Eating your biggest meal at lunch!



  • GeoJenna223
    GeoJenna223 Posts: 68 Member
    I am specifically responding to the "eat after 6" thing. According to both my nutritionist and personal trainer: Your body has no idea what time it is. If I was unable to eat after six, I wouldn't be able to eat dinner period because I don't go to the gym until 6 and I don't get home until 8.

    If I am hungry right before bed, they would rather me have a very small snack (i.e. a baby bel cheese, or a half a slice of turkey) than go to bed with my stomach growling. I asked both of them if this was advice they were giving me because they both know my schedule and workout regiment and they both said the advice was applicable to everyone.

    As far as the OP's question: It turns out for me that my highest caloric intake is during lunch, but that is because I don't eat starches for dinner to try to keep my carbos in check (advice the nutritionist gave me that is not necessarily applicable to everyone else). I do try to eat 5-6 times per day and stay under my 1600 cal goal no matter what exercise I do (My diary is public, if explored you will see that I have stopped logging exercise on this site. I don't want MFP to alter my cal goals, I want to be able to see exactly how much I have left. I track exercise cals via my polar HRM.)

    Anywho. Good luck everyone!
    Just been to the Doctor to start my weight loss program. Her recommendation was to not eat one "big" meal at any time but to break it up to 5 or 6 meals in a day. This has 2 benefits. It keeps the body in longer digestion periods increasing the metabolism making it (the body) feel like it's being fed. Important if you've had cycles of feast and famines and your body has taught itself to save for the famine times. Also, it helps keep the blood sugar levels leveled. I've only been doing this for a couple of days, so I can't give a yea or nay on the success, but it does make sense. She also recommended no snacking or eating after 6 unless I've just completed a cardio work out.
  • candiceroma
    candiceroma Posts: 1 Member
    I was just looking this up because I had started eating a larger lunch and found this practice so helpful in keep me full when I'm most active. I have heard the suggestion of eating 5-6 meals a day, and I hate it, because it honestly keeps my whole day centered around eating. I prefer to eat 2-3 times a day. I'm eating 1200 calories a day or less (depending on how active I am--I'm an editor, I do a lot of sitting), so none of my meals are really large per se, but 200 calories or so in the morning, 600 midday, 400 for dinner. It works for me.
  • Joehenny
    Joehenny Posts: 1,222 Member
    I like my big meal at night. You won't overeat if you take 5 mins to plan.
  • wild_wild_life
    wild_wild_life Posts: 1,334 Member
    I eat when I am hungry and stop when I am full. As long as I stay within goal I am good to go. If that means I eat a big lunch well then so be it. If it means a big dinner well then so be that too.

    Crazy talk! :smile:

    I'm usually hungrier during the early part of the day than at night so lunch is usually my biggest meal. A lot of people seem to be the opposite. It's good to try different things and see what works best for you.
  • guessrs
    guessrs Posts: 358 Member
    I think it's worth a try. I find I'm more satisfied and don't feel like so hungry later on
  • eksero2k
    eksero2k Posts: 83 Member
    I get my food for free at work, so I always have my biggest meal for lunch, it's working out pretty good so far!
  • aliciamarieUF
    aliciamarieUF Posts: 226 Member
    All I have to say about this is...I live in Italy. The Italians have a small breakfast, huge lunch, a small snack later on during the day, and a small dinner. It‘s rare when I see obese people walking around here. Maybe we can learn a little something from them.
  • Chadomaniac
    Chadomaniac Posts: 1,785 Member
    I'm thinking of experimenting with this and I know it's not a new concept. I'd like to eat my biggest meal which would normally be supper during lunchtime to help with weight loss. How many of you do this?

    Calories = weight loss

    Doesn't matter when you eat them . It matters how many you eat
  • nikkylyn
    nikkylyn Posts: 325 Member
    I eat two lunches.. Breakfast at 7. Snack at 930 (sometimes if Im hungry depends on bfast) lunch at 11 and lunch at 2 dinner snack at 4 dinner at 6 ish... I try to make each meal around the same amount of calories. Around 2-300 calories. I dont always eat every snack, it depends on the day.. Or if I plan a huge meal I will go lighter on the calories for rest of meals so it evens out. I dont think it matters when you eat them. I think the issue is if you go to light during the day you may binge on dinner.. Maybe then a bigger lunch would be better.
  • English_Edd
    English_Edd Posts: 4 Member
    I suspect like a lot of people my work (IT) means I'm sitting behind a desk most of the day and I cannot eat when I feel like it. I have no access to hot food at lunch time so my main meal is at dinner 6-7pm. I have always presumed that if I load up on food (calories) at a late time of the day and then go to bed my body is hardly active and doesn’t require all the energy it has just consumed, therefore storing the rest. I know this is probably rubbish but that's how I always saw it.

