Trying to lose lbs after pregnancy ASAP . Need motivation

I had my little bundle of joy about 4 months ago. I gained 40lbs and lost 20 when she was born. Since then I have lost 5 pounds.. I only wish to lose 10 more pounds and I will be perfectly happy. I want to lose them ASAP before time goes on and I slack of and I know I will lose interest and motivation and gain weight. I have always had a hard time following up on my fitness pal but this time it's different. I know if I had some friends on here and see them logining in I will to. So.. If you don't mind please add.


  • Relax .... Pregnancy weight is not that nightmarish... I gained 40 pounds in my pregnancy and I lost them very slowly and steadily. You have only 10 pounds!!! You can make it!!! Add me if you want. I love supporting my friends and I am a mom of one boy :flowerforyou:
  • Allison121291
    Allison121291 Posts: 3 Member
    I just get so anxious and frustrated at times. These 10 pounds are driving me crazy!! And I feel that at my hight (5'1) pounds will make a big difference. Thanks by the way for befriending me.
  • Phoenix_Warrior
    Phoenix_Warrior Posts: 1,633 Member
    Hey! I had my baby May 16th :) I gained 40 lbs as well, though I was a little overweight prior to pregnancy. You can do it! I was 188 lbs before having my son and I'm 138 lbs now. Add me if you'd like, I've got about 13 lbs left to lose. While it's still warm, take advantage and take a stroller out! Or do workouts during naps. If you're breastfeeding, remember you need extra calories for that too and good luck!!:flowerforyou: