Aug chat

Hi everyone,

Well here it is August already. I don't know how that can be. Do you? Oh yes, now I know, says so on the calendar.

How did you all do in July? I know most of you did great. I did ok, might of lost a pound. Yipee. Will weigh later and find out.

Any plans for this month as far as traveling? We might go to Reno for a few days. Have not put it in cement yet.

Well here is to a good, productive month, cheers to us all to stay on the path!


  • gramanana
    gramanana Posts: 762 Member
    I've held my own last month as planned. I also got back on the exercise track which feels great. Plan to keep that up. Will hit 1 year of MFP logging in a week or so. I plan to keep it up, because when I don't track, I screw up. LOL

    No more big travel plans for us. Maybe a small trip at the end of the month to celebrate my birthday. For the past few years we've been going to Indy for the motorcycle races. But I'm not really in the mood this year. Thinking about a day in downtown Chicago for museums or maybe a little trip to St. Louise for their art museum. Can't decide.

    Hope we all have another great month ahead. :bigsmile:
  • Happy August to all my new friends :flowerforyou: I hope this month brings you all success and lots forward
    momentum. Looking forward to the future with an optimistic heart. Blessed Be...:drinker:
  • belladiva47
    belladiva47 Posts: 44 Member
    Really August???? Back to school, Fall décor in the stores, time to decorate for Halloween. Better not get sidetracked. This is usually the warmest month of the year. But so far Illinois has had a mild summer with just a few hot days. I'm not complaining, I love this weather. So WELCOME TO AUGUST everyone:bigsmile: I'm going to do my best to show a weight loss on September 1:laugh:
  • Wooken3
    Wooken3 Posts: 634 Member
    Happy August!! We are Sun Birds and travel to cooler climates during the summer months. And I'm very proud to say I've maintained my weight since leaving AZ last April.

    I knew it wasn't going to be easy, but I didn't realise how much effort it would take. When visiting, everyone is so gracious with food and drink; when on the road, the temptation of fast food; when in the RV parks it's whatever is quick and easy to fix. And getting that daily workout is not always easy either. There are so many ways that travel can truly be broadening! :bigsmile:

    My goal for August is to continue maintaining my weight and to increase my exercise. Once we are home again - sometime in October - I hope to start losing weight again but for now…maintaining is the best I can hope for. :ohwell:
  • rbeckner711
    rbeckner711 Posts: 163 Member
    It's still over a 100F here, so I'm having a difficult time wrapping my mind around "Fall." The last two weeks of July were sort of blah for me. I think it was due to my stationary bike dying. :grumble:

    But, today starts a new month and my new recumbent bike(birthday gift to myself) should arrive today or Monday. :glasses: I'm looking forward to feeling those endorphins raging through my brain!
  • rbeckner711
    rbeckner711 Posts: 163 Member
    Oh...and "southerngramm," I'm Rose. I read you were a nurse. I'm a neurology nurse limping towards retirement! Welcome. This is a nice place to be! :flowerforyou:
  • capie123
    capie123 Posts: 34
    I actually lost 2 lbs and happy for that as month has been very stressful. Hubby in rehab and identity stolen and Soc. Sec. his check sent to bank out of state. Day before his homecoming found out medicare wouldn't pay for wheel chair as he got one and a scooetr 15 years ago. It's all been resolved but life has changed drastically. Hubby home and finding a new normal whatever that is. Back on MFP and grateful for support. Encouraging to read the message board
  • gramanana
    gramanana Posts: 762 Member
    I actually lost 2 lbs and happy for that as month has been very stressful. Hubby in rehab and identity stolen and Soc. Sec. his check sent to bank out of state. Day before his homecoming found out medicare wouldn't pay for wheel chair as he got one and a scooetr 15 years ago. It's all been resolved but life has changed drastically. Hubby home and finding a new normal whatever that is. Back on MFP and grateful for support. Encouraging to read the message board

    Obviously, you don't "stress eat" because you lost weight....that's wonderful news. Glad you're hubby's issues have been resolved. Must have been awful trying to straighten everything out. Glad you and hubby are getting back to "normal" and I agree normal is different for each of us. LOL
  • rbeckner711
    rbeckner711 Posts: 163 Member
    Oh... The recumbent bike is stationary. As my son said, "Mom, you have to have balance for a recumbent." LOL. He's right, my balance sucks. :ohwell:
  • walkswithart
    walkswithart Posts: 145 Member
    July was a waiting month. We had planned to go out on the boat for a couple of weeks, but life got in the way of that. We are now on track to take the boat out on Puget Sound for a couple of weeks and I'm praying it works. I have already done the grocerie stocking up thing twice, and getting meds twice. I'm looking forward to peace and quiet and living on "God's Time" for a while. I have several sewing projects that I've reserved for going on the boat, and I'm eager to get to them.

