and too many carbs, insulin over-reaction, resulting low-blood sugar - hunger. Even though you really aren't.

    Test by eating the fat and protein in a snack or meal first before the carbs, see if same effect. Try to keep your daily macro % present actually in that meal to see if a difference.

    But indeed, doing lifting, your body wants to make some great improvements, and you are in a deficit in general.

    Now, for that day, you probably have not literally eaten over TDEE. Remember, you figured your daily TDEE by taking weekly routine and averaging out over daily level, so your real TDEE on exercise days is really above that estimate, and below on non-exercise days.

    So either you could shove most of the daily calories post workout 24 hrs, or take 100 calories from rest do to lifting day.

    But if you were realistic and honest in TDEE level (and those are based on 40 hr sedentary desk job workweek with sitting on rear time rest of the time, so if you have kids, you are up a level automatically), then you just have to decide do you want bigger improvement from exercise, or better fat loss?

    Eventually you'll reach state you can't do both. Right now you are just training body to use fat better, so if TDEE level is correct, just fight the hunger and force body to use fat for daily fuel needs, food for muscle repair needs.

    I set my TDEE to lightly active, . I don't have kids, so no step up for me. Also coming into this from very low carb, not very low calorie. I have been eating at my TDEE for about 8 months, just eating 75/80% fat, 15/20% Protein and 5% carbs, so right now I am just working to get the macros right. I am a week in and no gains or losses, so I am happy for that, not gonna watch it for a couple weeks and see how it goes. I have been exercising every other day and doing pushups / situps on off days.....not sure if I should up my activity level or not, but gonna see how it goes I suppose.
  • sassiebritches
    sassiebritches Posts: 1,861 Member
    You being hungry after your workouts or more hungry on the days you do workout is not uncommon. I currently personal train 6 clients, out of the 6 (4) of them feel the way you do on workout days. I only work with women as I have a better understanding of their hormones. I take CEC courses to keep up with my certifications. I've had the opportunity to study how Ghrelin (hormone that increase appetites) responds to a female who works out, this is what I've study... For some women, exercise really elevates Ghrelin.

    My doctor has explained to me that our bodies are wired to hold onto energy for reproduction purposes. When your body senses that you're burning fuel from exercise, it wants to be sure you replace it fast. She further explained women have an increase in hunger right around the time their "TOM" comes because studies have shown theres an increase in Ghrelin..

    Some women have high elevations others have mild Ghrelin levels. Each woman is uniquely designed no two are the same. When it comes to that PB sandwich trying eating 1/2 before your workout and the other 1/2 post workout and see if that helps. I always have my clients consume a protein before workout and then post. If your weight training eat a protein after your workout this helps my clients tremendously. Hope some if any of this information helps. Best wishes

    I eat all day. Protein drink in the am right when I wake up, with fruit, then breakfast usually bowl of Oatmeal with butter and almond milk, might have a snack depends, if I workout I do my workout about 1 hours after breakfast then have another protein shake or bar about an hour or so later I have lunch, which is maybe a tunafish sandwich or left overs, then another snack 2 hours later, then dinner which is chicken or a protein source, small mixed salad with veggies in it and then a carb (brown rice, sweet taters), then I might have a snack after dinner, cantelope or something......I am up until 1-2am everynight, and about 11pm I am STARVING for something...thats when I have my PB sandwich. I am 1 week in and notice it only on workout days. I was Low Carb prior to starting to EM2WL - so I was not Low Calorie. I was eating at my TDEE if not above, but my macros were set different. So just gonna see what happens and try and stay outa the kitchen at night on workout days....brush my teeth or something! :P