
Hi all, I'm Dawn and new on here. I'm finding the tracking what I'm eating/drinking and the exercise I do really useful. Here's hoping my own self devised diet plan works for me (low carb, lots of salad and fruit). I need to lose around 2 stone in total and I'm interested in other people's experience of what works.

Just wanted to say hello!


  • indigocat
    indigocat Posts: 23 Member
    Hi Dawn and welcome :)
  • dawn_h_d
    dawn_h_d Posts: 184 Member
    Hi, Dawn - my name is also Dawn - feel free to add me if you would like :)

    Good luck!!
  • Hi Dawn
    I am starting today too. I have more than you to lose, about 5st 9 (79lbs).
    I am just doing a balanced diet, just home cooked healthy meals. I am going to avoid 'diet foods' though. They don't seem to help and make cravings worse. Plus the amount of preservatives and chemicals in them are a little worrying. I have been given an allowance of 1200 cals a day plus anything I earn through exercise. Going to try something like this:

    Breakfast : 1 to 1.5 oz cereal plus a portion of fruit
    or 2 small slices of toast and jam + fruit
    or egg +toast + fruit/ juice
    Lunch: Sandwich with lean meat/ prawns plus salad + fruit/ yoghurt
    Dinner: 5oz meat/ fish + 6oz coked pasta /rice/potato + veg (using only 1tsp oil to cook)
    Mid afternoon/ mid morning : fruit/ yoghurt
    Treat : 100 cal low fat pud/ ice
    I am hoping this will be balanced enough and normal enough to stick to. I have tried too many fiddley overly detailed diets.
    Best of luck with yours !
  • dawnstory
    dawnstory Posts: 5 Member
    Thanks all for your replies.

    My calorie allowance is also 1200 (plus whatever I earn from exercise which can be up to 500 for the military fitness class I do!). However, I'm not eating the extra calories on these days.

    It's early days and we'll see how it goes. I'm loathe to join a "diet club" - far too expensive so I'm hoping the support on here might work in my favour.

    I don't think I'm eating enough though! (Fruit for breakfast, salad and chicken for lunch and stir fry with chicken or similar for dinner).

    Best of luck to you too elorakbir1! I agree with you on the diet foods - I'm going to try and avoid these at all costs.
  • karlakk
    karlakk Posts: 28 Member
    Hi Dawn! Feel free to add me, any of you . The support you can find here is fabulous! I will help you be motivated :)