
  • LaurelFisher
    LaurelFisher Posts: 407 Member
    :flowerforyou: Good evening Ladies, WooHoo :happy: I have posted 3 days in a row and I actually got out and walked a little today. :glasses: It felt wonderful to be out in the sun again. Can't wait for the Cardiologist to release me so I can start exercising. For right now I am taking it slow. Have a wonderful evening. Love, Hugs and Prayers, Rose
    :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

    Last night, my Husband and I were sitting in the living room and I said to him , 'I never want to live in a vegetative state, dependent on some machine and fluids from a bottle. If that ever happens, just pull the plug.' He got up, unplugged the Computer, and dumped my mudslide. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    This is such an active message board and you are such amazing women. It is going to be a steep climb to get to know you and keep up with you. I intend to hang in there with you and keep reaading for inspiration.

    I am beginning to prepare to leave for vacation on Tuesday. If anyone has tips for how to maintain (or even loose???) weight on a cruise, please share.

    Have a beautiful day.

    Bmcg - My only advise is moderation. There is going to be so much food on the cruise. Watch your portions and choose your cheats carefully. Be mindful about what you are eating. Exercise when ever you can. More than anything, enjoy the cruise! Life will be waiting for you when you get back.



    Bmcg....I agree whole heartily with Jeannie. Enjoy yourself and pracrice moderation! Life is too short to labor over food!
    Life will certainly be waiting for you after!
  • GenieM0119
    GenieM0119 Posts: 32 Member
    Hello Ladies,

    My name is Genie and I'm new to the boards. I'm 61 years old and have had a significant weight gain that I know is really not good for my health or arthritis. I'm really hoping to get back on track and release some of this stress through exercising, and support.
  • AHealthierSuzyQ
    AHealthierSuzyQ Posts: 698 Member
    Well I guess muscle weighs more than flab because after doing Zumba Flat Abs daily for a week straight I finally lost 1 of the 2 pounds I gained back, plus I'm down 1" in my waist and 1 1/2" in my belly. :happy:

    The only difference is my exercise: I WAS attending a zumba class twice a week and walking the other days; resting on Sunday. Now I've added the abs workout on the days we don't have class. Its mostly just twisting and crunches to really fun music. I've also learned to save enough carbs for a small box of raisins about half and hour before I work out so I have plenty of energy to give it all I've got.

    Oh how I'd love to shock my best friend by being toned enough to wear a 2 piece at the beach in 3 weeks! :laugh: Last time we were there together I wore a 16W tummy firming 1 piece. If not, I'll just wear my tankini. If its humanly possible to be a size 8 by then, I plan to do it! :drinker:

    Welcome to the new ladies! :drinker: Hubby just left for work so its time to go tone those abs :glasses:
  • Well I guess muscle weighs more than flab because after doing Zumba Flat Abs daily for a week straight I finally lost 1 of the 2 pounds I gained back, plus I'm down 1" in my waist and 1 1/2" in my belly. :happy:

    The only difference is my exercise: I WAS attending a zumba class twice a week and walking the other days; resting on Sunday. Now I've added the abs workout on the days we don't have class. Its mostly just twisting and crunches to really fun music. I've also learned to save enough carbs for a small box of raisins about half and hour before I work out so I have plenty of energy to give it my all.


    I was just wondering. The Zumba Flat Abs, is that a DVD or a class also? I would like to try an exercise that is not hard on my knees. I am afraid I cant do the zumba class at this time, but would like to do something for my tummy and belly. I am walking further now than I ever have, but it is still nothing compared to what you all do. Still it is an achievement for me.

  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    This is such an active message board and you are such amazing women. It is going to be a steep climb to get to know you and keep up with you. I intend to hang in there with you and keep reaading for inspiration.

    I am beginning to prepare to leave for vacation on Tuesday. If anyone has tips for how to maintain (or even loose???) weight on a cruise, please share.

    Have a beautiful day.


