Feeling extremely sick after workouts

Does anyone else fell very sick after workouts? Not like sore I feel so sick to my stomach I'm pretty much on the couch for an hour after just to recoup. Is this just me working hard or I'm I doing something wrong. By the way I'm pretty new to working out I used to be very fit but I haven't seriously worked out in about 5 years.


  • codycsweet
    codycsweet Posts: 1,019 Member
    I know when that has happened to me it was because I wasn't eating enough. It doesn't mean you have to eat a meal before working out but make sure you are eating enough throughout the day. Your body have to have food to fuel the body. Also try a small snack before and/or after working out Hope it gets better for you. Your body is trying to tell you something
  • Thanks that really helps!