2 week challenge



  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Welcome new peeps! Happy birthday scthemis!

    Beeps, I don't go to formals. EVER. I don't guess I really have the desire to get completely over the top dressed up really. I have a couple formal dresses and I always threaten to pull them out for parties. We throw a KY Derby party each year, and I always put on something ridiculous at some point during the party. Maybe I'll do a formal dress this year. :smile: Anyways, good luck with finding the perfect dress! I have to admit the shopping for one does sound fun.

    Amy, I bet it is nice having a house husband! Glad you all are happy with the new situation. And good for him for pursuing his dream.

    Abi, hope you figure out how to get some strength training in. Hope you wrist continues to cooperate with you.

    That's all I can see.....

    The scale rewarded me with a pound loss today! Really motivating. Watching the drinks and paying attention to my diet again (after not logging for several months) has been good to me. My 30 miles a month challenge has kept me motivated to get in some cardio too. I'll be posting another February challenge, around 30 miles, and will post here as well if anyone is interested. I also signed up for a 2 hour core strength workshop next Saturday with the chick that teaches the class at my office and she also trains Eric at our house. I'm pretty excited about it. I've got a long work day ahead of me. Another night meeting so probably won't be home till 7pm or later. Boo..... Looking forward to the weekend!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,096 Member
    ....if anyone has size 8 formals that they want to get RID of, send me a pic of the dress and, if it's the cut that suits MY body, I'll totally take it off your hands! (I tend to focus on very classic lines because the ball gowns have to last a decade...."modern" cuts fade out after a year or two and are dumb, for me.)
  • abigail1977
    abigail1977 Posts: 544 Member
    Beeps - can't wait to see the dress. I wish I had a reason to get dressed up in a formal gown. Nobody around here dresses up for anything & it is so annoying. I tend to overdress anyways just because I want to. I also tend to avoid trendy things & go for a classic look, stuff lasts way longer.

    Better - yay on the pound lost!

    scthemis - welcome, those are good goals & that is good that your husband is on track with you, definitely makes things easier

    amy - hope your back feels better, that is awesome about your hubby

    I started logging again yesterday. My stomach has grown quite a bit since the holidays & my pants are all tight so it is time to get strict about eating and get back into an exercise routine - now!
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    I fell off the wagon last night! but I will get back on it:)

    Happy 40th, scthemis! When I turn forty I want a party in Mexico:drinker:

    My back feels a bit better. I do drink plenty of water all the time, and I do the foam roller, but it's at the beginning of my workout. I could do a better job of stretching at the end. I think I do deadlifts wrong! and I sit all day which isn't good for it.

    I could do a 30 mile/month challenge, sounds good. Except there is snow on the ground here. and I cannot find the plug to charge my ipod. It's a shuffle so it's not like anything else I have. I have been using my phone but I prefer the ipod...
  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    Amy- I hear ya on the back issues! I worked out Tuesday morning. Yesterday I felt fine, but Wednesdays are hard to get a workout in bc I have to take the baby to my moms. This morning my back was feeling a bit rough so I did not workout, just did some stretches. This is so frustrating! And I want to be extra cautious because last week when it hurt really bad I had a hard time picking up the baby, which obviously is not good.

    So I am just keeping in check with the diet rather than focusing on exercising. I might do some easy walks on the treadmill, which sounds like torture! I cant wait until it gets warm out I am ready to get outside!
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    I think I do deadlifts wrong! and I sit all day which isn't good for it.

    I could do a 30 mile/month challenge, sounds good. Except there is snow on the ground here. and I cannot find the plug to charge my ipod. It's a shuffle so it's not like anything else I have. I have been using my phone but I prefer the ipod...

    The best advice I got on deadlifts is keep the bar on your shins. If you have on shorts, the bar should rub and hurt your shins. Keep your back straight and chest up. I was doing them very wrong until about the last year, mostly wrong till about the last 6 months, and finally think I'm doing them mostly right in the last month.

    Do you have a treadmtill or access to one? I used to loathe the mill, but we have rekindled our relationship. I love doing speed work; passes time and miles quickly! I start at an easy pace (about 5.7-5.8) for a quarter mile, then bump up to how fast I'd like to run (6.2-6.3) for a quarter, then back to easy for a quarter, then my desired pace plus 0.1mph, back to easy, up another 0.1mph....so on and so forth.....
  • ramalem
    ramalem Posts: 1,066 Member
    Deadlifts are hard to master, but Beeps that video is great. I watched it a few months ago and it really helped with my form. I still don't like them though!

