Hi Everyone

mermaidmom48 Posts: 17 Member
Hi, I am a 65 year old grammy that lives part time in Illinois and part time in South Carolina. I have struggled with my weight for most of the last 30 years. Last year, I used Fitness Pal and lost 30 lbs. I still need to lose about 15 more. Plus I regained a few of the 30. I am going to weigh in on Monday mornings and post my weight loss. I did not post last summer. This time around I thought it would be fun to interact with other women my age. I hope to learn new things to inspire me on this journey.....and it is a journey ladies, and I suspect we will all be on it one way or another for the rest of our lives. Eventually, it would be nice to be on the maintenance journey. Do any of you worry about your face falling and looking older as you lose weight? Last summer, when I lost 30, my husband was concerned at my appearance and begged me to stop losing, telling me I was beginning to look old. YIKES! I am struggling with the two needs, the need to lose a bit more weight and the need not to look like a shriveled prune....lol That was why I decided to break this weight loss up into two years. Hugs to all of you. We are on the road!:love:


  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,760 Member
    edited: Do any of you worry about your face falling and looking older as you lose weight? Last summer, when I lost 30, my husband was concerned at my appearance and begged me to stop losing, telling me I was beginning to look old. YIKES! I am struggling with the two needs, the need to lose a bit more weight and the need not to look like a shriveled prune....lol That was why I decided to break this weight loss up into two years. Hugs to all of you. We are on the road!:love:

    Gee I haven't ever lost enough weight that my face fell, it is what it is. Might be an interesting problem to deal with?:laugh:
    I did have a coworker who lost so much weight I was also concerned at how her face looked "haggard". But about three months after she stopped losing weight and was on maintenance, she looked even better than before. She was a real believer in fish and fish oil, so that might have helped her. She said it was just her body's way and she wasn't concerned. Her concern was her 'thunder thighs" so she was determined to reach the bottom of your health weight range and she did and has stayed there.

    I agree it is a journey and I have been on it for some time now. I lose, I gain, I lose again. It is a long and winding road.
  • jeanmrob
    jeanmrob Posts: 632 Member
    Hi there.....very nice to meet you......

    I also feel the need to stay looking as young as possible....I don't worry about my face so much as my neck which I sometimes see as being what we over here in the UK call "scrawny" ..... I'm sure you know what I mean....but to be honest I think being slimmer makes me look and feel younger than my years ... I also keep my hair coloured and not too short ....

  • mermaidmom48
    mermaidmom48 Posts: 17 Member
    Jean you look like quite a dish, how much more weight are you wanting to lose. Sorry I forget how many lbs are in a stone. You certainly look great and I had to laugh when I saw the car behind you. I just bought a car the same color and have the same color hair as you. I could be your American cousin.....colorwise. What part of England are you in? My ancestors came from the Cornwall area.
  • mermaidmom48
    mermaidmom48 Posts: 17 Member
    Thanks, for the great advice. You are the second person today that mentioned fish oil. I think I will be venturing out tomorrow to get a bottle. I really want to get to my healthy weight this time. I am happy that I did not regain the 30 I lost last year. I have regained 5-6 lbs of it, but have managed to stop myself from putting on more. Now time to finish up and get the rest off. I expect it will take me the next 5-6 months if I am persistent. I think with all your help and our encouragement plus tracking my food I can do it. It took 6 months to lose 30. I am patient. I am not much of an exerciser.....just hate it. So losing is a slow journey for me. I will be happy if I can pull off a pound a week. Good luck to you, and I am holding your hand......together we will get to goal.
  • jeanmrob
    jeanmrob Posts: 632 Member
    I took the pic down as it was too big...but thank you for your nice comments...the car is my new-to-me Mini which I really love........

    I only want to lose another four or five pounds really........ struggling with the last few pounds........ I am in the North of England...Yorkshire .. Cornwall is beautiful....lots of beaches there which I love ..... we were there a couple of years ago.......walked on the beach as often as I could....


  • mermaidmom48
    mermaidmom48 Posts: 17 Member
    Gosh its fun speaking to a lady in England. Your mini looks adorable. I just got a new red, VW convertible. If I could figure out how to add the pic I would....lol I have to learn the ins and outs of this website. You look great. Glad you are so close to goal.

    I hope to visit England some day, I was a British Lit major in college. I want to see all the places the great authors lived and wrote. I have one big thrill, I am in communication with Ross Poldark, i.e. Robin Ellis. Talk about Cornwall and I immediately think of Poldark. Yum!
  • jeanmrob
    jeanmrob Posts: 632 Member
    oh wow...Robin Ellis as Poldark was gorgeous...... what a thrill!
  • mermaidmom48
    mermaidmom48 Posts: 17 Member
    I know, Ross and those boots...and that white shirt. Oh My. He is a wonderful blogger, and he responds often to our comments. He blogs about healthy eating. He lives in France with his American wife, Meredith (shades of Paul McCartney) and they eat a very Mediterranean diet. Wonderful blogs. You can friend him on Facebook. He posts lots of pics and lots of great writing of his daily life. You can also subscribe to his blog by just googling Robin Ellis blog Glad you knew who I meant. Most young ones have no idea the heart stopping hours spent with Ross and Demelza back in the day.