What have you "given up" to help meet your daily calorie goa



  • I stopped eating my "healthy" bowl of cereal for a bedtime snack. Turns out i was eating a double, sometimes triple portion. I really really love cereal, but its only once in a while now, always for breakfast and always measured and recorded properly :)

    Since i can't always give up on seconds, i am sure to measure out 3/4 of a portion first (when its something that i know i will want more of!), then i allow myself to go back for 3/4 more if i really want it. That way, the worst thing that happens is i eat 1.5 portions and i can adjust my food intake to work w that or add on a short exercise, if need be.
  • Definitly the cheese and it has made a difference , now.... I'm a dairy lover at heart but have noticed that it's really not that big of a deal if I leave the cheese off of my salad or have one slice instead of three in my sandwich.

    Another thing for me has been switching to a lite dressing. I used to always use alot of regualr dressing on my salad, not realizing thats where the calories were hiding. Now I have a salad with 2 tbs light dressing and save a good 100-150 calories on my salad.
    Creamy sauces and regular mayo,sour cream, milk and creamer were also a bad choice.
    I used to always think that I could never get used to the reduced and fat free versions but I now realize that it only take s a little time and now I don't even notice.

  • mt2008
    mt2008 Posts: 46 Member
    I'm brand new to this, but so far:

    I've cut out cheese (for the most part) in sandwiches
    Use less mayo and other caloric condiments
    Egg white omelets instead of whole egg omelets
    Skim milk instead of 2%
    Soft, squishy white bread, big bagels--switched to whole grain
    Changed up my afternoon snack from "anything that was around" to carrots and ranch
  • pavilo
    pavilo Posts: 3 Member
    I cut the milk out of my diet which it was really hard. NOw I drink my coffee with a little bit of almond milk and splenda. No cheese, or any kind of dairy products. No dressings, no walnuts and dried cranberries on my salad :0( . And now I m kind of thinking about following the Paleo Zone diet.
  • biglazydog
    biglazydog Posts: 15 Member
    I used to eat cheese every day twice a day. Down to about 3 times a week and control portion size. Changed from ice cream to non fat peach sherbet.
  • skeetpea
    skeetpea Posts: 241 Member
    Ice Cream (this used to be a nightly ritual)
    Fast Food (i'd eat fast food several times a week)
    Soda (mtn. dew is my fav!)
    Coffee (starbucks)
    Microwave dinners (some of these are so bad for you, I now prepare my own meals fresh)
    Candy/Chocolate (another daily ritual)
    Pizza (I would eat have a pie in one sitting!)

    I thought it would be so hard to give up some of these things, but I guess I am more determined to lose the weight than overindulge on things that are not going to help me lose weight!
  • I've given up on cheese on my salads on most days and don't even notice it anymore. Just wasted calories, unless it's a main ingredient. I also cut out chips as a side with my sandwiches. I have a salad in place of chips...I'm all about getting the most out of my calories. Fruit loops used to be a nightly routine with me. Now I don't eat anything after dinner. I'm really impressed with myself...hehe.
  • Hi,
    New around here. If I had to say I gave up anything its food that I can't know how many calories it has in it. I guess that means I eat out alot less.
    Totally this. I don't patronize restaurants that don't have nutrition information on their website. ON OCCASION, I go to a restaurant where I can grab a grilled seasoned steak and some steamed veggies, or I'll have some steamed chicken and veggies at the chinese place, but other than that, I just go to the ones that have information posted.

    Aside from that, I have gotten rid of my nightly bowl of ice cream. My husband and I used to eat SO much. The not-quite-half gallons they sell now would only last four bowls for us. It was the slow churned stuff which isn't quite as bad as the full fat/cal ice cream, but it is still unacceptable.
  • kdiamond
    kdiamond Posts: 3,329 Member
    Definitely things I don't know what's in it.

    Junk food, and most processed foods.

    Breads only once in a while.

    I still drink my wine. ;)

    I don't miss it all though!
  • marinabrazil
    marinabrazil Posts: 106 Member
    My two pieces of Milka chocolate after lunch :(((, my lovely cheese melts, croissants and all the other diabolic things you can find in the bakery section.
  • hewhoiscd
    hewhoiscd Posts: 1,029 Member
    No more soda or sweet tea. Also gave up white bread products.
  • FemininGuns
    FemininGuns Posts: 605 Member
    I've cut out my sugar and milk in my coffee... I use to like my coffee to taste almost like caramel - full of milk and sugar... Big step for me! But VERY convenient went wanting to drink a coffee - don't have to worry about all the extra cals!
  • Soda
  • nsueflorence
    nsueflorence Posts: 295 Member
    sweet tea!
  • sexygenius
    sexygenius Posts: 1,078 Member
    i only use egg whites in my omlettes, infact i like just egg white better than whole eggs, and then i dont feel bad about having a slice of bacon. (Real egg white, not packaged, those are GROSS)
  • kacylaine
    kacylaine Posts: 154 Member
    I eat anything I want. If I want a burger and fries for lunch, I plan for that and adjust breakfast and dinner to compensate. If I have to deprive myself, I'm GOING to binge. Nothing is off limits. But I am careful not to let those indulgences take me over the edge and over my calorie goal.
  • most of my snack foods....
    and chocolate. Not all chocolate... but most chocolate. it kills my caloric intake
  • Pasta.. Burgers w/ bacon and cheese.. lots of cheese... cut back to 1 cup of milk a day when I used to drink half a gallon...loaded baked potatoes with cheese sour cream bacon etc.. chips..

    Basically I lived off starch of any kind.. pasta rice potatoes usually topped with tons of cheese... I haven't completely gotten rid of everything. I just eat it in moderation and measure every ounce of what I eat.

    Luckily I am not a big chocolate or sugar person so that stuff was easy to cut out. I only have been drinking water and milk for years with the occasional soda once every 3 months. And I really don't drink alcohol. So yea.. for me it was carbs and cheese.. I love cheese.. lol
  • rw4004
    rw4004 Posts: 157
    Soda(long time ago feel so much better),white flour,high fructose corn syrup,dairy(not 100% all the time),meat(not 100% all the time),fried food,butter,eggs:anything not vegan,raw,orangic basically.I eat a lot of healthier more satisfying things that fill me up and help me lose weight!Just ate a fruit bowl (soy whip is good on top!).Anyone thinking of trying vegan or vegetarian please remember you need protein,vitamin B-12,iron,and you can get this in a vegan diet!I'm drinking lots of water which helps me stay full longer(eating more fiber and protein does too) and helps my skin.
  • starbucks and alcohol!!! way too many empty calories!!!
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