    @Beeps - can't say I have had a formal to go to since prom (unless my wedding counts haha). Good luck on finding a dress, can't wait to see what it looks like!

    @Amy - I kinda fell off last night too. Here's to getting back up again.

    @Abi - good luck getting back to logging.

    @Chloe - hope your back feels better!

    @Better - I love speed work. Really makes the time fly.

    That's all I can see! Got my lifting and a little cardio in at lunch today. Gosh what a difference 5 hours makes when going to the gym. So quiet and the weight room is practically empty. Love it!
  • KellyBgetsfit
    KellyBgetsfit Posts: 1,713 Member
    I can't wait to pull my scale out!!! I wanted to this morning but resisted. Instead, I did a measurement on just my lower belly. I'm down a half inch..probably more. I think I held the tape tight last time. :laugh:

    I have logged all week and have stayed well below. I did yoga at work yesterday. It was fun and I can't wait until next week. They have a real person on tues and then do Jillian Michael on Thurs. I won't be able to do Wed walks because my schedule changed but oh well.

    Ram-Great job on getting in your workouts yesterday.

    Chloe- i agree with treadmills. Outside is better.

    Amy- do you have the big foam roller? I want one but someone said they were expensive.
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    I do have a big foam roller! my husband got one for Christmas! There's one at the fitness center too, and the D2S workout has foam rolling at the beginning of every workout. I really love it for upper back. It doesn't seem to do much to help lower back. I do some down dogs, cat/cow yoga stuff and hip flexor stretches to help strengthen that part, it's supposed to help...
    thanks for video, Beeps, I will try it...

    I also hate the dreadmill, but it supposed to be nice out this weekend so I plan to get in a couple of runs... The gym where I go has some crappy treadmills and they are popular. I can't do a lot of "interval" work because it takes so long for them to ramp up and down! If I have the place to myself I set one on walk and one on run and switch back and forth, but that seems rude if others are there:noway:

    I am having a quiet evening tonight because of an early morning tomorrow. No plans tomorrow, really, then Sunday a baby shower so I thought maybe I will delay the winter cleanser, do that Mon-Wed instead.

    Hope everyone has a great weekend! Stay strong, and fit and healthy and eating right:bigsmile:
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,096 Member
    145.6....officially in plateau-land.


    I got my 3 x lifting in this week - which was H-A-R-D given my whacky schedule - and I am GLAD to be OUT of the gym until Monday. Seriously. I'm exhausted.
  • moniquestifter
    moniquestifter Posts: 2 Member
    Hi new to group and back to MFP after hiatus. Is there anyone else here managing chronic pain? When I have a flare up I have to rest and can't workout, which is soooo frustrating.
    My two week goals are to:
    Log every day and stay within 1200 calorie limit.
    Gym Workouts 3 days a week and 30 minute walk days not at gym.
    Stretch and foam roller daily.
    Drink 8 glasses of water a day.
    Reevaluate and restructure work day as psychotherapist to better manage stress. Say no!
    Only one desert a week-must be in calorie count.
    Can't wait to get started!
  • VelcroButt
    VelcroButt Posts: 34 Member
    Hey guys. I am going to do my first 2 week challenge starting tomorrow. My goals are:

    1. eat 1200-1400 calories per day
    2. exercise at least 5 days a week
    3. go to sleep by 10 each night (except Friday and Saturday)

    #3 is going to be the hardest. I'm such a night owl but it's much easier to exercise when I get enough sleep plus there's no risk of midnight snacking which tends to be my downfall. Good luck everyone!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,096 Member
    My 2-week-challenge:

    1. Upped my calories to 1,400 per day (truly, 9,800 per week, since, with planning and intentional, some days will be higher and some days will be lower). NO extra calories for any exercise performed

    2. 3 x weekly weight-training.

    3. likely can't get in 1 x weekly scheduled cardio this week, but starting in February, I'm throwing this back in here - I've missed 4 saturdays in a row due to kidlet activities and I'm TERRIFIED to try and do ANY cardio right now because of the lung-burn-blow-back.

    4. MORE water....I'm sooooooo bloated today (TOM), it is kinda AWFUL.

    5. MORE sleep....I'm also very sleep-deprived. Seem to be having a LOT of trouble staying asleep. Booooooooooooo.
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Oh, Beeps, I think I want to "star challenge" because that seemed good for me, to look at the week instead of a day, and be able to cycle up and down a little.
    I think I will try average 1200/day for the week.

