Hi Everyone!

I'm no stranger to the weight loss battle, but I only joined MFP recently, at the suggestion of my darling husband. I've been on many diets, tried all kinds of exercise, and just didn't/couldn't stick with anything permanently in the past. But this past summer, my hubby and I both made the decision that we were going to overhaul our entire lifestyle, one step at a time. I've lost over 10 lbs in the past few months, and I know I've got a long, long journey ahead of me. I blog about everything on my website, vickyfountain.com, so please feel free to stop by and say hi anytime! I'll also be lurking about here on MFP more regularly, and I hope to get to know everyone better!


  • Sarahnade42x
    Sarahnade42x Posts: 308 Member
    Welcome!! I think you took a huge step in the right direction by joining MFP - I've gone through a lot of what you've described (lots of 'diets', exercises, looking for quick fixes) and health/weight loss never really clicked for me until joining this site. The resources, motivation and support on here are just awesome. Congrats on all your success so far and best of luck to you with the rest of your journey! :)
  • caitjune77
    caitjune77 Posts: 6 Member
    Hi my name is Caitlin and I joined about a year and a half ago but really didn't put MFP to work for me. I am going to give this another try and really put my mind and effort into using MFP as a tool to assit in achieving my goals. I want to be healthy, happy, and in shape and I'm going to just go with the flow. I am one that usually puts a time frame on myself which defeats any progress I make since I always beat myself up for any slip-ups. Not this time...Caitlin is changing! Thanks for any and all support you can all give and I look forward to talking to you all.

  • Thanks for the welcome, ladies! I really don't want to rely too much on any one program or resource; I want to focus on making lifestyle changes because I know it's the right thing to do, and in the end, the only one who can make healthy decisions for me, is me! I've found a lot of motivation in researching food, nutrition, how things interact with my body, etc. I think most of us grow up just eating whatever's put in front of us, and we assume it's "healthy" because Mom put it on our plates, or because all our friends are eating it (and hey, they're still alive, right?), etc, etc. It wasn't until I met my hubby - who is diabetic - that I really started LEARNING about food. I've also been doing a lot of research into the food industry in general, and now I try to avoid mass-produced or processed food altogether, if I can. I read nutrition labels now. I know what ingredients I want to see on those labels, and what I don't want to see! And a good general rule of thumb is, if you don't know what it is, don't eat it!! Anyway... sorry for going off on a rant, but I sometimes feel sad when I see people rely on a program instead of learning to inform themselves and make their own choices based on their own knowledge. Because if the day comes that you can't afford the program anymore, or you move away, or you get bored with it... so many people fall into old habits because they've never learned to stay healthy ON THEIR OWN, they've become co-dependent on a program to guide them. My reasons for joining MFP are really just to keep track of my calories and meals, and my weight loss.

    Anyway... that's enough babbling for now!