    The only way you can be sure of losing on a cruise is to either lock yourself in your cabin when the dining room is open, or arrange with the cruise line to work off whatever you eat by swimming alongside the boat for a couple of hours after dinner.:noway: :noway: :noway: :noway: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Those who know me will realize I am being facetious. Those who don't know me should be able to figure it out as well:wink:

    Congrats on the loss of inches. BTW, keep forgetting to ask how your hubby is doing. I recall a while back, you reported he made some changes in what he was eating and had lost a few lbs., but you haven't mentioned anything about it lately. Hope all is well with him.

    I ran around all day like a crazy person, trying to do my own errands and my mom's, plus we started at 9am with haircut appointments for both of us. I don't usually schedule them that early, but it was the only slot she had with two appointments together, since it was Saturday.

    Doggies are pesky as ever. I came home from my wanderings of the day and discovered I was on the new "Pepper and Bradley weight loss program." :noway: What is that, you ask? Well, as soon as I sat down in my living room chair, I had a Shih tzu and a Yorkie in my lap, and they refused to move so I could get up and make dinner!!!:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: Eventually, I tricked them, by asking "Are there any hungry little doggies around here?" Since they all understand what "hungry" means, I suddenly had no trouble getting up, and before I did, I was getting strong "verbal encouragement" from Mai Li to get to the kitchen ASAP!!:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: And because I am a good momma (and I like peace and quiet:bigsmile: ) the doggies got THEIR dinner before I made my own.:ohwell:

    I am going to call it a night. Have a good Sunday.

  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Happy 10/10/10 ladies.

    Today would have been my dear mum's 75th birthday - which she would have hated and denied (she was perennially 39!) I woke with a tear in my eye thinking about her. I said happy birthday to her and then turned my thoughts to my DD's baby shower, which is this afternoon. The circle of life! My mum would have been so proud to have been a grand-grandma, especially to twins. I was one of triplets, but I was the only survivor. I constantly have to remind myself that a lot of advances have been made in the last 51 years and that my daughter and my grandtwins are going to be fine. Until I hold them in my arms, I will not rest easy.

    As you can probably tell, I am feeling more than a tad emotional today. It's a good job that I've got a busy time ahead. I want to pop to the cemetery to visit mum before I go over to my daughter.

    Won't say any more right now as the tears have started again.

    Bless you all.

    Amanda x
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Well, as usual I haven't posted in a while and now have to try to play catch-up! Hopefully I will have more time to post when my job ends for the season on the 22nd.

    First I want to welcome all of our new people!:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: You have found the BEST group on the whole web!

    Michelle--I hope you and your hubby are dealing well with the loss of Sadie. It is so hard to have to make those kinds of decisions.

    Vicki M--I am happy all went well with your colonoscopy and the you get to keep some of that weight off. You certainly deserve to after having to go through the prep for it!:drinker: :drinker:

    Chicklet--it sounds like you are feeling better. Try to keep your spirits up and remember that we all care about you!:heart:

    Amanda--Have a good time at the baby shower. I truly believe that your dear mum will be there with you. This may sound a bit silly but somewhere I got the idea that our dear departed ones cuddle the new baby souls while they are preparing to be born.:smooched: I really don't know where I ever got this idea but it is one that I like and so I have kept it!:blushing:

    Well, I know I have missed a WHOLE LOT of you but know that I think of you often and say little prayers as I read all your concerns.

    Have a wonderful and healthy day!:heart::heart: :heart:
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Welcome back Faye! Can’t wait to hear about your travels.

    Roxanea – Thanks for the intro. It’s always nice to get to know the ladies posting here.

    LaurelFisher – ha,ha,ha. Thanks for the chuckle. So true about computers.

    Tippi- Welcome. I just found out I have arthritis and I’m just starting to learn about what I can do about it. This is a great group.

    Suezzzque – I do abs every other day and it has made a big difference. I admit to doing wimpy ab exercises, but they still help if done regularly. I hope you do shock your BF at the beach. I know you can.

    Barb – we all appreciate your humor. It brightens my day.

    Amanda – Thanks for sharing your feelings. Things have changed. Your DD and grand twins will be fine, but we understand your worries. I’d feel the same way.

    I will post my update later. I do have some veggie news and yes, my ticker did move again.