    I live by the burn more calories than you consume theory and so far it's working fine for me. Last night I started to cut my lunch and dinner carbs out (potatoes, bread, rice, pasta) but up until now I have lost 54lb consuming everything I did before but in lower quantities and drinking lots of water.

    There are so many different opinions on the best way to do things, even from experts. Find what works for you and remember the burn more calories than you consume to lose weight ‘rule’, but do it healthily and don't crash diet. I don’t crave foods as I still eat them.

    That’s my 2 pennies worth anyway
  • Frittycat
    Frittycat Posts: 51 Member
    I know everyone is different, but I stopped eating a heavier evening meal about nine years ago and eat my heaviest meal at lunch. I usually have a lighter snack like fruit or yoghurt at night. It has really helped me maintain weight loss.
  • Eat 6 small meals per day and stop eating at least 3 hours before you sleep. I know that one must create a calorie deficit to lose weight but there's something about eating a lot at night or going to bed full that makes me pack on pounds.
  • bnorris2013
    bnorris2013 Posts: 256 Member
    I have found if I eat a super big lunch that I hardly eat anything at night time where as if i eat a normal lunch at night time i eat my normal dinner and then i still end up eating a dessert

    However I don't do big lunch often as I do like spreading my meals out most days
  • xilka
    xilka Posts: 308 Member
    Most cultures have their biggest meal at lunch.
    Obesity is a bigger problem in the US than anywhere else.
    So, yes, give it a try.

    There's also that saying -
    Have breakfast like a king,
    lunch like a prince,
    and dinner like a pauper.

    There must be something to it, I'd say.
  • All I have to say about this is...I live in Italy. The Italians have a small breakfast, huge lunch, a small snack later on during the day, and a small dinner. It‘s rare when I see obese people walking around here. Maybe we can learn a little something from them.

    I noticed the same thing when I was in France, so I think there is something to the concept! I also found it a great stress reliever to have lunch as the largest meal...that way the evenings were much more relaxed and easy going.
  • bestjuneever
    bestjuneever Posts: 33 Member
    Breakfast and lunch are my biggest meals. I am not really hungry in the middle of the day but when work is over I'm ready to have a good dinner. I just have a snack two hours after breakfast and two hours after lunch. I don't even realize my body is just used to the routine now.
  • ames105
    ames105 Posts: 288 Member
    I do this because my digestion moves very slowly. If I eat a large meal at night, I am uncomfortable and have acid reflux and I don't sleep well. Eating my largest meal earlier in the day gives me time to walk it off and let my body do its thing.

    I think it helps with my weight loss but I have no scientific proof that it does. Its just my feeling about it, I think the scale moves a bit more when I eat lighter in the evenings. However, the only person that matters to is me.
  • fitmomhappymom
    fitmomhappymom Posts: 171 Member
    I do this as well. I dont think it has helped with weight loss, but I havent gained doing this either. Now by biggest meal I dont mean I pig out, I just eat around 600-700 calories (healthy calories) usually a bowl from chipotle with rice, beans, steak and gauc. Because I eat a full lunch and then work out after work, I am rarely hungry at dinner time and usually only pick at the dinner I have prepared for my family.
  • Phoenix_Warrior
    Phoenix_Warrior Posts: 1,633 Member
    Whatever is sustainable for you, do it. As long as you're eating at a deficit, you'll lose weight. I eat most of my calories in the evenings. I like having a big dinner and an evening snack., but that's just me. Everyone is different.
  • Swiftdogs
    Swiftdogs Posts: 328 Member
    It all depends on what works best for your metabolism. I need a pretty good breakfast and my primary meal at lunch, even when I'm not reducing. I'll have mid-morning and afternoon snacks, then maybe a quarter cup of nuts or seeds at night. It works for me, though it's harder to manage a good meal midday.