Confessions of a fat girl #1

firespnr Posts: 15 Member
Day 4-*ding* here's an idea why not take the foods that you are already eating and find ways to reduce the calories with in them? Seem reasonable right? I sound sarcastic because I am bit astounded that it took me 3 whole days to figure this out.

Here is a brief description of my learning curve, for those who are just getting started it my help to know that some people take a while to adjust.

Day 1-Great day! But...then the sun went down, the lights went out and I ate pancakes after midnight to satisfy my psychological need for something sweet late at night. Extreme, I know but I subconsciously was sabotaging myself.

Day 2-Bewildered to figure out that my nightly binge was 1080 calories. This is where I usually quit because I suck. But I forged ahead and made it through Day 2. However once it occurred to me that I could exercise to earn more calories to eat I suddenly decided I was not that hungry. (confessions of a fat girl)

Day 3- Great day! Food was not an issue on this day until...after 10:00 pm. I made myself a bean burrito, then another. I felt awful about myself and ashamed. Since I ate them before midnight I told myself it would not be wise to subtract the calories from tomorrows allotment. I had already closed out my day online so once I added the new foods to the diary I saw immediately the impact my late night meal had on my projected weight loss. "If everyday was like today you will 5 weeks" I was devastated.

Day 4- Motivated to get back on track, all the work I had done the days before is not lost. But if I go back to my old habits it will be in vain.

What I have learned about myself and my relationship with food and exercise over the past 3 days is huge.

You can do this!! Don't give up when you make a mistake. Be honest with yourself and allow MyFitnessPal to do what it is intended to do.


  • Great work! That's usually my attitude as well, one bad day sends me into a spiral!
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    Sweet at night is big for me too...I try to eat greek yogurt with fruit...or fruit.

    Barring that...a turtle (chocolate thingy)

    But I too crave sweet carbs...cakes pies I don't deprive myself and make sure I have the calories for it.

    As well don't look at exercise as work...find something you like then it's not a "work" out.
  • Agree with finding what you like! I'm not a big fan of jogging but love playing team sports and walking my dogs!
  • TheMrsCole
    TheMrsCole Posts: 114 Member
    First off I love this post. I was just like this when I started and yo-yo'd back and forth for a while. I still do sometimes, it is just how life is. Secondly, great job on accepting that you are ready to make some changes! That is the first step and being able to do it with a good attitude makes it go much better. Sometimes your body craves items that you know you shouldn't eat. Last night mine was hawaiin pizza. Did I deprive myself of my craving so I would eventually binge on it horribly bad later? Hell no. Instead I ate my pizza. Sometimes letting yourself have items in a smaller dose are just better for you than killing everything that binging horribly. Listen to your body.
  • TBarron784
    TBarron784 Posts: 24 Member
    Thanks for your post and I can so relate. Yes we are only human but I believe in my soul that there is a fear of failure at the core of this type of sabatoge. Then I ask myself what do I have to be afraid of. The only answer is that if I weigh and look the way I dream and still am not happy then something is really wrong with me after all. Then my voice of reason says, no matter what size you are we will always have "those crazy voices" talking to us, it is the human experience and eveyone does, so would I rather carry extra weight, hurt my joints and organs with the fat and weight and still get the voices or be fit and get the voices. I choose fit. I'll deal voices (that aren't there constantly, just when I'm feeling threatened, blahhed, tired, hungry etc.) that by the way all have solutions that don't include eating except "hungry" which I know is nutritionally based. So with all this knowledge its time to stop playing the "dumb game". I will be 50 in September so my goal "one day at a time" is to be the fittest I've been in a really long time at 50. I need all the support I can get so please if you like my post (anyone who reads it) send me a friend request and we can be accountable buddies. Happy New Year and thanks for sharing Ms. Confessions.