  • Hello friends,

    I've been MIA for a few weeks and apologize for worrying you. It's WONDERFUL to be missed though. :love: Thank you for all the kind words. :happy: First, I was off visiting family then, when I got back home, I waded into some paperwork that needed to get done (taxes) and helped my sister with some advertising and the website for her and her husband's business. By that time, I needed hours to catch up with you.

    As Barb said and i've always remembered, we are a bunch of prolific posters aka gabby broads. :wink: I've always been an "all or nothing" kind of gal. It's time to learn to hit the middle. (I'm a late bloomer!) With that in mind, I'm saying a quick (for me! :tongue:) "Hello" and, as many of you have suggested, jumping back in without trying to catch up. (I did skim the posts so far for this month though and please know that I'm thinking of all of you.)

    I was tickled to read in so many of your notes how you're enjoying veggies. You know that old saying we see on too many birthday cards, "like a fine wine, we're getting better, not older"? It's true. We are! But it's not just happening. We're MAKING it happen! Who would have imagined in the bad old days that we'd be eating healthful food and enjoying it so much? :noway: I still fight to resist a few foods. Snack-y things are the worst. But, with good support and eating lots of yummy, healthful stuff, I'm winning. Wow.

    Yesterday, I saw an aunt I hadn't seen for maybe a year She didn't know I'd been working on losing weight. She teared up when she saw me. Talk about feeling good and crying at the same time. Those reminders are good to have. I was starting to feel fat and unattractive again. It's funny how that can happen with 140 lbs to lose or 40. Same dynamic. After seeing my aunt and reconnecting with you, I'm smiling and feeling pretty darned good.

    I did enjoy relaxing about food for a few weeks. :wink: I didn't log what I ate but did focus on eating fruits and veggies. The best news is that I maintained! That is a first for me. It's an awesome feeling. Not as awesome as losing, but awesome nonetheless! I'm ready now to get going on the remaining 40 lbs. Exercise will be a big part as, without it, I have to stick to 1200 calories to lose and that is not happening! :laugh: For me, 1400 calories works much better.

    Next Friday, is my niece's wedding down in the SF Bay Area. (Did I tell you, their first kiss will be when they're pronounced husband and wife. Truly. Sounds crazy but I think it will work for them. They aren't even weird. Well...maybe a little!) The following week, the friend I didn't get to visit last month (when I'd hoped to see Robin and Barb) will be here, so we'll be spending a few days together. Then it will be up to Lake Tahoe with my folks for a week or two. :tongue:

    I'll do my best to check in but, even when I don't, please know that you'll be in my thoughts. I treasure you. :love:

    p.s. Reading over my post, I realized I sounded a little cavalier. It's not a very friendly thing to just drop out of sight for weeks. The reality of losing weight, changing my appearance completely (from fuddy duddy matron to slightly hip grandma) being so intensely focused for so long, etc., etc. just kind of caught up with me. That's probably the real story behind the story. Despite disappearing for a few weeks, I do treasure you. This group and you, individually, are one of the best things in my life. :heart:
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Hello everyone,

    I made a large pot of homemade beef soup. I put cut up okra in it to up the veggies in it. It turned out really good and everyone ate it. Anyway that's my big veggie news. Just trying to expand the vegetables we are eating.

    Mimi- Glad your back and glad you were able to maintain.

  • marlouise
    marlouise Posts: 286
    Hello ladies and welcom new ladies!

    Iv'e been turning the house upside inside out for a couple of days, a tad more to do tomorrow, but it will be less I have to do for the rest of the week. Got the gym cleaned up and did some rearranging. Looks bigger and I have some extra floor space to use, hard to have two people on the floor at the same time, each needs 3 feet to work in. Did my exercises Friday, ohh they hurt too!

    Hope everyone has a great weekend catch you all tomorrow.

  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member

    So glad to hear how you have been doing. Congrats on maintaining!!!


    Sorry you are missing your mum, but glad you have a celebration for you future grandtwins to keep you busy.

    I have to leave soon to go and give a friend on a budget a haircut. I am not a pro, but I have learned a few things from my own hairdresser, and my cousin, who owns her own shop, and therefore, I can save my friend the price of a haircut, and she won't even have to wear a paper bag over her head when she goes to work on Monday!!!!:noway: :wink: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    I have given a few doggy haircuts over the years, but people are easier because they don't try to jump out of the chair partway through the process, and they don't expect you to give them treats when you are done!!:wink::laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Have a good evening, all. Welcome newbies!!

