whole grain mystery...are people really this different?

So my sister and I were discussing our experiences with eating grains ie whole wheat bread, quinoa, brown rice, etc. while trying to lose/maintain on a diet. Our experiences are night and day difference. So my question is a) why is this? and b) what is your experience?

My experience: whole grains fill me up. one of my fave snacks is a slice of cheese and a 70cal homemade organic whole wheat pita. that pita will keep me much fuller for longer than say if I ate the cheese with a salad and skipped the bread. Thus all my meals & snacks include a grain. If I skip grains, I am never satiated. For example, if I ate a 350 calorie chicken & greens wrapped in whole wheat lavash sandwhich it will fill me up longer than if I were to eat 700 cals worth of chicken and greens no wrap. ( I do stay away from processed grains & sugars- I eat only homemade organic. And I skip the sugar and HFC and white versions of bread/rice/pasta in favor of high fiber versions like whole wheat pasta, quinoa, etc). I feel great when I eat whole grains. I wake up and eat homemade flax/wheat/carrot/raisin mini muffins with a tbsp of butter (300cals) in the am and I am ready to take on the world. However if I ate a 300 cal bfast of egg white omlette Id feel like I had to go back to bed. The few times in my life I have reduced carbs Ive had horrible vertigo and low energy almost immediately.

My sisters experience eating the same thing as me could not be more opposte: if she eats any grain in any form it triggers something in her that causes her to not be able to stop. She cant just have one piece of pita with cheese for a snack, shed want more and more pita- it creates this craving. She cant just eat one piece of bread, or a litlte bit of brown rice (like me), she would need to eat all of it. And when she avoids grains altogether, she is fuller longer. When she cuts grains out of her diet, she feels like she could take on the world and feel incredible- the same diet that makes me feel like im dying.

What gives? can two ppl really be this different?


  • anglyn1
    anglyn1 Posts: 1,803 Member
    Very possible. Each person's body works a little differently. I have Celiac disease so if I eat wheat I feel like I'm dying of dysentery. Maybe your sister has an intolerance to grains? Or perhaps she has insulin issues and the carbs cause her blood sugar to spike and then fall to rapidly leaving her craving more? Several factors could be at play here but yes...people can really be that different.
  • linalovekitty
    Very possible. Each person's body works a little differently. I have Celiac disease so if I eat wheat I feel like I'm dying of dysentery. Maybe your sister has an intolerance to grains? Or perhaps she has insulin issues and the carbs cause her blood sugar to spike and then fall to rapidly leaving her craving more? Several factors could be at play here but yes...people can really be that different.

    this is fascinating to me. I think it sounds more like an insulin issue bc she doesnt experience any painful physical reactions. I notice in myself, if I were to say eat HFC like say a McD's chocolate shake, then I have issues. But not with whole grains. I also not only had bad physical reactions to lowering my whole grain consumption as I described, but I never actually experienced any weight loss. I lose more on high grain. My sis is opposite. crazy, all this time i thought i was doing something wrong
  • wolfchild59
    wolfchild59 Posts: 2,608 Member
    It’s not only possible, but it’s pretty normal. It’s why there’s no one way to lose weight. If everybody’s body worked the same then there would be one main weight loss plan and anyone that followed it would be losing weight. But everyone if different, both in how their body actually processes stuff and how they react mentally to it (e.g. trigger foods).

    I personally do better when I have sugary carbs in my diet. Yes, I know exactly how crazy that sounds. But I lose weight easier and more consistently when I allow room in my daily macros for things like cupcakes and Pop Tarts. I seriously wish I was joking about this, but it’s actually completely true. I also am just happier in general and am more likely to make healthier choices the rest of the time if I know that I have those treats worked in already. My friends and I actually joke about my Cupcake Diet and I’m on a first name basis with the staff at the local cupcake bakery I love. Though, I am actually concerned about when I get to my goal weight and I want to try to really shape my body rather than just lose, because I know that sometimes sugar can be a hindrance. But I’m hoping I’ll still be able to make it work.

    But my mother-in-law rarely does sugary carbs, and tends to keep carbs a minimum overall. She does way better with weight loss that way. When she has a higher than usual amount of carbs, she sees temporary gain on her scale where I’ll tend to see a loss. She’s lost a lot of weight and continues to lose by doing this and she doesn’t find it difficult to maintain on an ongoing basis without really having to think about it. She doesn’t have celiacs and grains/wheat don’t cause her any discomfort at all, it’s just not her preferred way of eating/losing weight.

    It’s why I hate when people come on here and push one diet style over another as being better. Maybe it was better for the person pushing it, but that doesn’t mean it’s the right choice for the person they’re telling it to.

    Unfortunately, it’s really only through trial and error will a person find what truly is best for them. Thankfully, you’ve already learned that not having carbs makes you feel crappy, so a low carb style diet isn’t in your game plans. That’s a good place to start. Now it will just be refining from there to figure out what works best in the long run from a long list of ways to eat like net calories (e.g. base number and eat back exercise), TDEE/Road Map (e.g. -20% of TDEE), 5:2, IF, IIFYM, clean eating, etc.

    So support your sister’s need to not eat carby stuff, but enjoy it in your eating plan. It’s just the different ways you guys happen to be, nothing right or wrong about either way. :)
  • linalovekitty

    I personally do better when I have sugary carbs in my diet.

    I have found in the past I as well, have no real issue w sugary carbs for weight loss. I avoid it bc its easy to- theres no good bakeries around here, candy tastes too chemical-y now that Im eating cleaner, but im sure i could get away with that too and i love love love cupcakes :) my fave indulgence is a cup of real full fat choc milk from the dairy
  • linalovekitty

    But my mother-in-law rarely does sugary carbs, and tends to keep carbs a minimum overall. She does way better with weight loss that way. When she has a higher than usual amount of carbs, she sees temporary gain on her scale where I’ll tend to see a loss. She’s lost a lot of weight and continues to lose by doing this and she doesn’t find it difficult to maintain on an ongoing basis without really having to think about it. She doesn’t have celiacs and grains/wheat don’t cause her any discomfort at all, it’s just not her preferred way of eating/losing weight.

    It’s why I hate when people come on here and push one diet style over another as being better. Maybe it was better for the person pushing it, but that doesn’t mean it’s the right choice for the person they’re telling it to.

    THIS ^^^^^^
    My mom, husband and sis are identical to your MIL. So much so, that its hard to discuss dieting- not that we argue- but we just have such different experiences.

    And I cant tell you how many times I've attempted low carb diets bc of others endorsing them. Infact one paleo-centric nutrionist /trainer I had could not understand for the life of him 1. why i couldnt function & had low energy on it and 2. why the weight wasnt coming off. I had about 20lbs to lose and did paleo perfectly for 3 months and lost nothing and felt awful. Meanwhile others were shedding weight and feeling amazing. I was eating way too many calories in an effort to be satiated on paleo. the minute i reintroduced grains I was back and the weight started to come off.

    My other issue is I have never been able to eat less than 2k calories/day. If I even go down to 1800 I get vertigo. So I try to eat as organic/homemade as possible and low sodium
  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    Nature hates a monoculture. We evolved with varied traits for good reason - so that at least some of us will survive "no matter what".