    I started the winter detox yesterday and it was a lot of cooking. I have probably dirtied every pan twice making stuff to have just for a couple of days! I burnt the balsamic miso roots! I ate most of them anyway. I went to a baby shower and had seltzer and a walnut lentil spread I had made. so no one noticed. The cupcakes were tempting though, because I started my period yesterday too, perfect!

    Yesterday was a savory shake for breakfast (avocado blended with broth and a bit of miso), roasted roots for lunch and quinoa stuffed squash for dinner. It wasn't super low-cal but not really high either. the nice thing is that someone else on MFP is doing it, and they entered the recipes or "new food" and I think it's accurate so I can use that instead of the recipes!
  • abigail1977
    abigail1977 Posts: 544 Member
    Amy - the winter detox food actually sounds pretty good, I hope it works well for you

    Beeps - hope your goals will help you break your plateau

    Velcro & Monique - welcome to the group & good luck with your goals

    So, I had my first strength workout on Friday since my wrist sprain. After only 4 push-ups my wrist was hurting so I skipped the bodyweight exercises & did all resistance band exercises instead. It wasn't much of a workout but it's a start. I will do more again today. Injuries are no fun, especially when you get older! I missed my yoga class Saturday & did not get my cardio in yesterday because I had to bring my daughter to a Snow White audition - like I need one more thing in my schedule, yuck.
  • ramalem
    ramalem Posts: 1,066 Member
    Morning ladies!

    Amy - good luck with the detox. Can't wait to hear your results/opinions.

    Velcro/Monique - welcome!

    Abi- You have to start somewhere. Good luck with your schedules!

    I pretty much fell off the wagon this weekend. Did not workout, log or eat well. I have decided that Weight Watchers isn't worth it for me since I'm not really using it. Not sure what I need to kick my butt in gear either. I am proud of myself for keeping up with the gym, even if it is only 3 days/week. I'm halfway through Stage 2 in NROL and can't wait to move on to the next. Really hoping to get up to the mountains on Friday (my day off) to try out my new snowshoes. Unfortunately, we haven't had much snow in the Pacific Northwest :(

    My Goals:

    Log - even if it's awful
    Water - I haven't been drinking nearly enough
    Weights 3 days + one extra day of cardio

    Have a great week all!
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Hey ladies. My weekend was pretty good. I drank more wine than I probably needed Saturday (can we say broken record)....but moderated the rest of the week. And I wasn't sloppy drunk or anything. Just drank wine from late afternon till bed time. We had Daphne's birthday party Sunday which was a hit. I made high heel cupcakes that turned out so cute. I ate okay. I don't feel terrible today.

    I was one lift short of my work out goals last week. There is no way I could squeeze in even 20 minutes yesterday. But I did 3 miles on the mill Saturday. It's sort of becoming routine. We go to the coffee shop and then hang out at home and relax; at noon D goes down for her nap, and I hop on the treadmill. It gets me off to a good start and gets me motivated for the weekend.

    I also worked out at lunch. I lifted and then hopped on the new treadmill for a mile. I feel GOOD! I am loving the basement gym at work. It was busy today; there were like 7 or 8 or us down there.

    My Goals:

    1. Hit my alcoholic drink max goal (or rather stay under it)
    2. Lift 2x (one done)
    3. Yoga class Tuesday
    4. Core workshop Saturday (excited about this)
    5. I will try to probably get on the mill Thursday on my day off. Or walk/run outside with D if weather allows.
    6. 10,000 calories or less net (1400/day + a littell extra for a cheat)

    I logged almost everything last week except the end of the Satuday wine and all of Sunday. But I think I may have done okay though. Guess we'll see on Thursday! Have a great week ladies!
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Post a pic of the high-heel cupcake! I bet it was cute. or wait, maybe not pics til wednesday;) j/k, I just noticed how many pics of food are on facebook-delicious sugary goodness.

    With the cleanse you don't really eat until 1:30pm. The first meal you drink at 10:30. Today was a chai gingerbread, but made with rooibos tea so no caffeine. I seem ok with the second day no caffeine, so that's good. I took advil for cramps though, so maybe it worked on whatever headache I did have.

    the cleanse is no dairy, gluten, shellfish, anything processed (including all soy products), nightshades (potatoes, tomatoes, peppers and eggplant), condiments, sugar, alcohol, caffeine and soda.

    But they let you put honey in the chai and I think that's probably the same as sugar anyway, but oh well... also, I drank perrier at the baby shower, and that would probably count as soda.
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Here are the cupcakes:



    I wouldn't count Perrier as soda. It's just carbonated water right? Maybe a little sodium?