  • AHealthierSuzyQ
    AHealthierSuzyQ Posts: 698 Member
    Chiclet, zumba is available as dvd sets or live classes. I was blessed to have a friend who loaned me just the abs portion of her set so I could work extra hard between now and beach time.

    As for hubby, he lost 12 pounds and then went right back to his old ways. I prepare healthy meals but he still drinks Dr Pepper and eats chips, ice cream, candy and/or desserts almost every day. When I try to talk to him about it, he says he doesn't eat nearly as much as he'd like to. I haven't mentioned it because I don't want my posts to turn into husband bashing sessions. I keep hoping he'll want to get healthy and make better choices. All I can do is be a good example and hope he eventually he'll "get it."
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,474 Member
    Roxanea - pull up a chair :)

    bcmg - have a wonderful trip!

    Last night I noticed that one of the cats peed on the blanket in one of the back bedrooms. Well, since no one was going to go into there anyway, I just waited until today. Had to wash the blanket, sheets, and mattress pad. Then, Vince saw in the other back bedroom that the blanket had been peed on. So, I'm washing the blanket, sheets and mattress pad. Fortunately, we have a plastic liner on the mattress so that wasn't rouined. That only helps solidify in my mind that we did the right thing by Sadie. It wasn't that he was too weak to go to the litterbox, I think it probably was just too much work for him.

    Made the chicken (I put it in the broiler for a bit, then Vince can put it on the grill tomorrow to finish cooking it), made an angel food cake, the key lime pie, and shrimp bites. Have the peas and carrots bought along with the potatoes and sweet potatoes. Made the corn muffins and lemon muffins earlier and they are in the freezer. So I think I'm about ready for tomorrow, just have to pick up a veggie tray. I'm really surprised, I got a thing of dip a while ago, it's past the expiration date but it's STILL good. Instead of dip, I'm just having them put in cheddar cheese cubes. When I went to make the angel food cake, I needed crushed pineapple. When I opened one can I found that it was the pineapple tidbits. Well, Vince can use them on the pizza that he has left over.

    Did an hour of yoga today (Sat). Not sure what I'm going to do tomorrow, either Wii hula hoop or balance games. I know that Vince wants to go practice bowling. On sundays from 10-2 the games are only $1.

    Hey Genie. Welcome to one of the best boards on the net. We laugh together, cry together, b**** and moan sometimes, listen, offer advice on all things, and lots lots more.

    SuzyQ - wow is all I can say!

    Kathy - I like the idea of the departed cuddling the newborns while they are preparing to be born. Awesome thought, I'm going to always think of that.

    On Sun I did 1 hr of hula hoop on the WiiFit, then Vince and I bowled four games. My followthrough really needs work! Tomorrow (Mon) there is some sort of cardio class that I'm going to try. First, I'll take things to the local soup kitchen. After working out, I'll stop at the Salvation Army. They have this neat Halloween display, they said they'd sell it after their customer appreciation sale Sat. I can't go this Sat. Every third weekend of the month our church takes up a collection for the soup kitchen, and this is my month to man that. That means I have to get there early to set up, etc. Then I have to lector. But I will be taking the donations to the soup kitchen on the following Monday so hopefully, if I pay for it now, they'll keep it until Monday. I don't care if they use it.

    For some reason, I can't sleep. I finished the x-stitch bookmark for my cousin (she's the one from CA who is going to be visiting her sister in VA, and while there her sister is going to have a birthday party). Now I'm going to try crocheting some. Maybe I'll fall asleep in the chair.