    I hope all of you have healthy and contented weeks in August.
  • Joe_Atlanta
    Joe_Atlanta Posts: 66 Member
    July was good, lots of work for my bands and saw a bunch of old friends at my sister's birthday party (and got bunches of compliments on my weight loss). Lost 5 lbs, increased my longest walk distance to 6.5 miles and got serious about doing other kinds of exercise (have been swimming 2-3 times a week). Continued my experiments with green smoothies.

    Travel plans for August: going up to Greenville, SC tomorrow to celebrate birthdays for my two nephews and later on in the month Neen and I will be spending a couple of days up on the Lookout Mtn. plateau near Chattanooga, TN. I'll be doing a one day intensive hang gliding class and Neen wants to do a tandem flight (with an instructor, not me!). Thirty years ago I took a two day gliding course at Kitty Hawk, NC and loved it. But, by the time I got around to doing it again, I was too heavy to use the training gliders. Now, for the first time in 20 years I'm light enough to try it again!
  • jeanmrob
    jeanmrob Posts: 632 Member
    Gald July is gone and my dental surgery is over....stitches out and my surgeon very pleased with the healing ... will have to wait a year now to see if the procedure will be successful..... the aim being to encourage the bones to grow around the roots and slow down gum recession....keep the teeth for a few more years....fingers crossed...... I am still not biting but managing

    I am enjoying my new-to-me car .. a red mini.....but hope it won't encourage me to walk less! Will have to be careful on that one.

    Off tomorrow for the weekend to a Christening f a lovely little niece's will be nice to see all the family - including our son..

    Hope everyone is well and positive and happy .... I see August as a summer month so hope the weather does too!

    Jean :flowerforyou:
  • jeanmrob
    jeanmrob Posts: 632 Member
    And well done Joe........ you are still an inspiration to us all....I should try to remember that more often ..... hang!

  • Spent my July exercising in my pool..First month for me on my diet and this app...I'm losing for the first time in years...This site is so great and has really helped me...I've even noticed my BP has gone down big time... :heart:

    August is back to work for me...Summer vacation is over...Being back on my school bus and seeing my students will be great...Hearing all their summer time fun..Love my job... :love:

    This month will bring back my routine which I hope will be a bigger help...I'll be busier doing the day and more active.. :flowerforyou:
  • belladiva47
    belladiva47 Posts: 44 Member
    ..Love my job...

    Carol Ann you are soooo lucky to love your job. Good for you.
  • belladiva47
    belladiva47 Posts: 44 Member
    Ok I did this wrong. Was trying to show "Love my job" in quotes but obviously have not figured it out yet.:embarassed:
  • walkswithart
    walkswithart Posts: 145 Member
    Congratulations ! Joe. It must be wonderful to achieve the wt loss such that you can do something which the weight denied you. Guess it inspires me. Thanks and KUDOS!!!!!
  • Joe_Atlanta
    Joe_Atlanta Posts: 66 Member
    Well, we made the trip up to Lookout Mountain, did the hang gliding school and didn't die ;^) .
    Remember the song in Peter Pan, "You Can Fly"?

    When there's a smile in your heart
    There's no better time to start
    Think of all the joy you'll find
    When you leave the world behind
    And bid your cares goodbye
    You can fly, you can fly!
    You can fly!


    Slideshow video, copy & paste in your browser window:
    broad band, hq Mountain Hang Gliding/fly.mp4.html

    small screen, standard quality Mountain Hang Gliding/flight.mp4.html
  • californiagirl1950
    californiagirl1950 Posts: 885 Member
    WOW Joe, good for you! That is so awesome. I love that you put the Peter Pan song to go with it.
  • walkswithart
    walkswithart Posts: 145 Member
    Joe - just watched the video. How awsome. Love the video, love the music, esp the Bass player! A dream come true indeed. What's next????