New to this site

Hi my name is Sharon I am 46 and have never joined a site like this before.
I live in England and have been trying to lose weight by trying different things over the years, most recently I tried the fast diet and had been on this for around 3months, I must of lost about 1lb and found it very disheartening as I eat healthy and have done for years.
I don't go to the gym as much as I should do but on a recent visit with my husband and stepping off the scales with a heavy sigh my husband said "why do you not stick to what has worked for you in the past and go back to eating Paleo".
I had done the paleo eating a couple of years ago and it worked fantastic for me so here I am going to try it again but this time I am going to try and give up the sweetner':smile::smile: :smile: :smooched: s that I have been using in my drinks for the last 10 yrs or so.
Is there anyone on this site who has done the Paleo and had success with it?


  • I have not done the paleo but I do eat a high protein, low carb diet every day of my life. I have had RNY gastric bypass. There are several people on my friends list from the UK....who use this app. I would be happy to hook you up with them if you are interested. And you are welcome to friend me if you like. I would stick with what you know works's what we all have to do. No matter what someone else says, if it works for you, IT WORKS!! YOU KNOW? Best of luck!!

    Janine Alfke