Just joined...

Hi fellow "Older But Better" neighbors. I really look forward to getting to know all of you. Or should I say "less" of you? !!
I just joined and am still finding my way around. I'm from SC, love it, being a transplant from Upstate NY. I have always
found having support of friends makes the idea of losing weight a lot probable. :wink:


  • nitza53
    nitza53 Posts: 45 Member
    Hi back at you. I was born in watertown but have lived in WA State since I was five. It is a great group of people here.
  • mombolongo
    mombolongo Posts: 28
  • Joe_Atlanta
    Joe_Atlanta Posts: 66 Member
    Welcome to both of you! Just join in with the chat and the weekly challenges, you'll find the group here is very helpful.
    southerngramm - What part of SC? My in-laws are in Greenville and Columbia.
  • KathleenC12
    KathleenC12 Posts: 64 Member
    Welcome! I count the day I joined MFP as one of the most significant ever! Just turned 65 and b/c of MFP, lowered dangerously high bp to normal and dropped 3 sizes.

    You can do it!
  • skinnyme47
    skinnyme47 Posts: 806 Member
    Welcome to My Fitness Pal and the 60 years old and over group. :smile: This is a great site and also great for motivation from others.
  • mpettey86
    mpettey86 Posts: 12
    I just joined today...and managed to go over my calorie goal by a half a day's calories.......just turned 61 yesterday and have dietd for over 45 years....you think I would "get it" by now. Tomorrows a new day :-(
  • shaplebound
    shaplebound Posts: 36 Member
    Hello to you also, Welcome to MFP, its a great app.. I joined in Jan 2013 and I have to say I could not have have lost this weight without the support and logging on MFP, It's a great place....Wishing you great weight loss success!!!
  • mombolongo
    mombolongo Posts: 28
    I just joined today...and managed to go over my calorie goal by a half a day's calories.......just turned 61 yesterday and have dietd for over 45 years....you think I would "get it" by now. Tomorrows a new day :-(
  • mombolongo
    mombolongo Posts: 28
    I joined a little while ago and I love MFP and this group...Learning alot and I love reading everyone's post...
  • mkramarz
    mkramarz Posts: 47 Member
    We all have a lot in common! I've been serious *or try to be serious - about this challenge since May... BOY is it slow and I lost some steam today ,,, Looking for others who are my age and may see the weight more of a challenge to shake off... I'm sure I will stop by daily - back on track TOMORROW!!
  • As a retired nurse, I totally understand how our bodies change as we age. Our metabolism slows down and with it comes health issues, medications and all the rest. BUT...we still take pride in our appearance, how we look to ourselves and to others. So I am finding that this is the perfect place to move ahead with weight loss goals. No more competing with the younger set who go to the gyms..just friends who understand that we DO care about ourselves, we just have to do it a little slower. SO if we fall off the "scale" on occasion, no one here is going to lecture us..hmmm, sorry about running on. Glad to give support and free cheers whenever you need them..:flowerforyou:
  • Learning to change our eating habits is probably the hardest thing to do..have no fear, we are here to cheer!
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,241 Member
    I started using MFP in April of this year, and have managed to lose about 10 lbs. But - the weight is coming off SO slow, and its hard not to just give up. I belong to the Biggest Loser challenge, and while the support there is so great, so many are younger than I am, and are losing 2-4 lbs a week! I am lucky if I can lose .6 of a lb a week. I've been trying to exercise almost everyday, but I have to say, it certainly gets discourging.

    I just turned 62 years old.I am 5'11", so very tall. Currently, I weight 199 lbs, and would like my first goal to be 175, ultimately to get to 165.

    Would love to meet others in my age bracket, and see how you are all doing, and what you have done to increase your metabolism to lose faster?
  • Joe_Atlanta
    Joe_Atlanta Posts: 66 Member
    what you have done to increase your metabolism to lose faster?
    Once you've established 30 minutes or so of daily exercise, you can can more than double the increased metabolic effect by splitting it in two sessions. Just make sure you are pushing it a little (increased heart rate, break a sweat) during both sessions.
    To really take advantage of the weight loss potential of that increased metabolism eat your big meals of the day within a half hour of that exercise. Your body burns what you eat rather than storing it for later.