  • vickim26
    vickim26 Posts: 685 Member
    Good Monday morning ladies. Kenneth got off work yesterday and we went to movie. Really funny movie with Kathryn Heilgel (sp) Life as we know it. Had popcorn at movie and then ate cereal for supper when got home. Did about 20 min. on treadmill. Awake early thismorn and going to gym after posting. He is taking day off cause he has been working so much and I dont have any kids today. Hope to get some things done and exercise in. I weighed this morn and up a few pounds from friday after tests. I am not discouraged. That is to be expected I guess. I was totally cleaned out when I weighed on friday. I am still down 8 pounds from before tests so that is good. I am on a roll so plan to keep going. I hope you all have a good MOnday. Eat healthty and do lots of moving today. Talk to you later.
    Vicki M
  • DebbieW
    DebbieW Posts: 187
    Hello everyone,

    I've been MIA for quite some time now. I have thought of many of you ladies on this thread and have missed chatting with you. I've had a weird year. Started off so gung ho, being dedicated to working out and healthy eating. I hit my goal weight, stopped working out (thought I somehow earned the break). That was a mistake because it's so hard to get back into working out when when you stop.

    As many of you know, my father died and my mother went into a deep depression. I soon forgot about portion sizes although I typically am a pretty healthy eater. Since I had turned 50, my doctor took on a new interest in me, she said that "now that you're in your 50's you have to get your colon checked and get an ultrasound (to check into weird abdominal pains I was having). So off I went on my numerous medical appointments. Got my colon checked, hated it but got the "all clear" signal. (Thank you.) Got my ultrasound, turned out I had 3 large gallstones and got booked to have my gallbladder removed (that explained the weird pains). Had my surgery a couple of weeks ago and am now almost as good as new.

    So....I don't have anymore excuses. Time marches on and weight climbs up. I need to get back into a regular workout routine again and watch my portion sizes.

    Just to show I'm not a complete sloth though,before my surgery I completed a hiking challenge, I hiked over 160 kilometers (over 100 miles) in under 3 weeks. I joined a weekly badminton group and starting tomorrow a weekly Beginners Adult Hip Hop dance class. So I'm trying.

    So, I just wanted to pop in and say hi. I could really use some encouraging words from you ladies to get going again on a daily basis. I will try very hard to get re-connected with all of you.

    Chat with you all soon.

  • glyndam
    glyndam Posts: 18
    Good morning to everyone. Sounds like everyone is doing well.

    I went to Six Flags Over Georgia yesterday with my daughter, SIL and three grandsons. We had a wonderful time. Didn't completely blow my diet but I did eat a few things I shouldn't have. One good thing is that I walked all day long. Since I don't ride the rides anymore, I did try to keep moving when they were on the rides. The youngest grandson couldn't ride everything, so I had to keep up with him. I am paying for it today. My knees are killing me! Good thing I had started walking earlier this month.

    I am going to a nerve doctor this morning to have some test done on my legs. I have had some numbnessand tingling in them, so my doctor is sending me to have the test done. She ruled out poor circulation.

    I can't wait to weigh in Friday. It will be two weeks, and I know I am down. Just don't know how much, but I know my clothes are looking better on me and most of all, I feet better!:heart:

  • kackie
    kackie Posts: 676 Member
    Happy Monday, Ladies!

    Debbie: Welcome back...you've been missed. Know you will get right back on track here.

    Mimi: So good to hear from you and glad you have managed to maintain while so busy.

    Have a house full still, so I'll sign off....just wanted to say hello. Take care, all Kackie:heart::heart:
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member

    Long time no see. I pulled up a listing of your old posts to kind of reset my memory about what was going on with you, and I ran across a post that made me laugh, from the March 50+ thread:

    Barbie (and all the other ladies who share their pet stories on this thread), I get such a kick out of our beloved little 4 legged children.

    My big boy "Spot" (a very large black and white cat) loves to watch me do yoga (he's probably laughing at me ). He waits until I am in the "downward dog" position where my belly is hovering above my yoga mat. He then saunters onto my mat and throws himself on his back and has a big stretch. I know he's attention seeking . I have a good laugh though as I "roll" my little buddy off of the mat (of which he can become quite offended by this ).

    I think our pets help us on our weight journeys, they make us laugh which de-stresses us and when we have less stress, we have less belly fat.

    Hooray for all of our little buddies!

    Is Spot still "helping" you with yoga?

    Bradley and Pepper are "helping" me post (NOT) by parking on my lap so that I have to hold the laptop on my chest above them. So I am making this short. Have a good Monday, all.

This discussion has been closed.